With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

Homosexual does not = pedophile.

The vast majority of pedophiles are straight white men going after little girls. 95% of all pedophiles are straight white men. Most homosexuals are attracted to ADULT MALES, not children.

Even police reports of children being attacked show girls are the victims twice as often as boys, and crimes against boys are more likely to be reported. Crimes against boys get more media attention, and many families cover up crimes against girls, because family members are frequently involved.

Furthermore, the rest of the world is overturning abortion restrictions and leaving it up to women to decide what's best for them. Only in America are women being stripped of their right of Free Will.

Once again, the USA look like the religious zealots have seized control. And Americans look weak and stupid.
Lets call that one MAGA Moron Man
1 in 4 girls molested by hetero males.
I dont how big that lie is, or if is a true fact

But any molestation is wrong

However homosexual molestation is worse because its forcing boys to engage in an unnatural act

Meaning that the punishment for hetero rape should be life in prison while the punishment for homosexual rape should be death
Which is exactly what you are trying to do, only in reverse. The difference is that when you force your beliefs you are taking something away from people -in this case the right to marry and to enjoy all of the benefits that go with it. When we ask you to simply accept that fact that gay people can marry, it costs you nothing
But it does cost us all something- by enabling & even legitimizing their sexual deviancies you force society to accept more deviant behavior.
Forcing acceptance of mental illnesses & deviant behavior has negative ripple effects across the board, not the least being they are openly trying to groom kids in schools now.
They can call it a civil union or something else but they insist on making the rest of us treat it like it is normal behavior, which it most definitely is not.
Forcing me to accept perversions as normal doesn't work for me
The left are eternally restless

As each layer of moral conventionality is peeled from the onion a new sexual layer begs them to be “liberated”

Its only a matter of time before pedophiles have their day

This is complete bullshit.

This implies that straight men are in any way "moral" or "upright" in their sexual proclivities. I found a Christian Family website that defined "adultery" as sex between a man and a woman who is married or betrothed. Sex between married men and single women is not considered "adultery".

Look at the men who have been caught up in Jeffrey Epstein's trafficking of young women. Or Warren Jeffs and his polygamy cult. Turning out the young men on the road, and keeping harems of young "wives". Stories of stepfathers going after their young step-daughters are so common, they're a cliche.

Then there's the men who beat their wives, or kill them. Or guys like Harvey Weinstein, or other men who use their money or position to rape women they can control.

So please don't tell me that straight white men have been such bastions of morality and good behaviour.
I dont how big that lie is, or if is a true fact

But any molestation is wrong

However homosexual molestation is worse because its forcing boys to engage in an unnatural act

Meaning that the punishment for hetero rape should be life in prison while the punishment for homosexual rape should be death

Sex between men and young girls is every bit as "unnatural" as sex between young boys and men. It's still a man forcing himself on a child and to suggest it is less traumatic for girls is flat out disgusting and sick.
I dont how big that lie is, or if is a true fact

But any molestation is wrong

However homosexual molestation is worse because its forcing boys to engage in an unnatural act

Meaning that the punishment for hetero rape should be life in prison while the punishment for homosexual rape should be death

Do you have any children, Mac?
I wrote a great many contracts for CEOs of fortune 500 companies

Well, apparently someone fixed the stupid shit you were writing since you don't understand contracts. Maybe it was me.
Did you do the twofer and write contracts for energy companies since you know nothing about that either?
You know sexual abuse of girls......
What you committed is a logical fallacy called "begging the question." You didn't answer the question, just repeated what you said the first time.

Do you know what it means to "define" a word? Apparently not. I asked you to define "abuse" since leftists are idiots and I wanted to know what you mean by that. I still don't know, you whiffed on the question completely

Loving v. Virginia, Roe v. Wade, and Obergefell v. Hodges are the progeny of the same Fourteenth Amendment jurisprudence that ensures American citizens who reside in the states are afforded the right to due process of the law and equal protection of the law – that the states have no authority to deny American citizens who reside in the states their fundament right to marry and their fundamental right to privacy.

Government may not deny interracial couples and same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law by denying them access to state marriage law; government may not violate the due process rights of women by compelling them to give birth against their will through force of law.

I explained it in post 188 so even a fucking moron like you could understand it
Well, apparently someone fixed the stupid shit you were writing since you don't understand contracts. Maybe it was me.
Did you do the twofer and write contracts for energy companies since you know nothing about that either?

I never wrote a contract for an energy company. My contracts were approved unchanged by corporate accounting and legal.

This isn't very complicated. The State isn't party to the marriage contract. It's between consenting adults.
Alot of rights that we take for granted are not in the constitution. When states violate the principles of equal protection under the law and due process as they did with the bans on same sex marriage, it is the proper role of the federal courts to step in.

Right. Equal protection doesn't apply since being gay doesn't change who you can marry. So that's a big STRIKE for ya there, Cowboy ...
G5000 is not arguing against mixed marriage, he’s arguing that the same arguments that overturn Roe versus Wade can overturn the right of racially mixed couples to marry.

And I explained it to dullards like you in post 188 why that's a load of bull, racist
I never wrote a contract for an energy company. My contracts were approved unchanged by corporate accounting and legal.

This isn't very complicated. The State isn't party to the marriage contract. It's between consenting adults.

This is like energy where you are saying things that are just wrong. Unless you're a lawyer, you're lying. Fortune 500 companies only have lawyers write contracts. I negotiated a bunch of agreements with vendors for several Fortune 500 companies, but lawyers ALWAYS write the text.

This is like energy. You lied you know what you don't and ran into me who worked many tears in the energy sector and I knew what you said was wrong from experience. The dumbest energy thing you said was that energy independent means that you import NO oil, which is butt stupid. It means you don't NET import oil. Energy is a global business. That was just flat out stupid

You can disagree with facts, but it just shows again you're stupid and a racist. Facts not fitting your leftist political ideology does not make them not facts, jackass
But it does cost us all something- by enabling & even legitimizing their sexual deviancies you force society to accept more deviant behavior.
Forcing acceptance of mental illnesses & deviant behavior has negative ripple effects across the board, not the least being they are openly trying to groom kids in schools now.
They can call it a civil union or something else but they insist on making the rest of us treat it like it is normal behavior, which it most definitely is not.
Forcing me to accept perversions as normal doesn't work for me
Holy shit! You have some serious issues! To you it is all about sex. You probably think more about gay sex than gay people do. You also seem to think that by not allowing them to marry they will stop being gay.

It seems that you are to limited intellectually to understand that we are talking about human beings who have lives and who are just like the rest of us in more ways than not. They are people who have homes and jobs. They have families and they are parents. They pay taxes and volunteer in the community.

We have several same sex couple in my community. They are medical professionals, educators, technicians and other things. They just go about there lives like the rest of us. They do not stand out. They do not “spread deviance” -whatever the fuck that means- and they damned sure are not grooming kids. Their behavior is in fact NORMAL. The fact that you are too emotionally immature and damaged to understand that is disturbing.

Morons like you make me sick. You do not have to accept anything. Just shut up and stay out of the way. One last thing. Your wish to marginalize them and push them into the shadows as second class citizens will come back to bite you. They will revert to their militancy of the early years of the gays rights movement and really make a show of it doing things that will really piss you off. Be careful what you ask for.
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