With Trump gone did City Hall win?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The state has made a declaration. If there was ever a definition of evil it is Donald Trump. He is so evil that he cannot be allowed to fade away after his questionable defeat at the polls. He must be followed like the losing quarterback on a football team and pelted with rocks. The tires on his team bus must be slashed and the windows broken.

Donald J. Trump insulted and diminished the state in the eyes of the people. A mortal sin like that cannot be forgiven by the state. It is not enough to punish the sin; torture is necessary to dissuade any imitators in the future and prevent the unthinkable-a phoenix rising of Trump himself in four years.

It certainly appears that Trump fought City Hall and City Hall won, but it could be more complex than that. City Hall is at war with itself and a house divided cannot stand any better today than it could at any point in history. The only thing uniting City Hall was defeating Trump and with Trump defeated the foundation could crumble quickly.

How is City Hall going to explain the apparent paradox of mask wearing and social distancing while encouraging the influx of interlopers from South and Central America? Testing? Vaccines? How is that working out? Sorting out who gets medicine is controversial already and throwing open borders is obviously not a good way to social distance a country in the midst of a global pandemic. How is the new administration’s friendliness to inviting hordes of foreign poor into American neighborhoods explained in scientific medical terminology?

What about burning cities destroyed businesses and dying innocent civilians? Do you think that is going to abate? There is a growing confidence amongst anarchists that they are welcome more than ever after our last election. The state apparently welcomes them into the mainstream after their usefulness in taking down Trump.

How does the prospect of National Guard troops and trucks in every town in America strike you? The lesson that torching buildings gets you what you want here has been learned here like no other time in history. What happens if people start getting sicker as time goes by? No kids in school and no one working is a recipe for more chaos.

How much money can be printed before money is worthless as prices rise? Did City Hall really win?
It is not City Hall. It is The Swamp and it is wider and deeper than any of us imagined.

Another thing is that the Chinese won. Their Art of War beat The Art of the Deal. They created the pandemic because Trump was kicking their ass in trade. That enabled the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department to institute the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing district allowing the election to be stolen. Trump was replaced by a dufus that the Chinese owned.

The Chinese created the environment where their enemy was removed from office but the American Swamp with its Useful Idiots allowed it to happen.
The state has made a declaration. If there was ever a definition of evil it is Donald Trump. He is so evil that he cannot be allowed to fade away after his questionable defeat at the polls. He must be followed like the losing quarterback on a football team and pelted with rocks. The tires on his team bus must be slashed and the windows broken.

Donald J. Trump insulted and diminished the state in the eyes of the people. A mortal sin like that cannot be forgiven by the state. It is not enough to punish the sin; torture is necessary to dissuade any imitators in the future and prevent the unthinkable-a phoenix rising of Trump himself in four years.

It certainly appears that Trump fought City Hall and City Hall won, but it could be more complex than that. City Hall is at war with itself and a house divided cannot stand any better today than it could at any point in history. The only thing uniting City Hall was defeating Trump and with Trump defeated the foundation could crumble quickly.

How is City Hall going to explain the apparent paradox of mask wearing and social distancing while encouraging the influx of interlopers from South and Central America? Testing? Vaccines? How is that working out? Sorting out who gets medicine is controversial already and throwing open borders is obviously not a good way to social distance a country in the midst of a global pandemic. How is the new administration’s friendliness to inviting hordes of foreign poor into American neighborhoods explained in scientific medical terminology?

What about burning cities destroyed businesses and dying innocent civilians? Do you think that is going to abate? There is a growing confidence amongst anarchists that they are welcome more than ever after our last election. The state apparently welcomes them into the mainstream after their usefulness in taking down Trump.

How does the prospect of National Guard troops and trucks in every town in America strike you? The lesson that torching buildings gets you what you want here has been learned here like no other time in history. What happens if people start getting sicker as time goes by? No kids in school and no one working is a recipe for more chaos.

How much money can be printed before money is worthless as prices rise? Did City Hall really win?
“How is City Hall going to explain the apparent paradox of mask wearing and social distancing while encouraging the influx of interlopers from South and Central America? Testing?”

This is a lie, cities are doing no such thing.

Indeed, the entire thread premise is a litany of lies.

With Trump gone America won.
I believe that in less than a year Americans will long for the days when Trump was in office. But of course, it will be too late then.
The Chinese created the environment
Not really

And your crazy conspiracy theories are too damn long.
This article is 8600 words- don't hurt yourself-

Everybody won.

And your crazy conspiracy theories are too damn long.

Nobody won and there never a chance of any winner emerging from this election regardless of which way it went.

The only question was, could we lose or lose badly. I voted for just losing. We could have lost miserably. But instead we just lost.
We won. No more power crazed wannabe dictator spewing conspiracy theories and lies. An actual adult with interest on doing the job in the Whitehouse. Professionals chosen as cabinet members instead of cronies, science being listened too again, the list goes on and on.

I don't think Joe Biden is perfect, and he certainly wasn't my first choice. But having him in office instead of tRump is very definitely a solid win.
Not really

Which what you stupid uneducated low information Useful Idiots want to believe.

The Chinese got their enemy out of the White House and their paid agent in.

Now their economy can grow at the expense of American jobs and technology.

Wonderful coup and you stupid Useful Idiots helped them.
The state has made a declaration. If there was ever a definition of evil it is Donald Trump. He is so evil that he cannot be allowed to fade away after his questionable defeat at the polls. He must be followed like the losing quarterback on a football team and pelted with rocks. The tires on his team bus must be slashed and the windows broken.

Donald J. Trump insulted and diminished the state in the eyes of the people. A mortal sin like that cannot be forgiven by the state. It is not enough to punish the sin; torture is necessary to dissuade any imitators in the future and prevent the unthinkable-a phoenix rising of Trump himself in four years.

It certainly appears that Trump fought City Hall and City Hall won, but it could be more complex than that. City Hall is at war with itself and a house divided cannot stand any better today than it could at any point in history. The only thing uniting City Hall was defeating Trump and with Trump defeated the foundation could crumble quickly.

How is City Hall going to explain the apparent paradox of mask wearing and social distancing while encouraging the influx of interlopers from South and Central America? Testing? Vaccines? How is that working out? Sorting out who gets medicine is controversial already and throwing open borders is obviously not a good way to social distance a country in the midst of a global pandemic. How is the new administration’s friendliness to inviting hordes of foreign poor into American neighborhoods explained in scientific medical terminology?

What about burning cities destroyed businesses and dying innocent civilians? Do you think that is going to abate? There is a growing confidence amongst anarchists that they are welcome more than ever after our last election. The state apparently welcomes them into the mainstream after their usefulness in taking down Trump.

How does the prospect of National Guard troops and trucks in every town in America strike you? The lesson that torching buildings gets you what you want here has been learned here like no other time in history. What happens if people start getting sicker as time goes by? No kids in school and no one working is a recipe for more chaos.

How much money can be printed before money is worthless as prices rise? Did City Hall really win?
Well said.
Nobody won and there never a chance of any winner emerging from this election regardless of which way it went.

True, IMHO. But I'm not sure we would have had the same distrust of the election process if Trump had won. Same divisiveness though, no chance of unity either way.
Nobody won and there never a chance of any winner emerging from this election regardless of which way it went.

True, IMHO. But I'm not sure we would have had the same distrust of the election process if Trump had won. Same divisiveness though, no chance of unity either way.

There is no reason to distrust the election process with his loss, so no.
Everybody won.

And your crazy conspiracy theories are too damn long.

Nobody won and there never a chance of any winner emerging from this election regardless of which way it went.
Winning and losing is an illusion. If I win something I get something other people want. If I lose something other people get what I want. We cannot all win but we can all lose if the rules keep changing so the winners and losers are predetermined by a tiny nucleus of individuals that profit from the competition.

That is what we have now and we must change that.
I believe that in less than a year Americans will long for the days when Trump was in office. But of course, it will be too late then.
Yeah we need a buffoon at the wheel when the car is out of control...

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