With Trump accusers its always about $$$ Stormy Daniels to make a fortune on tour of stripclubs

The Left always sticks to these non story allegations like flies to shit.

What is the exact accusation here? He had sex with a "porn star"? Is that illegal or disqualifying? As disqualifying as getting a blowjob from a 20 year old intern under the Oval Office desk. But no, that one was Bill's "personal" business. And even though the porn star is denying all the Left's false accusations the propaganda continues.

And they wonder why they're referred to as fake news and their ratings are in the toilet.

Well, no. It turned out to not be just his personal business. He was impeached over that blowjob. You don't think Trump-0 should be held to the same standard?
He was impeached for lying to a grand jury. Dats a felony right dere.

Lying about a blowjob.

What's the old line? "It's not the crime, it's the coverup"

Well, that's the case with all those Trump campaign members that have been caught lying about connections with Russia. How many have been caught lying so far? Close to 20 isn't it?

And still no actual crime, just procedural violations. Still less than what Clinton did under Oath.

And still no actual connection to anything Trump did wrong.
Always follow the money and you very quickly discover the motive behind an accusation. Free publicity for this douche bag.

Stormy Daniels kicks off her 'Make America Horny Again' tour with the song 'Hey Big Spender' at a South Carolina strip club on the anniversary of Trump's inauguration

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5293831/Stormy-Daniels-kicks-Make-America-Horny-tour.html#ixzz54vuwfPYY
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So you’re against capitalism now, are you?
The Left always sticks to these non story allegations like flies to shit.

What is the exact accusation here? He had sex with a "porn star"? Is that illegal or disqualifying? As disqualifying as getting a blowjob from a 20 year old intern under the Oval Office desk. But no, that one was Bill's "personal" business. And even though the porn star is denying all the Left's false accusations the propaganda continues.

And they wonder why they're referred to as fake news and their ratings are in the toilet.

Thread utterly derailed in first response. Literally post TWO. Pogo's Law.

By a dimbulb who first cries the blooze about "getting a blowjob from a 20 year old intern" and in the next breath:

He must be the only man in this country who cheated on his wife.

On the same page.

Having it both ways: Priceless. Sigh.... partisan hacks...
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Always follow the money and you very quickly discover the motive behind an accusation. Free publicity for this douche bag.

Stormy Daniels kicks off her 'Make America Horny Again' tour with the song 'Hey Big Spender' at a South Carolina strip club on the anniversary of Trump's inauguration

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5293831/Stormy-Daniels-kicks-Make-America-Horny-tour.html#ixzz54vuwfPYY
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

"Follow" what money? Money she's going to get from personal appearances?

With Trump accusers its always about $$$

ummm.... she's not an "accuser". Actually she denied it did she not?
Well, no. It turned out to not be just his personal business. He was impeached over that blowjob. You don't think Trump-0 should be held to the same standard?
He was impeached for lying to a grand jury. Dats a felony right dere.

Lying about a blowjob.
In the White House, under the Oval Office desk, from a 20 year old intern.

And then Hillary attacked the woman with profanity and slurs when she came out.

Yes. I don't know if Bill forced her down on her knees, but I'm positive that nobody forced her to do the sucking. That was 100% voluntary.
Does it matter?! The pervert used his position of power to lure a 20 year old woman to have sex with him in the sanctity of the Oval Office!

And when the woman came out, the rabid witch Hillary attacked her, saying that she's the type of trash that would chase after a 20 dollar bill if you tied it to a rope and dragged it through the streets.

Ah, the hypocricy of the "me too" movement. How quickly they forget.
She wasn't 20.
He was impeached for lying to a grand jury. Dats a felony right dere.

Lying about a blowjob.
In the White House, under the Oval Office desk, from a 20 year old intern.

And then Hillary attacked the woman with profanity and slurs when she came out.

Yes. I don't know if Bill forced her down on her knees, but I'm positive that nobody forced her to do the sucking. That was 100% voluntary.
Does it matter?! The pervert used his position of power to lure a 20 year old woman to have sex with him in the sanctity of the Oval Office!

And when the woman came out, the rabid witch Hillary attacked her, saying that she's the type of trash that would chase after a 20 dollar bill if you tied it to a rope and dragged it through the streets.

Ah, the hypocricy of the "me too" movement. How quickly they forget.
She wasn't 20.
21 or 22 and remind us again how old Bill the pervert was and whether he too was married and with a child?
Always follow the money and you very quickly discover the motive behind an accusation. Free publicity for this douche bag.

Stormy Daniels kicks off her 'Make America Horny Again' tour with the song 'Hey Big Spender' at a South Carolina strip club on the anniversary of Trump's inauguration

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5293831/Stormy-Daniels-kicks-Make-America-Horny-tour.html#ixzz54vuwfPYY
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
The Republican on the view was outraged and offended that Jimmy would invite Stormy onto his show. She said, "he wouldn't have brought Monica out". Only problem is he did bring Monica out, 3 times.

Then he reminded us that Trump did this

So cry me a river at how unfair people are to Trump.

How much did Trump pay these women?

And why did Trump pay Stormy not to talk? Could it be the sanctity of marriage?

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