Without drastic changes, Democrats are on track to lose big in 2022

Fort Fun Indiana yeah but global not US based. If every American were vaccinated the shortage would still exist. That’s what your dumb uneducated ass doesn’t comprehend.
No can go pull your taffy in PMs all day. The big reason for the global chip shortage is the covid-19 pandemic., Everyone knows it. I suspect you know it, too. But, we both know how stubborn you are.
But we have a vaccine, chips should be flying out the door.
Biden seems to be doing everything he can to piss off the electorate. It's going to take a seismic shift politically to spare the Democratic Party a blood bath in the midterms and I have no doubt, much like the Trumpeteers did in 2020, they are ignoring the writing on the wall

If newsome survives his impeachment I'm not sold on this republican wave in the next election
Democrats are so powerful now they can even control elections
Biden or whoever the fuck is running this Government droned an innocent aid worker and his family to make headlines ....

Damn you Marxist Government Cultist are fuckin stupid.
Lefties always whine about woman and children killed in foreign wars….until a democrats does it and then you hear….crickets chirping.
Correct. As it turns out, the pandemic is global. You do understand that the Delta variant did not originate in Florida, right? We are exporting and importing the pandemic every single day.
So vaccines in the US are irrelevant to the chip supply chain. Yes?
That is so painfully stupid. Are you just trying to be annoying?
Why is that stupid? The goal was a vaccine right? To protect people. Now unvaccinated people can infect vaccinated people and vaccinated people can infect vaccinated people so this entire fucking clown show was for nothing.

you can basically go through the shit to get your two shots and the fucker next to you who also got two shots can give you the Chinese ick. But it’s confusing why people aren’t trusting the government health “experts”.
Democrats are doing what they know is right. Abandon Americans in Afghanistan. Tear down our southern border. Lock down our economy again. Defund police. Build another wall around our capitol. Spending money like a drunken sailor (no offense sailors). Creating debilitating inflation. Raising taxes. Rewarding people for not working. Stealing the Presidential election and proposing laws that will enable them to steal every election. Destroying our reputation internationally. Fucking up our education system and media. Incarcerating people without bail for having a different opinion. Letting drugs and COVID overwhelm our country. Giving criminals a free hand to do anything. Trying to implement the absurd green new deal. And a whole bunch of other ridiculous shit. With this in mind, how the hell can anyone take them seriously? If justice is served, Democrats should take an epic ass whoppin' in 22, and they deserve it. There has never been this level of incompetence in this country as there is in our federal government right now.
Why is that stupid? The goal was a vaccine right? To protect people. Now unvaccinated people can infect vaccinated people and vaccinated people can infect vaccinated people so this entire fucking clown show was for nothing.

you can basically go through the shit to get your two shots and the fucker next to you who also got two shots can give you the Chinese ick. But it’s confusing why people aren’t trusting the government health “experts”.
You’re debating a dishonest person. Don’t waste your time.

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