Within a few short years, homosexuals have gone from persecuted to persecutors...

The homo's really want the children
They have the children and are doing very well by them


Of course kids don’t know any better.
Yes....they haven't been taught bigotry yet.

Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.

And you seriously want anyone to believe you’re straight?

You cannot make this shit up!
Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.
It might be easier, in general, if people liike you stopped thinking about what others do in the bedroom. i mean, how fucking weird are you obsessed losers, anyway?

It seems normal to you, because you are talking about faceless boogeymen on an anonymous message board. But let's imagine you doing the exact same thing, about two individuals. How fucking nauseating and sick would you appear, to prattle on endlessly about the particulars of Dale and Jim's anal sex? Seriously, your family would probably try to commit you. You would lose your job and your friends, as people would see you as some sort of obsessed freak not fit for adult society.

This is who you are now. No, it's really no different, in general, than you obsessing about faceless boogeymen on an anonymous message board. the only difference is that you are not identified and held accountable for your bizarre behavior.

go ahead, give it a try at family Chiristmas. right after the last present is opened, get on your soap box and preach about the particulars of Dale and Jim performing anal sex on each other. Make sure to hit as much detail as you can. Let us know how it turns out, you obsessed freak!
There is something seriously fucked up about Pop and a few others here.
Jesus was never into promoting, affirming, and normalizing evil and perverted behavior. His message to sinners (which includes all of us) is not to continue sinning, but to repent, seek forgiveness, and try to overcome sin.

Libtards want everyone to believe that Jesus was "tolerant" of sin. .

Contards watn
Within a few short years, homosexuals have gone from persecuted to persecutors...

They are merely following the same path first lead by the Blacks when they were finally decreed equal, and now by women everywhere filing these behavior charges. Everyone cannot be on top of the mountain but as liberals try to fit everyone on the head of a pin with those who created the mountain, now it is who's next in line to vilify the mountain builders for first making the mountain then giving everyone a share of its height.

And by the 'mountain builders' you mean the people who persecuted gays for 200 years.

200 years? Why you America-basher, the Bible condemns homosexuality as a perversion, 2000 years ago, the Muslims even longer and still to this day

So many I am sure unintentionally hilarious and ironic things in that two sentences.

I am not bashing America- I am 'bashing' the Conservative Christians who persecuted gays in America for the last 200 years- and who now are such tender snowflakes.

The Bible mentions and condemns male to male sexuality a couple times- fewer times that it condemns divorce actually.

And if you think Muslims have been condemning homosexuality for longer than 2,000 years.....well that just demonstrates how hilariously ignorant you are about religion.
Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.
It might be easier, in general, if people liike you stopped thinking about what others do in the bedroom. i mean, how fucking weird are you obsessed losers, anyway?

It seems normal to you, because you are talking about faceless boogeymen on an anonymous message board. But let's imagine you doing the exact same thing, about two individuals. How fucking nauseating and sick would you appear, to prattle on endlessly about the particulars of Dale and Jim's anal sex? Seriously, your family would probably try to commit you. You would lose your job and your friends, as people would see you as some sort of obsessed freak not fit for adult society.

This is who you are now. No, it's really no different, in general, than you obsessing about faceless boogeymen on an anonymous message board. the only difference is that you are not identified and held accountable for your bizarre behavior.

go ahead, give it a try at family Chiristmas. right after the last present is opened, get on your soap box and preach about the particulars of Dale and Jim performing anal sex on each other. Make sure to hit as much detail as you can. Let us know how it turns out, you obsessed freak!
There is something seriously fucked up about Pop and a few others here.

We like the opposite sex.

Fucked up to you?
They have the children and are doing very well by them


Of course kids don’t know any better.
Yes....they haven't been taught bigotry yet.

Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.

And you seriously want anyone to believe you’re straight?

You cannot make this shit up!
I don't really give a flying fuck. Think what you want, if you think at all.
Of course kids don’t know any better.
Yes....they haven't been taught bigotry yet.

Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.

And you seriously want anyone to believe you’re straight?

You cannot make this shit up!
I don't really give a flying fuck. Think what you want, if you think at all.

I know the difference between a rectum and a vagina.

I’m one giant leap up the evolutional scale from you.
it is only a matter of time before they try to persecute others to a far worse degree than any may have ever done to them.

Let us know when you see gays organizing into groups and:
a) Getting together to chant about how Christians are all evil
b) Having a book that calls for the stoning to death of Christians.
c) Pushing laws to have Christians thrown into prison for praying- in private.
d) Having the police arresting Christians- for agreeing to go pray privately with an undercover police officer.
e) Pushing through laws that forbid any mention of Christianity in publications.
f) Pushing through a movie 'code' that forbids any mention- or even a hint- that a character in the movie might possibly be a Christian.
g) Organizing together to push laws to have Christians fired from teaching positions in public schools.
h) Having radio stations entirely dedicated to the 'gay message'- and spending a fair amount of that message telling Christians that they are doomed.
i) Sending gay 'evangelists' to Africa- to help African nations pass laws to forbid anyone to be a Christian- or to even suggest that someone that Christianity is normal.

When you can show me that the gays are trying to do that to homosexuals- then you would have a case.

But right now- you are just another religious bigot who is pissed off that the Supreme Court has stopped your religious pogroms against Americans that are gay.
The homo's really want the children
They have the children and are doing very well by them


Of course kids don’t know any better.
Yes....they haven't been taught bigotry yet.

Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.

Tell us how you told your kids the difference between a rectum and a vagina?

All straight. Nuff said.
So....chris....you think that that baker doesn't have to follow the business rules of his state even tho he got a business license from them?

Don't be such a stupid fag, Judas. How does the government licencing and regulating him somehow contradict the claim that he's being persecuted, denied his first amendment rights and rights of conscience, by the government. You really do have shit for brains, Bodecea.

Shit, she can’t even understand that Men were created to be intimate with Women.

What did you expect?

Not even the Bible says that.

According to the Bible Man was created.

And afterwards- God decided to create Woman
They have the children and are doing very well by them


Of course kids don’t know any better.
Yes....they haven't been taught bigotry yet.

Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.

Tell us how you told your kids the difference between a rectum and a vagina?

All straight. Nuff said.

So you told your 5 year olds the difference between a rectum and a vagina by saying:

"All straight. Nuff said'

Well that does seem like typical Contard sex ed.
So....chris....you think that that baker doesn't have to follow the business rules of his state even tho he got a business license from them?

Don't be such a stupid fag, Judas. How does the government licencing and regulating him somehow contradict the claim that he's being persecuted, denied his first amendment rights and rights of conscience, by the government. You really do have shit for brains, Bodecea.

And by 'persecuting him' you mean telling him he has to follow the exact same law that tells a Jew that he has to sell to a Christian.

Ah the horrors of such 'persecution'.

I note you are just an idiot bigot.

You want to prove what I posted is false- go for it- but the facts are the facts- the only reason why bigots like you are not able to arrest Americans for having sex you don't approve of is because the Supreme Court stopped you.

For 200 years bigots like you persecuted gay Americans.

Now that you are told you have to follow the same laws that tell a Jew he has to sell to a Christian, you have a hissy fit.

And why should I, .

Why should you act like a bigot? Because that is all you ever do.

You want to prove what I posted is false- go for it- but the facts are the facts- the only reason why bigots like you are not able to arrest Americans for having sex you don't approve of is because the Supreme Court stopped you.

For 200 years bigots like you persecuted gay Americans.

Now that you are told you have to follow the same laws that tell a Jew he has to sell to a Christian, you have a hissy fit

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