Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

I think you lack the ability to question that which you hold as sacred. First you are telling me that it is based on something that is accepted as truth. Then you tell me that it isn't conclusive but I should treat it as something that is almost conclusive but not quite. I think you cannot elloquently argue your point, likely do to a lack of real familiarity with the subject, so you make broad generalizations and don't deal with any of the topics I present. Instead you look for me to make syntactical errors and exploit them. Have fun with that.


It's not about syntax. Words have meaning. Especially in the Scientific Community. Saying that a Theory is "just a theory" and saying it's not "conclusive", clearly shows you don't know what you're talking about. Or you do, but you're using this as a veiled attempt to attack Science, like may others do. Regardless, my point has been proved now multiple times just within this thread.

So, since there is now a CLEARLY established fight against Education, both in this thread and in this country, care to answer the original question?

Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available?

The kind of jobs that will be available are those that do not help this country compete against other countries.

Education loses, we all lose.

Other than military power to protect ourselves, who gives a rats ass about competing with other countries? Let's take care of our own and mind our own business until someone decides to fly planes into our buildings.
Where are these factions/groups/movements that Rdean continually warns us about? I've yet to see anyone admonish the virtues of higher education. Are these mysterious visions manifesting themselves in the deep recesses of Rdeans subconscious?

Rdean, what are you trying to learn us?

I FOUND ONE!!!! it took some time, but I found one member of the group Rdean says is doing this.
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

If you were serious about objecting to the state of education, you'd be complaining about the left, who insist that feelings are more important than grades, that self-esteem takes precedence over learning, and that no one can be a winner because that means there must be losers.

The left is dominated by emotionalism. If you want real education, turn it over to conservatives.

Yes, let us all be Republican Fembots! No emotions, low self esteem only!

Noones saying not to have emotions, all we are saying is not to try to convince someone to give away more of their liberties while at the same time play their emotions.
Where are these factions/groups/movements that Rdean continually warns us about? I've yet to see anyone admonish the virtues of higher education. Are these mysterious visions manifesting themselves in the deep recesses of Rdeans subconscious?

Rdean, what are you trying to learn us?

They are called Republicans.

And they say things like:

Education is "just a piece of paper".

Too many are "over educated".

Scientists are liars who claim "Global Warming" to give themselves jobs.

Liberals don't want to teach the "controversy".

You know, stuff like that.

Why teach anything? Why not let the parents do it? Why don't we have bike riding classes in school? Ass whiping classes? When did it not become the parents job to parent?


so why don't u educate ur kids?
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

What kind of jobs are you expecting? My nephew is MANAGER at AT&T, makes over $100,000 a year, with yearly bonuses of over $10,000 and he has only a GED with a few community college classes after he started to work. And he will retire at age 55 with full benefits and at 65 will collect social security.
There are no jobs for college grads. All the jobs are low skilled jobs. A trade in high school are after will surfice now. Teachers are haveing to leave the country to find work. I know many successful people who only have a high school education. and many who have degrees and working at low skilled jobs.
Education don't amount to hill of beans if there are no jobs.
8 million illegal aliens are working and some don't even speak english.

Sorry, but if teachers are leaving the country we are truly doomed. The United States will fail in a generation more rapidly than you could possibly imagine.

What shall we ever do without teachers!!?? Oh, the horrors of thinking such a thing!!! Someone save me!!!!!!!
Noone is going anywhere, not as long as you have dipshits like obama paying off the teachers unions to keep failing teachers at their desks.
Why teach anything? Why not let the parents do it? Why don't we have bike riding classes in school? Ass whiping classes? When did it not become the parents job to parent?


so why don't u educate ur kids?
When we lived in a crappy school district, we did.

And let me guess: Public school education for "u"?
We all agree that education is a mess but we don't agree on what to do. There are three kinds of people in the world:

1. People who watch what happens and reports(47.5%)

2. People who wonder what happened and do nothing (47.5%)

3. People who make things happen (5%)

The question is which are you, I have not read one suggestion of how to fix it just who to blame for it. Looks like 1 or 2 for most of you.

Get rid of the department of education and put it back in the hands of the state, like it was meant to be. That's a start.

Only if you believe education is not a vital national interest should it be left up to the states.
We spend a fortune on education and the kids are becoming dumber.
The lib response is and it's the same response for anything that's wrong...
We need to spend more money on it ....

We dont spend a fortune on education, we spend a fortune on teachers unions so that they can kick some of that money back into Democrat election campaigns "And some GOP to be honest". Money cannot buy smarts, proper curriculum and good teachers can though.
Why teach anything? Why not let the parents do it? Why don't we have bike riding classes in school? Ass whiping classes? When did it not become the parents job to parent?


so why don't u educate ur kids?
When we lived in a crappy school district, we did.

And let me guess: Public school education for "u"?

private parochial okay with you? or do u find fault in everything?
Public education is okay, but I don't like all the violence

where did u go to school?
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Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?
Sadly, this is what we'll have... We already see it on this board...

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I think that was obamas entry level curriculum at Columbia University.

And yet you don't even have that much of a college education
Who exactly is "fighting education"?

Hell, there's a TeaTard war against evolution, science, teachers, textbooks...

A TeaTard education is different from a Liberal education. I feel sorry for homeschooled TeaTards. Really, I do!

Ahhh, dont feel sorry for us, we will be sure to make sure your children and grandchildren are fed.
Also, can you explain the difference in the educations? I am not sure I understood what you was saying, because the smartest man to ever be president has failed this country horribly, and he is a liberal, so can you explain how the teatard education is far less superior?
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Who exactly is "fighting education"?

Hell, there's a TeaTard war against evolution, science, teachers, textbooks...

A TeaTard education is different from a Liberal education. I feel sorry for homeschooled TeaTards. Really, I do!

Do you think - if you tried real hard - you could grow the fuck up a little and discuss something without the asinine playground "see the funny thing I did with that name? tee-hee" bullshit?

Do you think?

YOU are not coming across as very well educated.

That's because they aren't.
Do you think - if you tried real hard - you could grow the fuck up a little and discuss something without the asinine playground "see the funny thing I did with that name? tee-hee" bullshit?

Actually, someone else came up with TeaTard. I saw it and liked it. Would you prefer something like Kochsucker or Teabagger?

When you resort to name calling, you lost the debate. It was nice spanking you.
Wow, a lot of right wingers sure complain about schools and how bad they are. And look at what they are doing to improve schools. Introducing "magical creation", calling scientists liars and insisting science is a "faith". They threw away a trillion dollars rebuilding a country that shouts "Death to America", but don't want to spend a dollar here.

The party with the fringe on top has gone bonkers.

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