With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

Nope. The government is not party to the marriage contract.
It most certainly is. Just remember that the next time you file a joint tax return or when your spouse receives Social Security Survivor benefits.

The federal government bestows a thousand privileges on marriage.
Asshole, the constitutionality of their decision cannot be denied. Go ahead and ignore their decision to give back free reign for states to make their OWN laws! Two years ago, you were rioting AGAINST federalism calling Trump a dictator! Now that the courts have given back your rights, you are crying we don't have ENOUGH federalism!

You braindead idiot morons never cease to amaze.
Good luck attracting businesses to your 18th century red States.
That's dumb. You sound like another anarchist wannabe. I still support the US Supreme Court.
Not an anarchist at all. The Christian Nationalists know they have a supreme court rubber stamp now. Expect a flood of decisions severely restricting all sorts of things we now think of as rights. They'll come after something you like sooner or later.
What do you care you hateful slug? As long as it's to the spite the libs you'll support anything.
  1. Biden's Policies: 100% failure.
  2. J6 Let's Get Trump: 100% Failure.
  3. Biden war in Ukraine: 100% failure.
  4. Battle to end fossil fuels? 100% failure.
  5. Trying to take away people's gun rights? 100% failure.
  6. The 50 year federal usurpation of state's rights to decide abortion for the entire country: 100% failure.
  7. Biden trying to put one foot in front of the other: 100% failure.
  8. Trump's record on winning? 100% success and still going.
Just wait until after November 8. :happy-1:
Clarence Thomas in his opposing opinion said that was absolutely one of the worst decisions ever made by the Supreme Court.

I hope he pushes to have the queer marriage bill overturned.
But what would you do then?
  1. Trump's record on winning? 100% success and still going.
. :happy-1:
Um...retard? Did you not notice Trump lost the election?

Trump's a big, fat loser.

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

He lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He's the only president to have been impeached TWICE.

The guy who beat him is someone he called the “the worst presidential candidate in the history of presidential politics.” :auiqs.jpg:

This is a loser who said he would balance the budget "very quickly". He said he would replace Obamacare. He said he would pass an infrastructure bill.

The big beautiful southern wall Mexico would pay for? He got 80 miles of new fencing done, and we're still waiting on that check.

He WIDENED the trade gap with Mexico and China to record levels. His trade war was a colossal disaster, and he said it would be "easy to win".

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this fucking idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with bleach.

His approval rating for his presidency was an average of 41 percent.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

The biggest sore loser baby. Ever.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

You'd have to be one of the most submissive dumb fucks in the history of mankind to idolize this loser.

Not an anarchist at all. The Christian Nationalists know they have a supreme court rubber stamp now. Expect a flood of decisions severely restricting all sorts of things we now think of as rights. They'll come after something you like sooner or later.
The supporters of taking down individual rights and freedoms celebrate what they don't see in the future. All they care about is a political win in the present. If you could call it that.
That won't wipe it out, nor is it the State's place to do so. It will only complicate legal issues, medical insurance, etc. Only important to the strident religious right. They's best take a break, on societal changing rulings for a good while, lest they trigger expansion of the court to protect the majority of people not wanting radical change.

It's important to people who see the Constitution as it was written.

And making things complicated is not a reason to not do the Constitutional thing.

I was happy when NY State legislated SSM into law, however I see no Constitutional reason to make Alabama issue SSM licenses. I do see a Constitutional reason to force Alabama to recognize fully a NY SSM license if the NY couple moves there.
  1. Biden's Policies: 100% failure.
  2. J6 Let's Get Trump: 100% Failure.
  3. Biden war in Ukraine: 100% failure.
  4. Battle to end fossil fuels? 100% failure.
  5. Trying to take away people's gun rights? 100% failure.
  6. The 50 year federal usurpation of state's rights to decide abortion for the entire country: 100% failure.
  7. Biden trying to put one foot in front of the other: 100% failure.
  8. Trump's record on winning? 100% success and still going.
Just wait until after November 8. :happy-1:
You: 100% mean and nasty 100% of the time. No liberal tears to be had here. Move along.
Not an anarchist at all. The Christian Nationalists know they have a supreme court rubber stamp now. Expect a flood of decisions severely restricting all sorts of things we now think of as rights. They'll come after something you like sooner or later.
Joe has resisted expansion of the court to achieve balance protecting from radical change, but would not guarantee such forbearance if you are correct.
I oppose overturning Same Sex marriage because this is a secular nation in a nation that is supposed to FREE to pursue liberty.
It was not a religious issue in the God-hating Soviet Union where homosexuals were not tolerated

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