Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

He made some good investments....

What's your point....

How much does Bill Gates make a day.
Warren Buffet....

Oh that's right it's only evil and wrong when republicans make money off investments
He made some good investments....

What's your point....

How much does Bill Gates make a day.
Warren Buffet....

Oh that's right it's only evil and wrong when republicans make money off investments

They should pay their fair share.

I bet you pay more than 13.9%.
It's the absolute truth. Romney as president will cut taxes for upper income Americans, increase defense spending, and pretend that he's going to cut spending somewhere else to magically balance the budget.

And he will fail just like Reagan and Bush did.

yea, well I wish and I am sure I am not alone, that we lived in the failure that was the reagan years....:lol:.

Massive peacetime deficits were unheard of until Reagan made them politically survivable. Now they are routine.

The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

Sad part is he doesnt know what the definition of work is. I say he deserves every penny. SO does the janitor who is more credible than he is.
Not hard working. The folks making $40,000 work hard. Romney never breaks a sweat. His income is from investments, not hard work.

Nah, he works hard too. You're just a dimwitted bitter Democrat Dummy, so you don't know any better. The man worked for his money. You should try that for a change. Good luck. :)
I do work hard. Do you? Or do you just enjoy belittling and sneering with contempt at those of us who do work hard?

Could you loan me a million from your account? I'd pay 3 points over prime!

Or are you not rich either? Perhaps you don't work any harder than me or the 349,000,000 other Americans just like me?

I work damned hard for what I earn. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and run a small farm. What a shame that someone feels it is justified, taking away even one dime, one crumb of food, from me in order to "redistribute" that to anyone else, no matter how large or small? So, is it justified to take from me in order to give a "raise" to someone else? As far as what anyone else has, I'm happy they have it, as long as it wasn't stolen or extorted from someone else. I do not mind paying a fair share of the expenses for things that benefit all of us, roads, public safety, military defense. But there are many things that the government squanders money on that could quite reasonably be cut back, or eliminated altogether.
Point being, if I can't pay for something, I don't have it. I do not have the ability to go to my neighbor's house and steal what he has that I want. The government should not have the ability to steal from those who have more in order to provide for those who have less.
I could have worked 70 hours a week every week and wouldnt have made that much more and it isnt anything to do with my choices. So shut up.
I do work hard. Do you? Or do you just enjoy belittling and sneering with contempt at those of us who do work hard?

Could you loan me a million from your account? I'd pay 3 points over prime!

Or are you not rich either? Perhaps you don't work any harder than me or the 349,000,000 other Americans just like me?
Work hard..There's your mistake. People who work smart are the ones who succeed and achieve.

In today's America, those who gamble on investments are the ones who succeed and get fabulously wealthy. I do work hard. Yet my pay has been reduced so the bottom line of the company looks better to stock holders. They work as hard as any other person sitting in front of a slot machine.

Stop insulting hard work. It's what this country was built upon.

Have you ever considered looking for another job?
Quit your job. Walk out. Give no notice. I did it many moons ago and it was one of the most fulfilling days of my entire life. Truth be told.
Because its not yours?
Someone else decided that the money I earned was actually their money and took it!
Two wrongs make a right?

You're just bitter over people having things you don't.
Welcome to reality - and it sounds like you need a helmet.

Ah..so you are in favor of a line item tax return..right?

Like you can check off that you don't want your taxes going to SSI..and I check check off that I don't want my taxes going to invade foreign countries.

I like that idea.


I've actually spoken to that on another forum. My suggestion was that a check list be included with your ballot when you vote. Each expenditure using tax dollars would be listed any each voter would be able to designate a percentage amount to those items they preferred. A lot of single people I know would prefer their taxes be spent on roads or cops than on public school funding, for instance. Putting such an option on a tax return might be interesting, too. How do you envision such an option?
Work hard..There's your mistake. People who work smart are the ones who succeed and achieve.

In today's America, those who gamble on investments are the ones who succeed and get fabulously wealthy. I do work hard. Yet my pay has been reduced so the bottom line of the company looks better to stock holders. They work as hard as any other person sitting in front of a slot machine.

Stop insulting hard work. It's what this country was built upon.

Yeah..they gamble on investments with other people's money. If they fail..tax payers bail them out. If they succeed..the profits are private.

Great system.

Good job boys!


The taxpayers, per se, don't bail them out, the government that collects the taxes decides which of their cronies to bail out.
This country has evolved into something that I dont recognize anymore and something I am not proud of.
And the class warfare continues. Like racism, the left are overusing the cards, by election time people will be immune to both.

Romney's tax plan would cut taxes for the upper classes and raise taxes on the lower classes.

That is class warfare.

If you mean that everyone will effectivley pay there "FAIR SHARE" that the president has been bitching about lately I can go along with that. How is it fair for people who start business and hire people to pay more while the lower 48% sit on there ass doing nothing and paying nothing while bitching that the upper class does not pay enough?
Myself, I am in huge favor of a fair tax, that way everyone pays regardless of income.

It appears that libtards think "fair" means that people with more pay more. In fact, they pay a lot more. 15% on $57,000 a day is a shitload more than 15% on $57,000 a year. That fact never seems to make a whit of difference to the whiners who represent a progressive tax as "fair". Especially when almost half of the American "taxpayers" are nothing more than tax-takers who receive payouts (EIC-isn't that an oxymoron!) without ever paying a dime into the system.
Romney's tax plan would cut taxes for the upper classes and raise taxes on the lower classes.

That is class warfare.

If you mean that everyone will effectivley pay there "FAIR SHARE" that the president has been bitching about lately I can go along with that. How is it fair for people who start business and hire people to pay more while the lower 48% sit on there ass doing nothing and paying nothing while bitching that the upper class does not pay enough?
Myself, I am in huge favor of a fair tax, that way everyone pays regardless of income.

You're an idiot.

'Fair' isn't taxing the money that families need for basic necessities at the same rate you tax money that the rich don't even need.

And where the fuck are you from where the people who make 20 or 30 or 40 grand a year don't work for it?

And you obviously don't pay taxes. "Fair" is called Exemptions on a Form 1040. Exemptions allow for a certain sum of income to be immediately exempted from taxation depending on the number of family members. The sum is considered coverage for your basic necessities. If you have a problem with the amount, take it up with your elected representatives.
Here's another conundrum for all the libtards out there who advocate theft...You resent those who have more than you because they did not "earn" all that money. Just what the fuck did any of you do to earn the money government steals from others, just so you can have something you haven't earned either?
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Romney should pay AT LEAST the same tax rate as the rest of us.

Why should Romney pay less for sitting on his ass?

The Buffett Rule rocks!
This simply denotes that the left isn't at all interested in 'fairness' - only in how much money they can bring in to the government so they can spend it on buying votes.

Funny how they can't define "fair". I have 10 acres and you have 4. Is that fair or unfair? Should I have to give up 3 of my acres so we are equal? Is that fair? Fair and fair share are class warfare buzzwords that have yet to be defined. I guess its like pornography. You can't define it, but you know it when you see it.
Managment begs labor to concede wages and benefits. The resulting profit is then applied to the bottom line and the stock price shoots up. A few investors make as staggering amount of money, the labor force has to scrape by on less. Is that fair?

If you want to argue by anecdote, use one that applies.

Is labor prohibited from investing?
That's the silliest thing I ever heard of.

It's the absolute truth. Romney as president will cut taxes for upper income Americans, increase defense spending, and pretend that he's going to cut spending somewhere else to magically balance the budget.

And he will fail just like Reagan and Bush did.

yea, well I wish and I am sure I am not alone, that we lived in the failure that was the reagan years....:lol:.
The Reagan years weren't bad years because the Reagan government was running the Nation on credit. That, along with his tampering with regulations that protected the ordinary citizen against bankers, corporatists and Wall Street sharks, are the causes of most of our current miseries. We were simply oblivious to it at the time.

I'm not saying Reagan engineered any of it because he didn't have the intelligence to do that. He was in fact demented and probably had descended into the early stages of Alzheimer in the middle years of his Presidency. He was an obedient servant of a shadow government which is still running things.
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Romney's got some serious Bling. That's just how he rolls. And there's nothing wrong with that. I want a successful person as President. I don't want a turd wrangling Janitor like this OP as President. Get rich, or die trying. Because you will have to try damn hard. It is what it is.
What you should want as your President is a statesman, not a multi-millionaire who is a successful financial schemer. But your values have been so distorted by the brainwash which has affected so many of your political contemporaries that what I've said makes no sense to you. And that's a goddam shame because you're obviously intelligent.

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