With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

Yes, by all means ask a lawyer. Please!

You clearly do not have a clue what "equal protection of the laws" means. So ask a lawyer.


The marriage contract is between consenting adults not between consenting adults and the state.
Wrong. Minimum age, Blood tests or not, relatives, etc. Marriage is a state issue. You twits abuse that 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment deals with ex slaves.
Wow. More massive ignorance.

It's funny how tards who claim to love the Constitution know absolutely nothing about it.
Boy, these fucktard lefties are really exposing their true colors today

This one disrespects our Constitution and has no use for it
No. The only thing that is being displayed is the right wing's complete disregard for liberty and freedom of choice.
And using the courts to hammer it home.
Again, liberty and freedom for some...only the people we deem worthy. :)

Now go fuck yourself.
The marriage contract is between consenting adults not between consenting adults and the state.
What exactly is it you think gays are asking for when they ask for the GOVERNMENT to recognize their marriages, retard?

Try not to hurt yourself while you ponder this question.
Calm yourself, as an adult in the room. They did not ban abortion. They just removed court legislated protections as a constitutional issue, same as when they made them up to put them in but now put it in the hands of the states. Are you pregnant? Are you even female? Calm yourself. You are in public.
You still don't understand that this just a start. It indicates a legal philosophy that's leads nowhere good. Before this the court was loath to ever take back a right after it has been granted. We can no longer assume anything is settled law or that any right, other than guns, is safe.
Do you know what party to a contract means?
I can't tell if you are being obtuse or if you are actually this stupid.

Where does one go to get a marriage license?

What exactly is it you think gays are asking for when they ask for the GOVERNMENT to recognize their marriages, retard?
Married people gets ALL KINDS of perks from the govt that unmarried couples dont. Do you know why that is?

That doesn't mean the state is a party to the marriage contract.
The marriage contract is between consenting adults not between consenting adults and the state.

Yes. The state is not a party to the marriage contract, and he's wrong to describe the situation as such. But the state clearly regulates the marriage contract (as it does with other contracts), and the state clearly involves itself in the institution of marriage by providing various benefits for married couples, which non-married individuals are deprived from enjoying.

The point remains that this involvement in marriage creates a necessity via the 14th amendment that the state provide equal treatment for similarly situated people. So, if two women in a loving and committed relationship wish to gain access to the state decreed benefits of marriage, then they have to be treated equally as a man and woman in a loving a committed relationship who wish to gain access to the state decreed benefits of marriage.
Yes. The state is not a party to the marriage contract, and he's wrong to describe the situation as such. But the state clearly regulates the marriage contract (as it does with other contracts), and the state clearly involves itself in the institution of marriage by providing various benefits for married couples, which non-married individuals are deprived from enjoying.

The point remains that this involvement in marriage creates a necessity via the 14th amendment that the state provide equal treatment for similarly situated people. So, if two women in a loving and committed relationship wish to gain access to the state decreed benefits of marriage, then they have to be treated equally as a man and woman in a loving a committed relationship who wish to gain access to the state decreed benefits of marriage.
I can't tell if you are being obtuse or if you are actually this stupid.

Where does one go to get a marriage license?

What exactly is it you think gays are asking for when they ask for the GOVERNMENT to recognize their marriages, retard?

All you're doing is registering the contract.

Recognizing the marriage? You mean a common law marriage?
And Justice Clarence Thomas concurs. This degeneracy must end. It should be outlawed. God forbids it!

I am not and was not in favor of SSM. However, I am and was in favor of civil unions which conferred all the same rights on same sex couples. To make SSM work they had to change the definition of marriage.

However, to undo that now....what happens to all the people lawfully married? Their marriages are dissolved? I agree this decision should go to the states as well, since there's no Constitutional language on it. But you have a lot of SSM with legal marriages. To be fair, they would have to be grandfathered in, so their marriages remain legal. IMHO
And Justice Clarence Thomas concurs. This degeneracy must end. It should be outlawed. God forbids it!

The Supreme Court cannot tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. This is Prohibition all over again, and it won't stand, because the women will ignore anti-abortion laws, JUST LIKE THEY HAVE SINCE THE DAYS OF CAVEMEN.

The SC no longer has and legitimacy whatsoever.
I oppose overturning Same Sex marriage because this is a secular nation in a nation that is supposed to FREE to pursue liberty.

The problem with same sex marriage is that in most States is was implemented by judicial fiat. Gay marriage is not in the Constitution just like abortion isn't.

Sorry, you need to fight this where it belongs, in STATE legislatures, not federal courts.

I'm pro-life and indifferent to gay marriage (if it's passed appropriately by legislatures), so hold your nonsense on my views. I don't automatically see what I want in the law and the Constitution like most people in this country unfortunately do
I agree this decision should go to the states
The govt is involved with marriage. Why do you condone them discriminating?
The Constitutional thing to do, would be to get the govt completely out of marriage. THAT is the way it should be.
It should have been left as a religious institution. Not a government institution.

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