Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

But they aren't taxed to little. The 1% make 17% of the nations wealth. the 99% make the other 83% of wealth in the nation. The 1% pay 39% of the taxes. 47% of Americans pay no income tax. The other 52% pay the remaining 61% of taxes. So how much more above the 39% of all taxes paid do you consider a "fair share". Please define that term for us. Obama has failed to do so yet.
This simply denotes that the left isn't at all interested in 'fairness' - only in how much money they can bring in to the government so they can spend it on buying votes.

Funny how they can't define "fair". I have 10 acres and you have 4. Is that fair or unfair? Should I have to give up 3 of my acres so we are equal? Is that fair? Fair and fair share are class warfare buzzwords that have yet to be defined. I guess its like pornography. You can't define it, but you know it when you see it.
Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

But they aren't taxed to little. The 1% make 17% of the nations wealth. the 99% make the other 83% of wealth in the nation. The 1% pay 39% of the taxes. 47% of Americans pay no income tax. The other 52% pay the remaining 61% of taxes. So how much more above the 39% of all taxes paid do you consider a "fair share". Please define that term for us. Obama has failed to do so yet.

This is the part that is the most amusing and actually on some levels fascinating. That a word like 'fair' can so be repeatedly and obviously misused by the left. Face it libs, FAIR is not what you're after. I will go so far as to say the tax code most certainly is not fair currently. It's just that the unfairness is not in the form the libs claim it is. Where tax revenue comes from is simple enough to see and no ought to be able argue by looking at that that the middle class and poor are unfairly burdened with providing the nations tax revenue. The numbers simply aren't there to support that.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

But they aren't taxed to little. The 1% make 17% of the nations wealth. the 99% make the other 83% of wealth in the nation. The 1% pay 39% of the taxes. 47% of Americans pay no income tax. The other 52% pay the remaining 61% of taxes. So how much more above the 39% of all taxes paid do you consider a "fair share". Please define that term for us. Obama has failed to do so yet.
This simply denotes that the left isn't at all interested in 'fairness' - only in how much money they can bring in to the government so they can spend it on buying votes.

Big Government will never have enough Tax Revenue. They'll always invent a new excuse to spend your money. It has a voracious appetite for your money. They're $16 Trillion in Debt yet they're still demanding more money from the Citizens. They have a lot of nerve huh? They can't spend the money they take in properly, yet they demand more. What an awful scam. I can't stand Big Government assholes. And that goes for both political parties.
Jealous much?

I make Romney's amount in a year and I pay twice that much in tax.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.

You understand the money that Romney has already been taxed once, right?

The % you guys are complaining about, is the 2nd time it's been taxed.

Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?
I make Romney's amount in a year and I pay twice that much in tax.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.

You understand the money that Romney has already been taxed once, right?

The % you guys are complaining about, is the 2nd time it's been taxed.

Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?

Because dividends are dispersed after profits are taxed. Simple I know, but I won't be shocked if this requires further explanation.
I make Romney's amount in a year and I pay twice that much in tax.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.

You understand the money that Romney has already been taxed once, right?

The % you guys are complaining about, is the 2nd time it's been taxed.

Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?

I hate the republican party, just as an fyi.

When the money was first earned it was taxed, whether by Mitt or a rich family member, and now it's being taxed again.

I hate Mitt, he stands for the same big gov't spending, big gov't healthcare, big deficts, warmongering that Obama stands for but i don't hate him cuz he has more money than me.

I'd feel too much like a hypocrite if I demanded he be taxed more cuz he makes more, cuz that would mean I want to be taxed more to give to those with less than me, which isn't the case.
Big Government will never have enough Tax Revenue. They'll always demand more. If a staggering $16 Trillion Debt hasn't shaken them, nothing will. A very bleak future lies ahead for our Nation.
I make Romney's amount in a year and I pay twice that much in tax.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.

You understand the money that Romney has already been taxed once, right?

The % you guys are complaining about, is the 2nd time it's been taxed.

Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?

It's not anyone's sound bite, it's IRS tax code.

The first tax is paid from ordinary everyday income.
Some people take some of this already taxed ordinary income and invest it.

The second tax is paid on income derived from the investments made with the money earned from the original already taxed ordinary income.

Warren Buffet uses the same tax code.
You understand the money that Romney has already been taxed once, right?

The % you guys are complaining about, is the 2nd time it's been taxed.

Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?

Because dividends are dispersed after profits are taxed. Simple I know, but I won't be shocked if this requires further explanation.

The company pays a corporate tax rate on it's profits. The dividend the company pays is new income and is taxed at a capital gains rate because it is going to another person. The fact is, every time money changes hands, it is taxed.

If I earn $100 dollars and I pay tax on that, then I buy something from someone for $50, that person has to pay tax on that $50. It is erroneous to claim that other person is exempt from paying tax on the $50 I give him because I already paid tax on my $100.
Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?

Because dividends are dispersed after profits are taxed. Simple I know, but I won't be shocked if this requires further explanation.

The company pays a corporate tax rate on it's profits. The dividend the company pays is new income and is taxed at a capital gains rate because it is going to another person. The fact is, every time money changes hands, it is taxed.

If I earn $100 dollars and I pay tax on that, then I buy something from someone for $50, that person has to pay tax on that $50. It is erroneous to claim that other person is exempt from paying tax on the $50 I give him because I already paid tax on my $100.

The sad thing is that tax system you laid out, how horrible it is, only one of us has a problem with the entire population being subject to that.

And it's not you.
Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you?
Speaking of juvenile...
You believe that you are entitled to more than what you have, and you believe that you deserve to have the wealthy give it to you.
What do you base this inane presumption on?

Do you actually believe the taxes you pay are routinely distributed to some mysterious category of people whom those who think like you never specify? Or are you simply parroting the brainwash which is pumped into your brain on a daily basis by the likes of Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity?

Do you believe a tax increase on the rich will result in party time for the less fortunate? If so, can you back that up with some supportive facts?
Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you?
Speaking of juvenile...
You believe that you are entitled to more than what you have, and you believe that you deserve to have the wealthy give it to you.
You must have me confused with some other delusion. Or, you are stumped (not far from the realm of possibilities) and have decided if you can't win a debate, you'll just put words in my mouth. Either way, you're as wrong as the policies you espouse.
Because dividends are dispersed after profits are taxed. Simple I know, but I won't be shocked if this requires further explanation.

The company pays a corporate tax rate on it's profits. The dividend the company pays is new income and is taxed at a capital gains rate because it is going to another person. The fact is, every time money changes hands, it is taxed.

If I earn $100 dollars and I pay tax on that, then I buy something from someone for $50, that person has to pay tax on that $50. It is erroneous to claim that other person is exempt from paying tax on the $50 I give him because I already paid tax on my $100.

The sad thing is that tax system you laid out, how horrible it is, only one of us has a problem with the entire population being subject to that.

And it's not you.

You are incorrect. I do have a problem with the entire population being subject to the capital gains rate. I would like to see the top 1% pay more, especially since they've been raking it in over the last 3 years.
I make Romney's amount in a year and I pay twice that much in tax.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.

You understand the money that Romney has already been taxed once, right?

The % you guys are complaining about, is the 2nd time it's been taxed.

Yes, that is the scary Republican soundbite. Care to explain to us how Romney was taxed twice on his income?

And that boys and girls, is the level of economic ignorance Democrats depend on in order to run up annual Trillion plus deficits and not pass a budget in 3 years
The company pays a corporate tax rate on it's profits. The dividend the company pays is new income and is taxed at a capital gains rate because it is going to another person. The fact is, every time money changes hands, it is taxed.

If I earn $100 dollars and I pay tax on that, then I buy something from someone for $50, that person has to pay tax on that $50. It is erroneous to claim that other person is exempt from paying tax on the $50 I give him because I already paid tax on my $100.

The sad thing is that tax system you laid out, how horrible it is, only one of us has a problem with the entire population being subject to that.

And it's not you.

You are incorrect. I do have a problem with the entire population being subject to the capital gains rate. I would like to see the top 1% pay more, especially since they've been raking it in over the last 3 years.

You want to see the top 1% make no more than the bottom 1%
But they aren't taxed to little. The 1% make 17% of the nations wealth. the 99% make the other 83% of wealth in the nation. The 1% pay 39% of the taxes. 47% of Americans pay no income tax. The other 52% pay the remaining 61% of taxes. So how much more above the 39% of all taxes paid do you consider a "fair share". Please define that term for us. Obama has failed to do so yet.
This simply denotes that the left isn't at all interested in 'fairness' - only in how much money they can bring in to the government so they can spend it on buying votes.

Funny how they can't define "fair". I have 10 acres and you have 4. Is that fair or unfair? Should I have to give up 3 of my acres so we are equal? Is that fair? Fair and fair share are class warfare buzzwords that have yet to be defined. I guess its like pornography. You can't define it, but you know it when you see it.
Managment begs labor to concede wages and benefits. The resulting profit is then applied to the bottom line and the stock price shoots up. A few investors make as staggering amount of money, the labor force has to scrape by on less. Is that fair?

If you want to argue by anecdote, use one that applies.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you?
Speaking of juvenile...
You believe that you are entitled to more than what you have, and you believe that you deserve to have the wealthy give it to you.
You must have me confused with some other delusion. Or, you are stumped (not far from the realm of possibilities) and have decided if you can't win a debate, you'll just put words in my mouth. Either way, you're as wrong as the policies you espouse.
We'll I can't do much about you lying to me, but you really -should- stop lying to yourself.
This simply denotes that the left isn't at all interested in 'fairness' - only in how much money they can bring in to the government so they can spend it on buying votes.

Funny how they can't define "fair". I have 10 acres and you have 4. Is that fair or unfair? Should I have to give up 3 of my acres so we are equal? Is that fair? Fair and fair share are class warfare buzzwords that have yet to be defined. I guess its like pornography. You can't define it, but you know it when you see it.
Managment begs labor to concede wages and benefits. The resulting profit is then applied to the bottom line and the stock price shoots up. A few investors make as staggering amount of money, the labor force has to scrape by on less. Is that fair?

If you want to argue by anecdote, use one that applies.

Sorry, but no cigar. We were discussing "fairness" in taxation and wealth redistribution, not labor and management negotiations over wages and profits. Try again.
It's amazing what you can do if you plan ahead and work hard.

Especially if your daddy was CEO of American Motors and Gov. of Michigan.

President Obama was able to achieve what Romney has been chasing for a decade without the advantage of Romney - White, uber Rich and by virtue of his birth a member of the power elite.

then why didn't he stay there and climb the smooth corp. ladder in AMC compliments of daddy? ?

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