With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

The Court should overturn gay marriage. The same court that allowed it is also the same court that said the federal government had no authority to define marriage. If not the federal government, that leaves only the states. The issue at hand is federal overreach in accordance to the courts own words. That needs to be corrected.
I noticed that Thomas did not mention Loving V. Virgina. I wonder why. Do you think that should go also?
You are dead right. Donald Trump is a horrid sinner. Sadly, we don't have anyone left to elect except sinners, as Jesus Christ is not on the ballot.
I have never, not once, ever heard a Trumptard who mentions forgiveness of sinners ever apply that reasoning to a Democrat. They never ever let a Democratic sin go without continually harping about it.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites.

And Trump has admitted he has never asked God for forgiveness. He is thoroughly unrepentant.
The Supreme Court is not "evolving". It's been engineered to by the Federalist Society to overturn laws their far right dark money backers, don't like.

This court has no credibility. Yesterday it overturned a 100 year old law on the basis that the state has no right to regulate the second amendment, and today it overturned a 50 year old decision and said women have no rights under the Constitution.

Now they're going after gay rights.
"today it overturned a 50 year old decision and said women have no rights under the Constitution."
Of course, that is not at all what it said but then, you do have to keep up with your steady stream of uninformed bullshit, right lady?
You are clearly ignorant of the arguments racists have used to ban interracial marriage, and Genesis 9:18–29 is chief among those arguments.

Haters can always find a Bible verse to justify their irrational hatred. That's exactly why we are not a theocracy.

So? I can say War and Peace is about My Little Pony too. That doesn't make it right.
"today it overturned a 50 year old decision and said women have no rights under the Constitution."
Of course, that is not at all what it said but then, you do have to keep up with your steady stream of uninformed bullshit, right lady?
And a "lady" who really has no right to an opinion on the subject in the first place.
In Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court stated there was no rational basis for banning interracial marriage. The interracial marriage ban was based strictly on hatred.

Just so with gay marriage. There is no rational basis for banning it.

Gays are covered by the equal protection of the laws which bestow cash and prizes on married people the same way mixed race couples are.
I don't understand it. I don't mean that to brag. I mean I cannot understand why someone would think white people are so superior--and I'm white. Rather than stay in the warmer climates during the Ice Age, we basically got trapped on ice bergs and thus developed light skin and eyes. Every time I hear a white supremacist wail on, in my head I hear, "Yeah, vitamin D deficiency! Yay for bad timing like moving north just before the Ice Age! Yay for getting trapped on ice bergs!"

Yes, I'm white. My wife (and therefore) kids are not. The thing with g5000 is he's so indignant and NO ONE AGREES WITH HIM.

Note that by the Bill of Rights and the 14th amendment abortion and interracial marriage are completely different.

If I were black instead of white, would man/woman marriage change who I can marry? Yes, so it violates the equal protection clause

If I were gay instead of straight, would man/woman marriage change who I can marry? No, it's Constitutional.

More basic though is no one is arguing against interracial marriage other than the racist g5000. He's arguing on the side of no one. He's the racist here
The Supreme Court is not "evolving". It's been engineered to by the Federalist Society to overturn laws their far right dark money backers, don't like.

This court has no credibility. Yesterday it overturned a 100 year old law on the basis that the state has no right to regulate the second amendment, and today it overturned a 50 year old decision and said women have no rights under the Constitution.

Now they're going after gay rights.
I understand what they have done and why. I agree, New Yorkers should be able to apply for and receive a Concealed Carry Permit, just as if they were citizens in almost every other state, if they pass all the background checks. I would not want to go unarmed in your state, so I'll stay out of your state, as they do not even honor reciprocity among most states, though that is in the Constitution, also. The State of New York is just not big on the Constitution. I also understand today's ruling, legislating from the bench to do away with legislating from the bench because legislator refused to do their jobs. Do you think New York, your state, will ban abortions? I doubt it very much.
I noticed that Thomas did not mention Loving V. Virgina. I wonder why. Do you think that should go also?
Not my concern. My concern is the court ruled the federal government cannot define marriage. That leaves only the states. The egregious federal overreach is my concern. It must be corrected.
I have never, not once, ever heard a Trumptard who mentions forgiveness of sinners ever apply that reasoning to a Democrat. They never ever let a Democratic sin go without continually harping about it.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites.

And Trump has admitted he has never asked God for forgiveness. He is thoroughly unrepentant.

Donald Trump is not a Christian. I would not expect him to ask God for forgiveness, just as I would not expect Democrats who are not Christians to ask God for forgiveness. Also. I do not have to demand his forgiveness for his adultery, because I am not the injured party. The Democrats, however, are forever trying to "injure" us--look at inflation and gas prices right now. Look at what they attempted to do with the shots, which are now proven to decrease men's sperm count AND cause heart issues.
Nice try, dipshit. I am pointing out the same legal thinking used to overturn bans on interracial marriages can and has been used to overturn bans on gay marriages.

Clarence Thomas has conveniently left that out of his opinion, for obvious reasons.

I destroyed your argument in post 188, racist
Yes, I'm white. My wife (and therefore) kids are not. The thing with g5000 is he's so indignant and NO ONE AGREES WITH HIM.

Note that by the Bill of Rights and the 14th amendment abortion and interracial marriage are completely different.

If I were black instead of white, would it change who I can marry? Yes, so it violates the equal protection clause

If I were gay instead of straight, would it change who I can marry? No, it's Constitutional.

More basic though is no one is arguing against interracial marriage other than the racist g5000. He's arguing on the side of no one. He's the racist here
I'm not arguing against interracial marriage, retard.

You are a constant reminder that half the population is below average in intelligence.
The funny thing is, Jesus spoke out against adultery but he never spoke out against homosexuals.

And yet the tard herd lines up behind Trump to lick his butthole.

That's because Jesus never said anything against licking buttholes.

But common sense really ought to steer them away with that one.
No. The only thing that is being displayed is the right wing's complete disregard for liberty and freedom of choice.

Seems to me, the States now have Liberty, and the States now have freedom of choice

Too bad for you, fucktard leftie. Now you're going to have to fight 50 battles instead of just one.

And you won't be able to inflict your bullshit morality on others anymore. Unless they're stupid enough to want it.

And using the courts to hammer it home.
Again, liberty and freedom for some...only the people we deem worthy. :)

If it were up to me you wouldn't be allowed to vote. You're too stupid.

Now go fuck yourself.

Sorry, I don't take orders from lefties.
I'm not arguing against interracial marriage, retard.

You are a constant reminder that half the population is below average in intelligence.

So if you aren't arguing against interracial marriage and no one else is, I'm the retard? No, you are, racist
Donald Trump is not a Christian. I would not expect him to ask God for forgiveness, just as I would not expect Democrats who are not Christians to ask God for forgiveness. Also. I do not have to demand his forgiveness for his adultery, because I am not the injured party. The Democrats, however, are forever trying to "injure" us--look at inflation and gas prices right now. Look at what they attempted to do with the shots, which are now proven to decrease men's sperm count AND cause heart issues.
Actually, Trump claimed to be a Presbyterian. Then, while in office, he decided he isn't a Presbyterian any more and declared himself a "non-denominational Christian".

As for your Trump Vaccine conspiracy theories, they are nonsense. You are at much greater risk by not being vaccinated than you are by being vaccinated. Just ask the more than one million who have died from Covid.
So if you aren't arguing against interracial marriage and no one else is, I'm the retard? No, you are, racist
I will use small words so you can maybe understand.

The claims against gay marriage can be used against interracial marriage, too.

Clarence Thomas knows this which is why he excluded Loving from his opinion.

He is a hypocrite.
Marriage IS a government contract - it's entirely a legal concept, and not a religious concept. Marriage confers upon family units, certain rights and benefits, and settles who is your next of kin in the event you can't act for yourself or you die intestate.

Common-law marriage confers some, but not all of those rights, and the rights which are conferred vary from one jurisdiction to another.

As such, government refusal to allow gays to marry was causing multiple problems for gay families. When one partner died, their children were taken away by spiteful families, so the children lost both parents. Gay families didn't have access to family health care benefits, or joint tax filings.

Gay marriage has no impact on straight marriage whatsoever. The larger community isn't being harmed by gay marriage, but it has an enormous impact on gay families. Life changing.

Basic rights, like abortion or gay marriage should NEVER be left to the individual states. Women and gays should have the same right to abortion in EVERY state in the union, and ditto marriage rights, and accommodation rights for gays as well. Voting rights especially. You shouldn't have to check simple human rights laws when you cross a state border.

Abortion is not a human right, you dumb fucking ****.

It is an ELECTIVE medical procedure. Except in very, very rare cases.

Now STFU, and ask your boy Trudy to give you some morning after pills

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