Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

When he was talking about fearing of getting a pink slip maybe he was talking about messing up on laundry day and putting his red mormon underwear in with his white slip?

why do you hate Mormons?.....
Thousands of Americans use this tax efficient method? Would one of those be a bus driver from Atlanta, or a school custodian from Fresno, or a welder from Pittsburgh? Not likely.

And how many of those thousands are running for POTUS? One might thing, rationally not emotionally, that someone running for that job, or any public service job, would place their dollars in a domestic bank, a bank which would lend money to an American small business or an American homeowner or prospective home, auto or appliance buyer. Where does the money Romney place in foreign banks circulate? Is it loaned to Raul Castro or Hugo Chavez or N. Korea? Does he care, or is the most tax efficent method the only thing that matters?

if those guys were making great bucks and had the chance they would do the same dam thing ......
Thousands of Americans use this tax efficient method? Would one of those be a bus driver from Atlanta, or a school custodian from Fresno, or a welder from Pittsburgh? Not likely.

And how many of those thousands are running for POTUS? One might thing, rationally not emotionally, that someone running for that job, or any public service job, would place their dollars in a domestic bank, a bank which would lend money to an American small business or an American homeowner or prospective home, auto or appliance buyer. Where does the money Romney place in foreign banks circulate? Is it loaned to Raul Castro or Hugo Chavez or N. Korea? Does he care, or is the most tax efficent method the only thing that matters?

if those guys were making great bucks and had the chance they would do the same dam thing ......

Union fucks make big bucks being lazy demanding assholes.
Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?

Because dividends are dispersed after profits are taxed. Simple I know, but I won't be shocked if this requires further explanation.

My monthly pension check comes to me minus a certain amount of withheld Income Tax. When I take some of that taxed money to the gas station and fill up my car that taxed money is taxed again. So how is this essentially different from your lament about Romney's situation?

Is it something like this: Let's say I invest some of my taxed pension money in bonds. When I redeem those bonds the interest (on my already taxed money) is taxed, than I go to the gas station with the taxed interest from my taxed pension money and it's taxed again. And so on. Is that what you mean?
The differance between him and Romeny is Romeny wants HIS class to rule and Kerry wanted regular joes to have the same power as Romeny in our government.

You see wealth is fine but wealth used to keep others down in a democracy is not so good.

you gotta be fucking kidding me.....if you believe thats what that guy wanted Truth then you are more stupid than what some of the posters here say you are.....Geezus....:lol:
Romney's got some serious Bling. That's just how he rolls. And there's nothing wrong with that. I want a successful person as President. I don't want a turd wrangling Janitor like this OP as President. Get rich, or die trying. Because you will have to try damn hard. It is what it is.
And utterly irrelevant to her statement and her point.

Of course, if it weren't for irrelevance, misdirection and obfuscation, you'd have nearly 0 posts.

I put it down to ignorance. People who don't really understand how wealth is attained, or built, or kept. They might think they understand it - but, by their own words, they clearly don't.

Ask any multimillionaire and they'll tell you "the first million is the hardest". It is tough to get there. Once you're there, it's easier... if you are either smart or get smart people to work your money for you. And that is the key.... making your money work for you instead of you working for it. That's how Romney got where he is. That's how most wealthy people get where they are.

Ignorance is epidemic on this site, so is bullshit.

Wry you feed us plenty of bullshit that the left side of the Congress fed you.....and before you reply.....the right side throws it around too.....matter of fact,the guy with the most Bullshit usually wins elections.....if Romney can throw more"good" sounding Bullshit at us than Obama,he just may win this thing.....
Union fucks make big bucks being lazy demanding assholes.
"Union fucks" played a major role in building the worker-friendly, middle class America which you benefit either directly or indirectly from -- and which the right wing, with the help of it's legion of water-carrying lackeys and useful-idiots, is presently tearing apart.
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I put it down to ignorance. People who don't really understand how wealth is attained, or built, or kept. They might think they understand it - but, by their own words, they clearly don't.

Ask any multimillionaire and they'll tell you "the first million is the hardest". It is tough to get there. Once you're there, it's easier... if you are either smart or get smart people to work your money for you. And that is the key.... making your money work for you instead of you working for it. That's how Romney got where he is. That's how most wealthy people get where they are.

Ignorance is epidemic on this site, so is bullshit.

Wry you feed us plenty of bullshit that the left side of the Congress fed you.....and before you reply.....the right side throws it around too.....matter of fact,the guy with the most Bullshit usually wins elections.....if Romney can throw more"good" sounding Bullshit at us than Obama,he just may win this thing.....

Sadly, in order to put Romney up against Obama, we first have to get that clusterfuck of a party... the GOP... to think logically and vote for the guy who actually represents their values instead of the snakeoil salesman. I'm not convinced the GOP base are smart enough to do that.
BTW, I simply don't like Republicans of the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" type; that does not make me a hyperpartisan Democrat.

so do you look at Democrats with that mindset the same way?.....because 98% of the rich Democrats are no different than 98% of the rich Republicans......
Romney's 'plan' is as follows:

1. Cut taxes for himself and his upper income pals.

2. Increase defense spending

3. Balance the budget with a magic wand.

...sound familiar? It's what every budget busting slave of the defense lobby Republican president since Reagan has promised.
That's the silliest thing I ever heard of.

It's the absolute truth. Romney as president will cut taxes for upper income Americans, increase defense spending, and pretend that he's going to cut spending somewhere else to magically balance the budget.

And he will fail just like Reagan and Bush did.
This simply denotes that the left isn't at all interested in 'fairness' - only in how much money they can bring in to the government so they can spend it on buying votes.

Funny how they can't define "fair". I have 10 acres and you have 4. Is that fair or unfair? Should I have to give up 3 of my acres so we are equal? Is that fair? Fair and fair share are class warfare buzzwords that have yet to be defined. I guess its like pornography. You can't define it, but you know it when you see it.
Managment begs labor to concede wages and benefits. The resulting profit is then applied to the bottom line and the stock price shoots up. A few investors make as staggering amount of money, the labor force has to scrape by on less. Is that fair?

If you want to argue by anecdote, use one that applies.

untrue, I and many many many folks make money when my former employers stock goes up...so?
So that 10,000 bet with Perry that Romney wanted make represented about 2 and a half hours pay.

That's like normal people making a 50 dollar bet.
Romney's 'plan' is as follows:

1. Cut taxes for himself and his upper income pals.

2. Increase defense spending

3. Balance the budget with a magic wand.

...sound familiar? It's what every budget busting slave of the defense lobby Republican president since Reagan has promised.
That's the silliest thing I ever heard of.

It's the absolute truth. Romney as president will cut taxes for upper income Americans, increase defense spending, and pretend that he's going to cut spending somewhere else to magically balance the budget.

And he will fail just like Reagan and Bush did.

yea, well I wish and I am sure I am not alone, that we lived in the failure that was the reagan years....:lol:.
Romney's got some serious Bling. That's just how he rolls. And there's nothing wrong with that. I want a successful person as President. I don't want a turd wrangling Janitor like this OP as President. Get rich, or die trying. Because you will have to try damn hard. It is what it is.

The fake Ron Paul guy getting behind the Neocon Romney.

too funny.
Thousands of Americans use this tax efficient method? Would one of those be a bus driver from Atlanta, or a school custodian from Fresno, or a welder from Pittsburgh? Not likely.

And how many of those thousands are running for POTUS? One might thing, rationally not emotionally, that someone running for that job, or any public service job, would place their dollars in a domestic bank, a bank which would lend money to an American small business or an American homeowner or prospective home, auto or appliance buyer. Where does the money Romney place in foreign banks circulate? Is it loaned to Raul Castro or Hugo Chavez or N. Korea? Does he care, or is the most tax efficent method the only thing that matters?

if those guys were making great bucks and had the chance they would do the same dam thing ......

Union fucks make big bucks being lazy demanding assholes.

im a Union Fuck making a decent buck and you cant be lazy doing what i do......if you are.....goodby....
That's the silliest thing I ever heard of.

It's the absolute truth. Romney as president will cut taxes for upper income Americans, increase defense spending, and pretend that he's going to cut spending somewhere else to magically balance the budget.

And he will fail just like Reagan and Bush did.

yea, well I wish and I am sure I am not alone, that we lived in the failure that was the reagan years....:lol:.

Massive peacetime deficits were unheard of until Reagan made them politically survivable. Now they are routine.
Romney's 'plan' is as follows:

1. Cut taxes for himself and his upper income pals.

2. Increase defense spending

3. Balance the budget with a magic wand.

...sound familiar? It's what every budget busting slave of the defense lobby Republican president since Reagan has promised.
That's the silliest thing I ever heard of.

It's the absolute truth. Romney as president will cut taxes for upper income Americans, increase defense spending, and pretend that he's going to cut spending somewhere else to magically balance the budget.

And he will fail just like Reagan and Bush did.

You forgot to add that O is failing horribly.

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