With this latest terrorist attack, what do Americans think about Syrian refugees coming in now ?

Oh and how can you be sure there won't be jihadists among these refugee's??

They have no sure way to vet any of them and leaders are morons for letting these unvetted people into this country.

Not to mention the fact that we taxpayers are going to get hosed to provide food, shelter and medical services for people who aren't American citizens.

Such a deal the morons in DC are shoving up our asses.

How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.
Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.
Indeed. How dare she prefer herself, her family, her friends and her countrymen aren't blown to smithereens? Damn cheek.
Well she is claiming its not fear so you may want to check with her on that.
It doesn't matter whether it's fear or not, she's being eminently sensible and your absolute desperation to paint concerned people as cowards says a lot more about you than anything else. It's also a tired, hackneyed boring old libtard tactic that doesn't seem to elicit the angry responses you are seeking. Yet here you are, like a dog with a bone, hopelessly trying to anger someone with you small minded crap ad nauseum. Yawn.
So staying is not an option then right?

It would be if America and all Western Countries got together and killed them to make their numbers really small again.
The liberals in Europe and America don't want to do that.
How are you going to kill them? They are all over the world not just in Syria.
hey dumbo, we don't have to kill them all over the world the rest of the world can help, we just don't want them here. you should keep up.
Go back to sleep and let the grown folks talk.
I'm with the grown folk, not sure who you're with.
I know youre with the grown folk. I just said go to sleep so we can talk or go out to play with the other kids..
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
Not leaving ourselves open for an endless string of attacks from Islamic radicals just isn't what we are. It's un-American.

Being American means being.........stupid.

We give them our money and our love....and they return our compassion with chants of "Death to America"......and a shit load of fulled body-bags.

This is the America Obama speaks kindly of.
I know, it's amazing how many live in fear over guns in the hands of private citizens.
For good fuckin' reason. These assholes keep killing people with guns they don't need.

There's well over 300 million guns in the hands of private owners here, only a tiny percent are ever used in a criminal or violent way.
You need to get over your irrational fear of private gun ownership, in the meantime go change your Depends, they're obviously full because the shit is showing up on your posts.
I own guns, dumnass. And the small number doesn't keep you from wetting the bed every time ISIS makes the news.

Lol !! If you do actually own a gun you're the single biggest hypocrite on this board !!!! :lol:
How can you be sure you wont die tomorrow by a white terrorist shooting up what he thinks is an abortion clinic?

Should we kill off all white guys now?

No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.
Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.
Indeed. How dare she prefer herself, her family, her friends and her countrymen aren't blown to smithereens? Damn cheek.
Well she is claiming its not fear so you may want to check with her on that.
It doesn't matter whether it's fear or not, she's being eminently sensible and your absolute desperation to paint concerned people as cowards says a lot more about you than anything else. It's also a tired, hackneyed boring old libtard tactic that doesn't seem to elicit the angry responses you are seeking. Yet here you are, like a dog with a bone, hopelessly trying to anger someone with you small minded crap ad nauseum. Yawn.
It seems to matter a great deal to her. I dont think its smart to make decisions based on irrational fear.
I know, it's amazing how many live in fear over guns in the hands of private citizens.
For good fuckin' reason. These assholes keep killing people with guns they don't need.

There's well over 300 million guns in the hands of private owners here, only a tiny percent are ever used in a criminal or violent way.
You need to get over your irrational fear of private gun ownership, in the meantime go change your Depends, they're obviously full because the shit is showing up on your posts.
I own guns, dumnass. And the small number doesn't keep you from wetting the bed every time ISIS makes the news.

Lol !! If you do actually own a gun you're the single biggest hypocrite on this board !!!! :lol:
Nope. I have need to kill things, most don't. And when all the guns are turned in, mine will go as well.
Since it's creation over a millennium ago, Islam has always been the enemy of the west and tried in vain to conquer it. Their newest tactic, flood into the west without armed forces is the most inventive way and will likely succeed where its armed forces had failed. It doesn't matter whether the people flooding into the west are Syrians, Afghanis, Iraqis, Somalis, et cetera; if they are Islamic/Muslim, their overall goal is to convert the west to Islam.
You dont know your history. Islam held sway over europe for centuries and actually brought civilization back to europe.
Lolollol. I guess another libtard dhimmi has fallen for the Byzantine thing :)
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
We should help the victims of terrorists and that includes Syrians who are victims of ISIS.

And we should do it by grabbing the throats of leaders of such countries as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and twisting until they start taking in these fucking refugees who already have built-in cultures and religions that more adequately would represent the needs of these people, because I've got to tell you I'm fucking tired and sick of being the dumping ground of the planets third world people !!

Yeah lets do what all you idiots want, and just knock our borders down and let the worlds entire third world rush in.
Fucking morons.
It would be if America and all Western Countries got together and killed them to make their numbers really small again.
The liberals in Europe and America don't want to do that.
How are you going to kill them? They are all over the world not just in Syria.
hey dumbo, we don't have to kill them all over the world the rest of the world can help, we just don't want them here. you should keep up.
Go back to sleep and let the grown folks talk.
I'm with the grown folk, not sure who you're with.
I know youre with the grown folk. I just said go to sleep so we can talk or go out to play with the other kids..
damn straight I'm with the grown folk. I have common sense and logic that allows me to have a conversation without hate in my posts. You, naw, you hate all white folk.
No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.
Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.
Indeed. How dare she prefer herself, her family, her friends and her countrymen aren't blown to smithereens? Damn cheek.
Well she is claiming its not fear so you may want to check with her on that.
It doesn't matter whether it's fear or not, she's being eminently sensible and your absolute desperation to paint concerned people as cowards says a lot more about you than anything else. It's also a tired, hackneyed boring old libtard tactic that doesn't seem to elicit the angry responses you are seeking. Yet here you are, like a dog with a bone, hopelessly trying to anger someone with you small minded crap ad nauseum. Yawn.
It seems to matter a great deal to her. I dont think its smart to make decisions based on irrational fear.
I don't think it's smart that libtards desire that warm fuzzy feeling they get from their faux paternalistic altruism over common sense. But each to their own.
Yeah lets do what all you idiots want, and just knock our borders down and let the worlds entire third world rush in.
What border? This one you mean?

Most of the Mexican border doesn't even have that much...
No. That won't be necessary. Hell. I could die ten minutes from now as could you.

Oh and you can shove your white guy bullshit up your ass.

You want these refugees here and I along with a majority of Americans don't.
Yeah I think that was already mentioned. I was talking about your rationale. Its not logical but it is fear driven.
Indeed. How dare she prefer herself, her family, her friends and her countrymen aren't blown to smithereens? Damn cheek.
Well she is claiming its not fear so you may want to check with her on that.
It doesn't matter whether it's fear or not, she's being eminently sensible and your absolute desperation to paint concerned people as cowards says a lot more about you than anything else. It's also a tired, hackneyed boring old libtard tactic that doesn't seem to elicit the angry responses you are seeking. Yet here you are, like a dog with a bone, hopelessly trying to anger someone with you small minded crap ad nauseum. Yawn.
It seems to matter a great deal to her. I dont think its smart to make decisions based on irrational fear.
no one who doesn't want them is irrational. So again, you have no idea the conversation.
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
We should help the victims of terrorists and that includes Syrians who are victims of ISIS.

And we should do it by grabbing the throats of leaders of such countries as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and twisting until they start taking in these fucking refugees who already have built-in cultures and religions that more adequately would represent the needs of these people, because I've got to tell you I'm fucking tired and sick of being the dumping ground of the planets third world people !!

Yeah lets do what all you idiots want
The majority of Americans opposed allowing Syrian refugees in BEFORE this attack, what do you think opinions will be now ?
I'll be watching for polls, but off hand I would assume that majority is likely to grow.
We should help the victims of terrorists and that includes Syrians who are victims of ISIS.

I agree help them yes, take them in no.
Even they say they want to stay in Syria their homeland.
for every Syrian refugee who enters Lebanon, three are leaving and returning to syria. Same with Turkey.
Imagine yourself a refugee. You have been terrorized and watched your loved ones killed by radical nut jobs filling a power vacuum created by the US. You hear the good people in the US are going to get you out alive and into a country where you dont have to fear ISIS. Suddenly, you find out those good people in the US actually think you are a terrorist. Now they are going to leave you high and dry in addition to creating the problem in the first place. What are you thinking at this point?
Hmmm. That's a tough one alright. Go to Turkey next door, and return to my beloved country after someone else has sorted out our mess? Stay and fight for my country? Grow some?
So no thoughts or feelings of anger towards the US? No consideration that maybe ISIS is right?
Isis right? Maybe someone should notify homeland security about you :)
Stay with the scenario. Youre a refugee.
I am?
Imagine yourself a refugee. You have been terrorized and watched your loved ones killed by radical nut jobs filling a power vacuum created by the US. You hear the good people in the US are going to get you out alive and into a country where you dont have to fear ISIS. Suddenly, you find out those good people in the US actually think you are a terrorist. Now they are going to leave you high and dry in addition to creating the problem in the first place. What are you thinking at this point?
Hmmm. That's a tough one alright. Go to Turkey next door, and return to my beloved country after someone else has sorted out our mess? Stay and fight for my country? Grow some?
So no thoughts or feelings of anger towards the US? No consideration that maybe ISIS is right?
Isis right? Maybe someone should notify homeland security about you :)
Stay with the scenario. Youre a refugee.
I am?
Yes. Thats why I said "imagine" at the beginning of the post you replied to.
I know, it's amazing how many live in fear over guns in the hands of private citizens.
For good fuckin' reason. These assholes keep killing people with guns they don't need.

There's well over 300 million guns in the hands of private owners here, only a tiny percent are ever used in a criminal or violent way.
You need to get over your irrational fear of private gun ownership, in the meantime go change your Depends, they're obviously full because the shit is showing up on your posts.
I own guns, dumnass. And the small number doesn't keep you from wetting the bed every time ISIS makes the news.

Lol !! If you do actually own a gun you're the single biggest hypocrite on this board !!!! :lol:
Nope. I have need to kill things, most don't. And when all the guns are turned in, mine will go as well.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. You have stated over and over that private citizens should not be allowed to own guns. You are a gigantic hypocrite, and the only way to get out of this is for you to give up your guns, and until you do you need to keep your mouth shut on this issue.
Hmmm. That's a tough one alright. Go to Turkey next door, and return to my beloved country after someone else has sorted out our mess? Stay and fight for my country? Grow some?
So no thoughts or feelings of anger towards the US? No consideration that maybe ISIS is right?
Isis right? Maybe someone should notify homeland security about you :)
Stay with the scenario. Youre a refugee.
I am?
Yes. Thats why I said "imagine" at the beginning of the post you replied to.
I'll imagine being a refugee when instead of conducting your 'liberal' fascistic attacks of 'stfu you coward nazi' to your concerned fellow countrymen, you extend some of that 'altruism' and understanding you seem to have by the bucket load for people who are no strangers to violence and extremism and who can't even be vetted properly. I'll be watching :popcorn:
I know, it's amazing how many live in fear over guns in the hands of private citizens.
For good fuckin' reason. These assholes keep killing people with guns they don't need.

There's well over 300 million guns in the hands of private owners here, only a tiny percent are ever used in a criminal or violent way.
You need to get over your irrational fear of private gun ownership, in the meantime go change your Depends, they're obviously full because the shit is showing up on your posts.
I own guns, dumnass. And the small number doesn't keep you from wetting the bed every time ISIS makes the news.

Lol !! If you do actually own a gun you're the single biggest hypocrite on this board !!!! :lol:
Nope. I have need to kill things, most don't. And when all the guns are turned in, mine will go as well.

From now on when a gun thread comes up and you come rushing in with your hair on fire about citizens owning guns, I'm just going to laugh at you and your hypocricy.

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