Without drastic changes, Democrats are on track to lose big in 2022

Or maybe we play with experiments there as we don’t value human life like we should.
Maybe so, indeed. But what you are suggesting is that they engineered a whole virus, and it escaped. Plausible, yes. But that doesn't seem to match any of the research done there that we know of.

So you would then say the Chinese Government did this in secret. Okay, again, plausible. But they suffered greatly from this mistake, if so. If anyone has learned a lesson, they have. So maybe that's a good thing...?
Maybe so, indeed. But what you are suggesting is that they engineered a whole virus, and it escaped. Plausible, yes. But that doesn't seem to match any of the research done there that we know of.

So you would then say the Chinese Government did this in secret. Okay, again, plausible. But they suffered greatly from this mistake, if so. If anyone has learned a lesson, they have. So maybe that's a good thing...?
Any!? Are you kidding? It didn’t escape. They were careless and released it and then bolted apartment buildings shut to have people there die.
They were careless and released it and then bolted apartment buildings shut to have people there die.
Well if they were "careless", then yes, it escaped. Because of their carelessness. Call it criminal negligence, if you like. But that is still not intentional. It escaped.
Biden seems to be doing everything he can to piss off the electorate. It's going to take a seismic shift politically to spare the Democratic Party a blood bath in the midterms and I have no doubt, much like the Trumpeteers did in 2020, they are ignoring the writing on the wall

If people had a real choice when they went to vote, things would be very different.

Literally both parties are waiting for the other party to fuck up so they can benefit from it.

Most people don't vote FOR political parties. They vote AGAINST, and there's only two choices. It encourages this corrupt behavior from both sides.
Biden seems to be doing everything he can to piss off the electorate. It's going to take a seismic shift politically to spare the Democratic Party a blood bath in the midterms and I have no doubt, much like the Trumpeteers did in 2020, they are ignoring the writing on the wall

Republicans seem to be doing everything they can to irritate suburban voters especially women. You are dead wrong. Democrats do need to get their act together. Their campaigns were abysmal in 2020 and have been so far. However the California recall campaign has been a exception. They have run a impressive grassroots campaign. In addition they have exposed the vulnerability of a party that has moved to the extreme right.

Democrats need to establish that the Republican Party cannot be trusted with majorities. Texas should be the example of a state that has more in common with Adolph Hitler than George Washington. They should go after the Republicans' handling of the coronavirus. Of the 23 states that are above the national average in coronavirus cases, 21 states supported Trump and have Republican governors. Of the 16 states where the number of deaths per capita from the coronavirus exceed the national average, 14 supported Trump. The 15th is Georgia which went narrowly against Trump. They should stand up for voting rights which are under attack by Republicans. They should remind voters of how Republicans attacked the capitol and how Republicans are trying to pretend it never happened and attacking police officers who were attacked by the terrorists. They should also point out if Republicans gain the majority, radicals such as Boebert and Greene will gain more power as well as the Republican majority who voted to throw out the votes of millions of voters.
Well if they were "careless", then yes, it escaped. Because of their carelessness. Call it criminal negligence, if you like. But that is still not intentional. It escaped.
escape may not have been intentional, but the coverup certainly was. China did everything to hide its culpability.
It seems like they want to turn us into a dictatorial state with proof of identity for anything we do. Today someone was spouting that travelling is a privilege and not a right.

It depends on how you travel. If you want to travel using someone else's property such as airlines and bus companies then it is a privilege. They have every right to impose a mask mandate and/or require proof of vaccination. If you want to travel using your personal property such as a automobile then you determine the rules.
The government is the enemy within....and their media is nothing but Pravda.....the DOJ its secret police....and too many people are looking at tattoo books instead of waking up and fighting for their own freedom.....

Trump and his supporters are the enemy within. They are attacking this country to seize power and turn our democracy into a dictatorship.
Australia's great. Full retard? Well, our Prime Minister isn't exactly Mr Popular. He is a conservative after all...
That’s a good thing. Moderate is better. Leftist is full retard. Stating men may identify as women is full retard.
Yes, maybe so, in denying the world the information it needed. Maybe so. But unless we plan to elect an American as the leader of China, we should probably focus more on learning what we can do better.
Firstly it would be not trusting China?
As the article states, this is the off year norm for the incumbent party. Obama had charisma but people hated his policies which is why he always got killed in mid term elections. Biden is effectively brain dead and provides no leadership. Kamala is hated by both sides, and crying Chuck and Nancy are also hated by pretty much everybody.

If the Dims raise taxes as they are proposing there could be truly historic losses in the House. An effective leader could perhaps turn things around, but Biden struggles to get out one coherent sentence in a paragraph.

So Yeah....things are not looking good for Dims.

There are several reasons why this may not be true in 2022. In presidential races, a party picks up seats that they normally don't. Those seats can be lost when the turnout is lower in a off-year election. However it looks like the turnout for the California recall election will be dramatically higher than it was in 2018. If turnout is higher then polling could be way off. Then you have the Republican attempts to make it harder to vote. Then you have Jan 6 and Republican attempts to pretend it didn't happen and their atte4mpts to attack police officers who were attacked by terrorists. Then you have issues such as abortion which is creating havoc in Texas and the possibility that a radicalized Supreme Court could either overturn Roe vs Wade or render it meaningless.

The Democrats are looking at raising taxes on higher income people and big businesses. The tax rate for corporations that Biden wants to pass is still 20% lower than what it was.

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