With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

What exactly is it you think gays are asking for when they ask for the GOVERNMENT to recognize their marriages, retard?

They are asking for the same rights and benefits of heterosexual marriages.

I am certified in civil litigation and contract law.
I've never been much of a reactionary or prone to panic and will not be this time either. This ruling was coming, and we knew it was coming, and that includes you. No. You cannot assume settled law will always be settled law when depending on the continually evolving Supreme Court and in practice, never could on rulings that were activist ruling, enacted because lazy legislators seeking to remain popular refused to act and do their jobs. I suspect if there are more radical moves made, legislative and executive action will be forced, that has been resisted in the past, up to and including expanding the court to get temporary balance and restraint. I will exercise my personal restraint from panicking prematurely.

The Supreme Court is not "evolving". It's been engineered to by the Federalist Society to overturn laws their far right dark money backers, don't like.

This court has no credibility. Yesterday it overturned a 100 year old law on the basis that the state has no right to regulate the second amendment, and today it overturned a 50 year old decision and said women have no rights under the Constitution.

Now they're going after gay rights.

Your red herrings about contracts have nothing to do with it.

You don't understand the laws. It's like the birthers who can't understand the word jurisdiction in the citizenship statutes.
Marriage IS a government contract - it's entirely a legal concept, and not a religious concept. Marriage confers upon family units, certain rights and benefits, and settles who is your next of kin in the event you can't act for yourself or you die intestate.

Common-law marriage confers some, but not all of those rights, and the rights which are conferred vary from one jurisdiction to another.

As such, government refusal to allow gays to marry was causing multiple problems for gay families. When one partner died, their children were taken away by spiteful families, so the children lost both parents. Gay families didn't have access to family health care benefits, or joint tax filings.

Gay marriage has no impact on straight marriage whatsoever. The larger community isn't being harmed by gay marriage, but it has an enormous impact on gay families. Life changing.

Basic rights, like abortion or gay marriage should NEVER be left to the individual states. Women and gays should have the same right to abortion in EVERY state in the union, and ditto marriage rights, and accommodation rights for gays as well. Voting rights especially. You shouldn't have to check simple human rights laws when you cross a state border.
There's no such thing as "gay marriage". The definition of marriage is male and female and always has been. We don't care how many dictionaries you alter.
The Court should overturn gay marriage. The same court that allowed it is also the same court that said the federal government had no authority to define marriage. If not the federal government, that leaves only the states. The issue at hand is federal overreach in accordance to the courts own words. That needs to be corrected.
The abject ignorance on the Constitution is really something. I'm not a lawyer or even close, but wow. People don't even understand that anything not outlined in the Constitution is supposed to go to the states--the 10th Amendment. Just whoa

Yep, exactly, the 10th amendment is completely clear but ignored by the Federal government because they want to ignore it because it severely limits their power.

The 10th is bolstered by the 9th that says just because a right isn't ceded to the government, it's no less of a right even if it isn't mentioned in the Bill of Rights.

Democrats are racists, liars, and authoritarian leftists. Don't agree with them? Be silent or be destroyed. Democrats don't bother with making valid arguments
hhahahah no. Not the race thing. At least not if you're going from the Bible. If you're going from something else, not interested.
On January 6, 1959, the Lovings pleaded guilty to the charge and were sentenced to one year in jail; however, the trial judge suspended the sentence for a period of 25 years on the condition that the Lovings leave the State and not return to Virginia together for 25 years. He stated in an opinion that:

'Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.'


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