Without drastic changes, Democrats are on track to lose big in 2022

Firstly it would be not trusting China?
Uh, okay, I wasn't too aware that we did. I know the President (at the time) said this:

Jan. 24, 2020

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

...but, to be fair, I don't think anyone really bought it, given the dubious source. Oh wait, yes we did. Even Pelosi.
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If people had a real choice when they went to vote, things would be very different.

Literally both parties are waiting for the other party to fuck up so they can benefit from it.

Most people don't vote FOR political parties. They vote AGAINST, and there's only two choices. It encourages this corrupt behavior from both sides.
There aren’t two choices in many cases. People simply limit themselves to two choices by their own will
There aren’t two choices in many cases. People simply limit themselves to two choices by their own will

Sure, in some cases there's only one choice.

The reality is that a 3rd choice is not a viable option. The system is designed in a way which manipulates people. We know this, Germany votes FPTP and PR at the same time, and larger parties win far more votes (8% in 2017 and 10% the election before this) with FPTP than with PR.
Well he can finish the wall and keep illegals out. Since he took office another 1 million are in the country. They cost we tax payers billions every year.

Oh and he can pare his trillion dollar infrastructure bill down so its only for infrastructure and not all the pork its filled with.

Mans an incompetent boob. He proved it with how he invited millions more illegals into the country. He also proved it with his handling of the Stan. Shit we still have people there and the Taliban now have billions of dollars worth of military equipment. What an idiot that man is.
I believe he's seriously underestimating the damage the republican party is doing to itself.
Well, we're gonna see.

This is such an interesting political moment. The Democrats know they'll probably lose their power after Nov 22, and they're trying to go B-I-G. Manchin and Sinema appear to not be interested. I wonder what the progressives are saying to them. To be a fly on that wall.

Unless they're (especially Manchin) playing some kind of game, that $3.5 trillion is shrinking by the day.

And interesting political moment, and a welcome diversion from the ugly, juvenile orange mud this country finds itself in.
Biden seems to be doing everything he can to piss off the electorate. It's going to take a seismic shift politically to spare the Democratic Party a blood bath in the midterms and I have no doubt, much like the Trumpeteers did in 2020, they are ignoring the writing on the wall

Politicians and partisans don't appear to look beyond the next couple of minutes. Or the next fundraiser, I guess.

My guess is that they're looking at the infrastructure bill as their Hail Mary for 2022. Who knows if that's correct.
Logic and common sense demand that Democrat majorities get wiped out in 22. People generally vote for their own best interests. That means Democrats are going to get steamrolled.
There aren’t two choices in many cases. People simply limit themselves to two choices by their own will
What is thrown to the people has been reinforced with a two party system. There are people who talk 3rd party and more every election cycle but near all the time we vote for one of two endorsed party people pushed on us. The Constitution says not a word on parties. We moved that way.
Wow. Biden caused an ISIS suicide bomber to blow himself up. Real cute. Sometimes I think you say things you know are kind of stupid and hyperbolic, for effect. I mean, we all do sometimes.
They weren't suppose to be there. But Biden screwed up and had to send them back. So yes their deaths are on him.
Well, we're gonna see.

This is such an interesting political moment. The Democrats know they'll probably lose their power after Nov 22, and they're trying to go B-I-G. Manchin and Sinema appear to not be interested. I wonder what the progressives are saying to them. To be a fly on that wall.

Unless they're (especially Manchin) playing some kind of game, that $3.5 trillion is shrinking by the day.

And interesting political moment, and a welcome diversion from the ugly, juvenile orange mud this country finds itself in.
I think alot of that is political theater for several reasons. First, if we're fighting amongst ourselves the republicans will put less effort into opposition. Second, Joe is a savvy politician who has been at this a long time. He I smart enough to ask for more than he knows he will get. Manchin and senema will get to keep their moderate status (and their seats) by "making" Joe Biden and Speaker Pelsoi give up things they knew they'd never get anyway.

At a guess I'd say they expect to end up with somewhere between half and 3/4 of the original bill.
I think alot of that is political theater for several reasons. First, if we're fighting amongst ourselves the republicans will put less effort into opposition. Second, Joe is a savvy politician who has been at this a long time. He I smart enough to ask for more than he knows he will get. Manchin and senema will get to keep their moderate status (and their seats) by "making" Joe Biden and Speaker Pelsoi give up things they knew they'd never get anyway.

At a guess I'd say they expect to end up with somewhere between half and 3/4 of the original bill.
Politicians have to walk this line between holding out, and not being so rigid that they can't give in a bit.

For the life of me, I don't know why a person would want to be in the profession. But that's just me.
Politicians have to walk this line between holding out, and not being so rigid that they can't give in a bit.

For the life of me, I don't know why a person would want to be in the profession. But that's just me.
I ain't running for office any time soon either.
Biden seems to be doing everything he can to piss off the electorate. It's going to take a seismic shift politically to spare the Democratic Party a blood bath in the midterms and I have no doubt, much like the Trumpeteers did in 2020, they are ignoring the writing on the wall

Well, if it is going to take drastic change then the Dems lose because they are incapable of drastic change. That is too much like admitting failure to regroup and admit your former direction wasn't working to back up and redirect.
Wow. Biden caused an ISIS suicide bomber to blow himself up. Real cute. Sometimes I think you say things you know are kind of stupid and hyperbolic, for effect. I mean, we all do sometimes.
No, he's just a partisan Republican idiot like the rest of them.

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