Within a few short years, homosexuals have gone from persecuted to persecutors...

Homos think they can impregnate fecal matter
And closeted gays like you are the loudest homophobes

There ya go wishing everyone was gay.

Most aren’t lil fella.
But you, without a doubt, are.

Lol, I’ll bet you wish I were lil fella
I only wish you to be happy. Clearly this is making you miserable. Don't waste your life in denial.
Homos think they can impregnate fecal matter
And closeted gays like you are the loudest homophobes

There ya go wishing everyone was gay.

Most aren’t lil fella.
But you, without a doubt, are.

Lol, I’ll bet you wish I were lil fella
I only wish you to be happy. Clearly this is making you miserable. Don't waste your life in denial.

No, it makes me laugh actually.
Homos think they can impregnate fecal matter
And closeted gays like you are the loudest homophobes

There ya go wishing everyone was gay.

Most aren’t lil fella.
But you, without a doubt, are.

Lol, I’ll bet you wish I were lil fella
I only wish you to be happy. Clearly this is making you miserable. Don't waste your life in denial.
Yes...we don't need another Mal.
And closeted gays like you are the loudest homophobes

There ya go wishing everyone was gay.

Most aren’t lil fella.
But you, without a doubt, are.

Lol, I’ll bet you wish I were lil fella
I only wish you to be happy. Clearly this is making you miserable. Don't waste your life in denial.
Yes...we don't need another Mal.

And that made me laugh as well.
Homos think they can impregnate fecal matter

I decided to support the LGBTFAG cause, so I bought a lamp with a lesbian electric plug. I tried plugging into the wall outlet. I'm sure it's just my ignorance, but I couldn't get the lamp to work.
The homo's really want the children
They have the children and are doing very well by them


Of course kids don’t know any better.
Yes....they haven't been taught bigotry yet.

Hope they get taught the difference between a rectum and a vagina.

So, what, homosexuals are just confused about anatomy, not attracted to the same sex? :p
Homos think they can impregnate fecal matter

I decided to support the LGBTFAG cause, so I bought a lamp with a lesbian electric plug. I tried plugging into the wall outlet. I'm sure it's just my ignorance, but I couldn't get the lamp to work.

You can’t seem to get your brain to work either

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American Men Are Still Being Arrested for Sodomy

One example includes a string of about a dozen undercover arrests by East Baton Rouge Parish police targeting gay men in a park. The arrests, which stretched over a 10 year period until 2013, demonstrate how problematic state laws can be when they contradict court rulings.

“Cops would sit in public parks in unmarked cars, propositioning [men] for sex, then when the men agreed, the police would arrest them for attempted crimes against nature,” says Matt Patterson, managing director of Equality Louisiana. “People were being arrested for agreeing to have sex in private at a future time.”

I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine.

I note that you are citing a faggot source, which any rational person would recognize as uncredible. And aside from that, the manner in which this is being claimed to have been done would constitute entrapment on the part of the officers, an illegal practice that would get them fired at the very least, and any charges thus raised thrown out of court.

In short, the source which you quote is—as is all that it is capable of doing—flat-out lying.

Arkansas and Indiana banned gays from teaching in public schools- and you folks tried to ban them from teaching in California Briggs Initiative - Wikipedia

That's just plain common sense and common decency. Dangerous, mentally- and morally-defective sexual perverts should never be put in position of power an authority over children. Why is it that those on your side are so eager to hand children over to these sick perverts? Anyone who would willingly have any part in that belongs in prison, or at the end of a rope.

Different source. Although it cites the Advocate, that would be the Baton Rouge newspaper, and it also quotes a statement from the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office: EBRSO under fire after park arrest, nat'l criticism from gay community

Here's an article about 2 men arrested for crimes against nature, also in Louisiana, in 2015: 2 men charged with a crime against nature | The Sanchez Law Firm, LLC

Here's the LA Times talking about this as well: Sodomy laws that won't die

And here is another article from allchristiannews.com about the Louisiana arrests: Anti-Sodomy Law: LA Police Target and Arrests Gay Men Who Agreed To $ex With Undercover Agents - Christian Blog

Just to try to counter the idea that it is about the "faggot source."
What's sad is we ask you listen to Jesus's words of not to judge and to welcome everyone. What do you say in return? That we're persecuting you.

WTF is wrong with you?
Dear ScienceRocks
You are mixing two points
One with church law
And the other is an issue of govt.

1. With church law, yes, we are supposed to love one another equally and inclusively . In the spirit of charity and compassion for all.
A. You are right that Christian's should remember that God's grace is forgiving, love is patient she kind, never quick to anger etc.
B. Also I would add that receiving healing grace is what enables people to come to peace with their natural orientation and identity. This is achieved with forgiveness so all people are healed in body mind spirit and relations with others

2. What I would agree with Blackrook on us where govt laws are being violated.

The liberals and LGBT argue for separating church religion and beliefs from govt. But then these very groups push LGBT beliefs and creeds into public policy and threaten business owners with lawsuits and fines. It is one thing to discriminate unfairly by refusing to serve a customer in a business that is under public accommodation laws; but a personal issue to force anyone to perform certain services at outside venues such as gay weddings they don't believe in attending, servicing or supporting.

That is not the same as public accommodations at a company storefront open to the public.

That's where the line is getting crossed and liberal advocates are at risk if not violating the First Amendment rights and Civil Rights of Christian's not to be harassed or punished by govt for their beliefs.

Yes ScienceRocks the laws can be enforced to require businesses to serve customers of any denomination or orientation who enter their place of business. But not to force the beliefs of one person or group on another and force them to participate in activities that violate their beliefs.

If it is Unconstitutional for school officials to instigate a prayer that compels people who don't believe in that, it should be clearly unconstitutional to implement LGBT practices and beliefs in public institutions. If Christian's are expected to keep their beliefs expressions and exercise out of govt and public institutions, the same standards should apply to LGBT beliefs. Otherwise to punish ppl with fines for not complying with LGBT beliefs is discrimination by Creed. I would not want to be fined for not wanting to go attend a private Klan ceremony, preaching against racemixing etc, so why should Christian's be fined for not wanting to go off site and attend a gay wedding they don't believe in either.

What happened to Constitutional equality?
That is not the same as public accommodations at a company storefront open to the public.
The law says it is, and that you can't discriminate on the basis of sexuality any more than you can skin color.

And this bothers you? All of it, or just the gay part?
That is not the same as public accommodations at a company storefront open to the public.
The law says it is, and that you can't discriminate on the basis of sexuality any more than you can skin color.

And this bothers you? All of it, or just the gay part?
So, I guess we will have to hire convicted child molesters as school teachers. To not do so would in fact be discriminatory. And those that have been thrown out of a job because they've been indiscreet about their sexual prowess need to be reinstated because they have been discriminated against . Oh, I guess today it is only fashionable to side with select forms of sexual promiscuity and deviate behavior. Honestly, the law was designed to protect the innocent and not those out to fill their appetites at the expense of everyone else's freedom! Who are you to tell me what form of sexuality is correct or incorrect!

I'm telling you that homosexuality should receive no more protection than any other form of sexual activity. If it is a private matter, then citizen should be able to treat it with indifference or ignore it or shun it as they feel threatened, insulted and corrupted.

The government is WRONG. And just because it passes a law doesn't forgive it any indiscretions. It didn't protect Monarchies, the Nazis, nor the Communists --- and such bias laws will not protect a Republic no matter how well intended.
That is not the same as public accommodations at a company storefront open to the public.
The law says it is, and that you can't discriminate on the basis of sexuality any more than you can skin color.

And this bothers you? All of it, or just the gay part?
A person cannot change his natural skin color. There is no sexual activity I know of that a person cannot live without. (see the above)
A person cannot change his natural skin color. There is no sexual activity I know of that a person cannot live without. (see the above)

Sexual attraction of malleable. It's denial of reality to insist homosexuals can't change (and, the evidence that they were born that way is very elusive). And, as you say, a person can live without sexual activity. A person can also live without making their sexual activity a public issue.

Libtards have absolutely equated sexuality with race. They won't talk about homosexuality without equating it with a race. This is where they get their self-righteous authority to impose their morality on others.
That is not the same as public accommodations at a company storefront open to the public.
The law says it is, and that you can't discriminate on the basis of sexuality any more than you can skin color.

And this bothers you? All of it, or just the gay part?
A person cannot change his natural skin color. There is no sexual activity I know of that a person cannot live without. (see the above)

One can be gay without engaging in sexual activity.

Whether something is inherent or not is not the determinant for whether it is protected by PA laws. Religion is not inherent, yet is protected.
Libtards have absolutely equated sexuality with race. They won't talk about homosexuality without equating it with a race. This is where they get their self-righteous authority to impose their morality on others.

It's a blatantly racist argument that they persist in making—suggesting that being a morally- and psychiatrically-defective sexual pervert is equivalent to being of an ethnic minority.

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