Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

I'm for the janitor. More honest. Harder working. More worthy. Stick your big successful businessmen.
I work damned hard for what I earn. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and run a small farm. What a shame that someone feels it is justified, taking away even one dime, one crumb of food, from me in order to "redistribute" that to anyone else, no matter how large or small? So, is it justified to take from me in order to give a "raise" to someone else? As far as what anyone else has, I'm happy they have it, as long as it wasn't stolen or extorted from someone else. I do not mind paying a fair share of the expenses for things that benefit all of us, roads, public safety, military defense. But there are many things that the government squanders money on that could quite reasonably be cut back, or eliminated altogether. Point being, if I can't pay for something, I don't have it. I do not have the ability to go to my neighbor's house and steal what he has that I want. The government should not have the ability to steal from those who have more in order to provide for those who have less.
Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

Why is making money off money you already earned and paid taxes on, through investments so terrible to you? Investment drives our economy. Why do you want to hamper it further with a Higher long term Cap Gains Rate? Why do you want to raise the taxes not only on Rich people like Romney, But all the not so rich retired who also have only Capital Gains as income?

Idealist Lefties always latch on to one aspect of a situation and focus on it alone. They think, Romney is rich he can afford to pay more Capital Gains taxes, But ignore that for every Romney there are 100 people who are not Rich, They are Retired and living off savings. They act like Romney Making Millions simply by Investing is a good thing. Ignoring that Investment creates wealth, and Jobs by making Capital Available to Business. They act like the Stock market is still just a good ole Boys club where the Rich Get Richer and ignore that Everyone's Pensions, 401k's, Etc are all tied up in it. They Despise the Very Cooperation's that Teachers unions and Government Employees are heavily invested in with their own Retirement plans.

Tunnel Vision.
I work damned hard for what I earn. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and run a small farm. What a shame that someone feels it is justified, taking away even one dime, one crumb of food, from me in order to "redistribute" that to anyone else, no matter how large or small? So, is it justified to take from me in order to give a "raise" to someone else? As far as what anyone else has, I'm happy they have it, as long as it wasn't stolen or extorted from someone else. I do not mind paying a fair share of the expenses for things that benefit all of us, roads, public safety, military defense. But there are many things that the government squanders money on that could quite reasonably be cut back, or eliminated altogether. Point being, if I can't pay for something, I don't have it. I do not have the ability to go to my neighbor's house and steal what he has that I want. The government should not have the ability to steal from those who have more in order to provide for those who have less.
Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.

Your an Idiot. Obama's Spending, and Polices Guarantee we will all have to pay more Taxes. You can not pay for it all even by taking all the 1% income, let alone a few % more. Even if they don't Raise Federal Taxes. They keep Heaping Mandates and Obligations on the States who will have to Raise their Taxes.

Were not falling for the old game of "no new taxes" when all they mean is our Withholding Rates wont go up on Federal, but everything else will. State, Local, Gas Taxes, Etc Etc.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to pay the piper on all this debt, and spending. No matter how many times the Left says it will be the Rich. It wont change the Math. It will be us all.
I work damned hard for what I earn. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and run a small farm. What a shame that someone feels it is justified, taking away even one dime, one crumb of food, from me in order to "redistribute" that to anyone else, no matter how large or small? So, is it justified to take from me in order to give a "raise" to someone else? As far as what anyone else has, I'm happy they have it, as long as it wasn't stolen or extorted from someone else. I do not mind paying a fair share of the expenses for things that benefit all of us, roads, public safety, military defense. But there are many things that the government squanders money on that could quite reasonably be cut back, or eliminated altogether. Point being, if I can't pay for something, I don't have it. I do not have the ability to go to my neighbor's house and steal what he has that I want. The government should not have the ability to steal from those who have more in order to provide for those who have less.
Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.

Your an Idiot. Obama's Spending, and Polices Guarantee we will all have to pay more Taxes. You can not pay for it all even by taking all the 1% income, let alone a few % more. Even if they don't Raise Federal Taxes. They keep Heaping Mandates and Obligations on the States who will have to Raise their Taxes.

Were not falling for the old game of "no new taxes" when all they mean is our Withholding Rates wont go up on Federal, but everything else will. State, Local, Gas Taxes, Etc Etc.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to pay the piper on all this debt, and spending. No matter how many times the Left says it will be the Rich. It wont change the Math. It will be us all.
So your response is to issue a personal insult and totally ignore my question, which is not at all surprising. In fact it is typical of those who serve the interests of the One Percent by parroting the nonsense pumped into their one-dimensional minds by propagandists like Rush Limbaugh.

I don't know if your taxes will be raised or not because I don't know what your income bracket is. But if your tax rate is increased the cause is not Obama's spending but Bush's spending. Obama didn't commence two ruinously costly military operations without budgeting for either one. Obama didn't patronize the pharmaceutical industry by attaching Part D, an enormous expense, to Medicare. Nor did Obama reduce taxes on the One Percent after having punched those two massive holes in the revenue base.

So if you think Obama's spending is responsible for our economic troubles you need to give some more thought to who the idiot is in this discussion.
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I work damned hard for what I earn. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and run a small farm. What a shame that someone feels it is justified, taking away even one dime, one crumb of food, from me in order to "redistribute" that to anyone else, no matter how large or small? So, is it justified to take from me in order to give a "raise" to someone else? As far as what anyone else has, I'm happy they have it, as long as it wasn't stolen or extorted from someone else. I do not mind paying a fair share of the expenses for things that benefit all of us, roads, public safety, military defense. But there are many things that the government squanders money on that could quite reasonably be cut back, or eliminated altogether. Point being, if I can't pay for something, I don't have it. I do not have the ability to go to my neighbor's house and steal what he has that I want. The government should not have the ability to steal from those who have more in order to provide for those who have less.
Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.

Your an Idiot. Obama's Spending, and Polices Guarantee we will all have to pay more Taxes. You can not pay for it all even by taking all the 1% income, let alone a few % more. Even if they don't Raise Federal Taxes. They keep Heaping Mandates and Obligations on the States who will have to Raise their Taxes.

Were not falling for the old game of "no new taxes" when all they mean is our Withholding Rates wont go up on Federal, but everything else will. State, Local, Gas Taxes, Etc Etc.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to pay the piper on all this debt, and spending. No matter how many times the Left says it will be the Rich. It wont change the Math. It will be us all.

Factually not correct.

Also, maybe it was buried away in one of the 21 pages of "conservative" whining, but did anyone show how Mitt's investments from last year created any jobs? Because, I don't think he did.
Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.
Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.


A real job creator he is, eh?

He started out very rich, and now he's richer.

Very impressive.
:eusa_think:Kerry paid a lower tax rate than Romney in 2003, the last year before his run, I don't remember much about that then......maybe I ought to check....:eusa_eh:

well, I'm back, nope, nothing:rolleyes:

Would this help with an interpretation: "She paid a 12.5 percent average tax rate, lower than her husband's 25.8 percent average rate and the 13 percent average tax rate paid by Vice President Richard Cheney. President George W. Bush paid 27.7 percent of his income in federal taxes last year. Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards paid an overall federal tax rate of 5.2 percent. Her gross taxable income, primarily from dividends, was $2.2 million, with another $2.8 million in tax-exempt income from public bonds, according to the return. She got a refund of $248,000 from the federal government after overpaying her estimated taxes during 2003. Kerry filed an amended tax return in April showing he paid $102,152 in federal taxes on $395,338 in taxable income last year." bloomberg, 10.15.04
So, what have we learned from this thread?

I learned that I hold values that were inculcated by trusted moral leaders like parents, teachers and clergy. Those values are study hard, work hard, obey the laws, respect others.

Well, if I grew into a Conservative in 2012, seems those values are dated and obsolete. I should have been much much more self centered. I should not have worked hard as hard work does not serve one well to earn a living.

What I should have done, according to the modern Conservatives posting here was get my foot somehow into the executive suite, skimmed as much profit from the company for my personal gain as possible and invest that gain in companies who outsource their production to countries not so concerned about creating a vibrant middle class. Countries where slave wages for workers is just fine. Countries where care for the environment isn't even on the national read. In other words: countries that aren't America.

Then I would be regarded as smarter than the hordes who did pursue hard work and an honest living. I would be lauded as a true American who assuages teamwork and champions self interest over all other virtues.

I guess as I was born twenty years before the first Reagan regime, it was far too late to be taught the new virtues of selfishness and greed. I was born in a gentler time. And mores the pity now.
What you should want as your President is a statesman, not a multi-millionaire who is a successful financial schemer. But your values have been so distorted by the brainwash which has affected so many of your political contemporaries that what I've said makes no sense to you. And that's a goddam shame because you're obviously intelligent.

do you know where one of them guys are?....
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.
And the class warfare continues. Like racism, the left are overusing the cards, by election time people will be immune to both.
Uh, don't forget the ACORN dead. They have quite an impact in districts where certain candidates are having difficulties. :rolleyes:
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Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.

Your an Idiot. Obama's Spending, and Polices Guarantee we will all have to pay more Taxes. You can not pay for it all even by taking all the 1% income, let alone a few % more. Even if they don't Raise Federal Taxes. They keep Heaping Mandates and Obligations on the States who will have to Raise their Taxes.

Were not falling for the old game of "no new taxes" when all they mean is our Withholding Rates wont go up on Federal, but everything else will. State, Local, Gas Taxes, Etc Etc.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to pay the piper on all this debt, and spending. No matter how many times the Left says it will be the Rich. It wont change the Math. It will be us all.
So your response is to issue a personal insult and totally ignore my question, which is not at all surprising. In fact it is typical of those who serve the interests of the One Percent by parroting the nonsense pumped into their one-dimensional minds by propagandists like Rush Limbaugh.

I don't know if your taxes will be raised or not because I don't know what your income bracket is. But if your tax rate is increased the cause is not Obama's spending but Bush's spending. Obama didn't commence two ruinously costly military operations without budgeting for either one. Obama didn't patronize the pharmaceutical industry by attaching Part D, an enormous expense, to Medicare. Nor did Obama reduce taxes on the One Percent after having punched those two massive holes in the revenue base.

So if you think Obama's spending is responsible for our economic troubles you need to give some more thought to who the idiot is in this discussion.

Yes... Bush spent heavily... but to think that Obama is not doing worse in spending, is unfathomably ignorant... if taxes raise, it is because of the new spending he has brought about.. as well as any increased spending the congress is bringing about...

The key is electing persons in both the executive and the legislature that will do what is necessary and fucking CUT the spending DRASTICALLY
It's the absolute truth. Romney as president will cut taxes for upper income Americans, increase defense spending, and pretend that he's going to cut spending somewhere else to magically balance the budget.

And he will fail just like Reagan and Bush did.

yea, well I wish and I am sure I am not alone, that we lived in the failure that was the reagan years....:lol:.
The Reagan years weren't bad years because the Reagan government was running the Nation on credit. That, along with his tampering with regulations that protected the ordinary citizen against bankers, corporatists and Wall Street sharks, are the causes of most of our current miseries. We were simply oblivious to it at the time.

I'm not saying Reagan engineered any of it because he didn't have the intelligence to do that. He was in fact demented and probably had descended into the early stages of Alzheimer in the middle years of his Presidency. He was an obedient servant of a shadow government which is still running things.

meanwhile the smartest guy to ever be president has us meandering along barely making headway and spending comparatively a great deal more to boot.....:eusa_think:give me the addled demented Illuminati guy please.
So, what have we learned from this thread?

I learned that I hold values that were inculcated by trusted moral leaders like parents, teachers and clergy. Those values are study hard, work hard, obey the laws, respect others.

Well, if I grew into a Conservative in 2012, seems those values are dated and obsolete. I should have been much much more self centered. I should not have worked hard as hard work does not serve one well to earn a living.

What I should have done, according to the modern Conservatives posting here was get my foot somehow into the executive suite, skimmed as much profit from the company for my personal gain as possible and invest that gain in companies who outsource their production to countries not so concerned about creating a vibrant middle class. Countries where slave wages for workers is just fine. Countries where care for the environment isn't even on the national read. In other words: countries that aren't America.

Then I would be regarded as smarter than the hordes who did pursue hard work and an honest living. I would be lauded as a true American who assuages teamwork and champions self interest over all other virtues.

I guess as I was born twenty years before the first Reagan regime, it was far too late to be taught the new virtues of selfishness and greed. I was born in a gentler time. And mores the pity now.

boy oh boy have you bought a load of malarkey. Alinsky would love you. In the land of the blind etc etc etc ....
I work damned hard for what I earn. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and run a small farm. What a shame that someone feels it is justified, taking away even one dime, one crumb of food, from me in order to "redistribute" that to anyone else, no matter how large or small? So, is it justified to take from me in order to give a "raise" to someone else? As far as what anyone else has, I'm happy they have it, as long as it wasn't stolen or extorted from someone else. I do not mind paying a fair share of the expenses for things that benefit all of us, roads, public safety, military defense. But there are many things that the government squanders money on that could quite reasonably be cut back, or eliminated altogether. Point being, if I can't pay for something, I don't have it. I do not have the ability to go to my neighbor's house and steal what he has that I want. The government should not have the ability to steal from those who have more in order to provide for those who have less.
Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.

So you are another one that can not treat a fellow American equally until after you have seen the contents of his wallet.

Puff that chest out in pride.
Your an Idiot. Obama's Spending, and Polices Guarantee we will all have to pay more Taxes. You can not pay for it all even by taking all the 1% income, let alone a few % more. Even if they don't Raise Federal Taxes. They keep Heaping Mandates and Obligations on the States who will have to Raise their Taxes.

Were not falling for the old game of "no new taxes" when all they mean is our Withholding Rates wont go up on Federal, but everything else will. State, Local, Gas Taxes, Etc Etc.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to pay the piper on all this debt, and spending. No matter how many times the Left says it will be the Rich. It wont change the Math. It will be us all.
So your response is to issue a personal insult and totally ignore my question, which is not at all surprising. In fact it is typical of those who serve the interests of the One Percent by parroting the nonsense pumped into their one-dimensional minds by propagandists like Rush Limbaugh.

I don't know if your taxes will be raised or not because I don't know what your income bracket is. But if your tax rate is increased the cause is not Obama's spending but Bush's spending. Obama didn't commence two ruinously costly military operations without budgeting for either one. Obama didn't patronize the pharmaceutical industry by attaching Part D, an enormous expense, to Medicare. Nor did Obama reduce taxes on the One Percent after having punched those two massive holes in the revenue base.

So if you think Obama's spending is responsible for our economic troubles you need to give some more thought to who the idiot is in this discussion.

Yes... Bush spent heavily... but to think that Obama is not doing worse in spending, is unfathomably ignorant... if taxes raise, it is because of the new spending he has brought about.. as well as any increased spending the congress is bringing about...

The key is electing persons in both the executive and the legislature that will do what is necessary and fucking CUT the spending DRASTICALLY
Also important is to eschew allowing the continuance of legislators who use their congressional seats to enrich personal family members instead of the entire spectrum of the American people. Taxes people pay are going into their personal piggy banks at the highest level and over and beyond their lavish salaries, benefits, free Air Force flight and protection, and operating expense accounts in the megabucks.
I work damned hard for what I earn. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and run a small farm. What a shame that someone feels it is justified, taking away even one dime, one crumb of food, from me in order to "redistribute" that to anyone else, no matter how large or small? So, is it justified to take from me in order to give a "raise" to someone else? As far as what anyone else has, I'm happy they have it, as long as it wasn't stolen or extorted from someone else. I do not mind paying a fair share of the expenses for things that benefit all of us, roads, public safety, military defense. But there are many things that the government squanders money on that could quite reasonably be cut back, or eliminated altogether. Point being, if I can't pay for something, I don't have it. I do not have the ability to go to my neighbor's house and steal what he has that I want. The government should not have the ability to steal from those who have more in order to provide for those who have less.
Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.
Typical socialist/marxist babble.
Mike YOU are part of the one percent. The one percent of human beings that are afflicted with extreme greed.
Don't put this on anyone else.
It is your side that believes people should be punished through taxation just because they are wealthy. Your media has reported in such manner so as to make the purchase of tax free municipal bonds, tax deferred investments and other deductions which you beloved IRS and US Tax Code states are within the law, to be illegal.
Yeah. the mainstream media and your side of the aisle are progressively working toward creating a perception that wealth is somehow criminal in it's very existence.
Are you among the One Percent? If so, you should be paying more than twice your present rate of taxation. If you're not among the One Percent you have been misled by those who serve the One Percent into believing you will be targeted by a tax increase.

Regarding those whom you've been led to believe will be given money which will be "stolen" from the rich through some sort of Robin Hood taxation -- who, specifically, will be these prospective recipients of the "stolen" money? Tell us who they are. And tell us what form this redistribution will take.

Your an Idiot. Obama's Spending, and Polices Guarantee we will all have to pay more Taxes. You can not pay for it all even by taking all the 1% income, let alone a few % more. Even if they don't Raise Federal Taxes. They keep Heaping Mandates and Obligations on the States who will have to Raise their Taxes.

Were not falling for the old game of "no new taxes" when all they mean is our Withholding Rates wont go up on Federal, but everything else will. State, Local, Gas Taxes, Etc Etc.

Sooner or later someone is going to have to pay the piper on all this debt, and spending. No matter how many times the Left says it will be the Rich. It wont change the Math. It will be us all.
So your response is to issue a personal insult and totally ignore my question, which is not at all surprising. In fact it is typical of those who serve the interests of the One Percent by parroting the nonsense pumped into their one-dimensional minds by propagandists like Rush Limbaugh.

I don't know if your taxes will be raised or not because I don't know what your income bracket is. But if your tax rate is increased the cause is not Obama's spending but Bush's spending. Obama didn't commence two ruinously costly military operations without budgeting for either one. Obama didn't patronize the pharmaceutical industry by attaching Part D, an enormous expense, to Medicare. Nor did Obama reduce taxes on the One Percent after having punched those two massive holes in the revenue base.

So if you think Obama's spending is responsible for our economic troubles you need to give some more thought to who the idiot is in this discussion.
Ok...Two things you keep repeating....."Bush" and "one percent"..Bush has not been president for nearly 3 years and Occupy Wall Street is DEAD.
Both these terms are boring and have no place in any discussion. Use of these terms is no longer permitted. Move on to something else.
You fucking left wing nut jobs still don't get it....For the last 3 years this has been OBAMA'S WATCH...Two of those years you had democrat control both houses of Congress and the White House. Your side gave us on trillion dollars in spending that to date no one knows where the money went. You gave a us a ten trillion dollar health insurance plan that is so complex that the former Speaker said "we have to pass it so we can see what's in it".....And a whole bunch of new executive orders straight from the Oval Office desk because Obama who becomes angry with anyone who stands in his way, is too busy playing the part of the Elected King.
BTW Obama mentioned yesterday that "millionaires should pay their fair share and the middle class deserves a tax break."....
What tax break? There is no proposal to lower taxes on the middle class wage earners. That statement was total bullshit. An invective. Like a subliminal message in a movie trailer.

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