Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

not all jobs require an education.

but clearly some do. Will those jobs still be there, for americans, a generation from now after we've had decades of fighting against education?

who is fighting education??????????

They have no idea, but in their minds somebody has to be. Because if someone isn't, then they themselves will have to get off their lazy asses and make it appear that someone is just so they could have a reason to bitch about it. :razz:
A question about jobs and what jobs will be available in the future and you think that has nothing to do with what's currently going on?


The question was asked in a manner that it forces people to concede something that is not true. See if you follow this example.

"With gay people wanting to force a homosexual lifestyle on heterosexuals why do support gay marriage?"

The first part of the question is not true. By answering the question without addressing the conditional it appears that you are conceding the first part of the question. If you ask good questions then you will get good answers. If you ask rhetorical questions and implant half truth into the question then you must debate the merits of the question before you can argue the answer to the question. Difficult to grasp?


Not at all difficult to grasp. But I think you're debating something that is already proven. Clearly there are people in this country fighting against Education, and I'm not talking about funding. Without an Education, your job prospects are limited. That's a fact.

So the question is valid. What kind of jobs will be available?

You are correct, there are people in this country fighting against education, and they are those people on the left.
17) Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism, and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in text books.
Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record
With all this certainty you would think that ONE piece of evidence could be put fourth about this fake war on education. Why don't you try and actually get some.

Are you blind to the war on teachers, textbooks, science, evolution...etc...?

Are you deaf to the call for proof or even an example. The ones you attempted to give were already torn to pieces. Since you cannot show anything you default to assuming you are right and it is so obvious. Try actually showing this 'war.'

You were asleep during the war on the teaching profession in Wisconsin? The absurd textbook revisionism in Texas? The endless war on the validity of the theory of Evolution?

Where have you been?
But clearly some do. Will those jobs still be there, for Americans, a generation from now after we've had decades of fighting against Education?
I don't see anyone fighting against education.

That's because you're choosing not to see it.

Creation and evolution in public education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Multiple examples of attacks on the Theory of Evolution. Some over turned, some not.

So now we are playing semantics? You guys on the left are so predictable.
I don't see anyone fighting against education.

What i see is parental apathy in motivating THEIR children to do better. There was a time when parents would fight tooth and nail that their children did better then they did in life. Now... no one cares. Children are given everything they want the instant they want it. Working hard for something is no longer something the parents or children grasp.

So long as other countries are hungrier and more motivated then we are..... we will never get back on top.

As far as i can see... there is no lack of jobs. The jobs that are there are full. There is a glut of educated people.

yes...your last line is quite accurate.

technology is eliminating the jobs for the less educated.

Voice mail eliminates operators and receptionists
email eliminates mailroom personnel
CNC eliminates manual machinists

and in the meantime, more and more people are going to college.

SO now we have a large supply of college degreed people.

I personally think we are getting to the point where there are alot of people but not enough jobs, like you said without an education there really isn't that much out there for you anymore, even the Military are cutting positions and its not that easy to just go and sign up like it was before. It looks like in the future unless you have a education in a critical field, life will be very dark for you.

I have to disagree, there are plenty of jobs out there for those without college degrees. Construction comes to mind, skilled positions like welding or carpentry. The jobs are there, there are just too many lazy people out there with their hands out to gubment looking for the next freebee.
Almost anyone could go to a technical school and learn a trade. College is not the all mighty answer, not in the least.
We all agree that education is a mess but we don't agree on what to do. There are three kinds of people in the world:

1. People who watch what happens and reports(47.5%)

2. People who wonder what happened and do nothing (47.5%)

3. People who make things happen (5%)

The question is which are you, I have not read one suggestion of how to fix it just who to blame for it. Looks like 1 or 2 for most of you.

Get rid of the department of education and put it back in the hands of the state, like it was meant to be. That's a start.
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

I believe we would do better with more vocational traing during high school. Not everyone is a brainiac that is able to succeed at higher education.

So then we would have even more lower edumicated folks right? I disagree, we need to make it mandatory that kids study the harder courses like algebra and what not, instead of allowing them to opt out with basic studies. And hold the teachers accountable for making sure they learn it. Teachers today get off scott free for not doing there jobs, I know...my brothers a teacher and a damn good one at that, and he even says that some teachers need to be fired for not doing their jobs.
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

I believe we would do better with more vocational traing during high school. Not everyone is a brainiac that is able to succeed at higher education.

So then we would have even more lower edumicated folks right? I disagree, we need to make it mandatory that kids study the harder courses like algebra and what not, instead of allowing them to opt out with basic studies. And hold the teachers accountable for making sure they learn it. Teachers today get off scott free for not doing there jobs, I know...my brothers a teacher and a damn good one at that, and he even says that some teachers need to be fired for not doing their jobs.

today a vocationa school educates those already out of high school
I think education is essential for our survival. Otherwise, we would still be grunting at each other and clubbing animals in the head for dinner.

I love grunting and beating things with clubs. What guy doesn't?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAhVmjptZMI]Tim Allen grunt collection - YouTube[/ame]
I find it hard to believe that the concentration of this question was about jobs because the list of subjects you were worried about had very little to do with employment other than stem cells


I only listed them because people like you and others were claiming there was ZERO attacks on Education. Clearly, that is not the case. And you just did it yourself in a previous post calling Evolution "just a theory". Do you even know what a Scientific Theory is? What it takes to get that title? I don't think you do.

But again, taking these examples, taking the obvious push for less and less money to be spent on education, how can anyone claim there is ZERO attacks? That's choosing to be ignorant.

But in his defense you never actually stated who was attacking education. Is there a strawman in your future?
putting condoms on cucumbers

Yes, because we all know, that teaching kids to have safe sex is EXACTLY the same as telling them to run out and fuck five strangers.

Thanks for the example, ass hat.

It's not up to the teachers to teach my kids anything about sex. It is up to the parents to explain these things to their children, not the nanny states.
We all agree that education is a mess but we don't agree on what to do. There are three kinds of people in the world:

1. People who watch what happens and reports(47.5%)

2. People who wonder what happened and do nothing (47.5%)

3. People who make things happen (5%)

The question is which are you, I have not read one suggestion of how to fix it just who to blame for it. Looks like 1 or 2 for most of you.

I prefer to make things happen. Or else I would not have taken the research opportunity for the engineering Dept. of UC Long Beach, overseeing an experimental research component of the engineering dept. even though it's out of my field. I would not have patented a technology well over 40 years ahead of its time with collaborative research submitted to JPL in Pasadena.

Did you know out of China's educated population, almost 40% are going for engineering?

Want to know how many in the US go for engineering? 0.5% declared as an engineering major.

The numbers are actually slightly more for my field in Physics, at around 1.2%.

We are going so far backwards it's horrifying.

They have to go into engineering, how else would they get those jobs Clinton sent over there?
You are so wrong it actually hurt my eyes to read the part about the Theory of evolution.

Which is in the same stage as the Theory of Relativity, and the Theory of Gravity, and the Theory of Light.

Sorry but it simply isn't true, and what you said constitutes a blindness to an educated view on what evolution actually is.

You're kidding right? All of the theories you listed have been observed, in real time. The theory of evolution is of an entirely different nature than the rest of them. Evolution is not based on observation of events in real time.

There are two theories of evolution.

One is the theory of evolution as the origin of species. It is based on speculation and circumstancial evidence. Every piece of the theory is based on incomplete fossil records. It has been tested, not in practice but in theory.

The second is the theory of evolution of a species. Put a bunch of black rats in the dessert for few months and you will have a population of entirely white rats.

One is observed. One is based on circumstantial evidence. Gravity, Relativity and Light are all observed.

So tell me. How much scrutiny have you applied to the science? Do you know the shortcomings? I can list them for both of them and I haven't really taken a stance but for you to sit there and tell me that I don't know enough? I've evaluated both and freely admit I haven't come to a conclusion.


Hate to tell you but the Modern Theory of Evolution rests on Genetics.

Go ahead and prove genetics wrong.

If we evolved from monkeys, then why haven't the monkeys evolved with us?
Oh, and while I'm on it, there has been observation of both the evolution of species and the origin of species based on the evolutionary process. All documented.

Can you explain the beginning of the universe? Sure, the big bang...but what was before the big bang?
In other words...what went "Bang" and where was it right before it went "bang"?

Without an explanation of that, all else is still speculation.

My belief?

It was God's decision to develop the world to slowly evolve as it did.
Evolution was God's plan all along.

Do I sound like a politician?
I agree with you, but still have to add this in here, the timing seemed right.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw9L0EAZ8Tc]God and his roommate - YouTube[/ame]
Have you noticed what you're doing?

"Climate change"

Who is debating that the climate is changing? Up for debate is what is causing the climate change. But we can't even decide how the climate is changing. Global cooling? Global warming? Just changing?


Again. You can represent it however you like but it is a theory. If you are all for the "scientific process" then you will understand that the "theory" of Evolution is in the same stage as the "theory" of Intelligent Design. Both have been tested and both have proponents. The fact that you happen to agree with Evolution doesn't make it any more or less valid to the guy after you. The same goes for Intelligent Design.

Stem Cell research. Embryonic Stem Cell Research, to be specific. Some people actually view that as morally wrong. There are people who are against Eugenics too. That is a science. It just happens to be one that most of us find to be immoral. Funny thing huh? Are you saying that if I regect the study of Euginics that I am against science?

"American History"

You would be surprised at how little history you were taught. Most of what we get is a fourth generation washed down version of history. History has been rewritten for all of history. If you want to learn anything about history go get a book written at the time of the event.

Funny, you didn't list Math, English, Geology or anything that doesn't have a raging political debate. I wonder if your debate is political in nature...


You are so wrong it actually hurt my eyes to read the part about the Theory of evolution.

Which is in the same stage as the Theory of Relativity, and the Theory of Gravity, and the Theory of Light.

Sorry but it simply isn't true, and what you said constitutes a blindness to an educated view on what evolution actually is.

You're kidding right? All of the theories you listed have been observed, in real time. The theory of evolution is of an entirely different nature than the rest of them. Evolution is not based on observation of events in real time.

There are two theories of evolution.

One is the theory of evolution as the origin of species. It is based on speculation and circumstancial evidence. Every piece of the theory is based on incomplete fossil records. It has been tested, not in practice but in theory.

The second is the theory of evolution of a species. Put a bunch of black rats in the dessert for few months and you will have a population of entirely white rats.

One is observed. One is based on circumstantial evidence. Gravity, Relativity and Light are all observed.

So tell me. How much scrutiny have you applied to the science? Do you know the shortcomings? I can list them for both of them and I haven't really taken a stance but for you to sit there and tell me that I don't know enough? I've evaluated both and freely admit I haven't come to a conclusion.


Hate to tell you but the Modern Theory of Evolution rests on Genetics.

Go ahead and prove genetics wrong.

Oh, well... then it is settled. The fact remains that it is based on circumstance.

We test the genetic material from two species and speculate about how they might have common heredity. Wow, what a surprise. Organisims in the same environment have similar characteristics. I'm familiar with the research and the theory. Much moreso than you might think. I just don't think it is conclusive. Here's a thought. Most people that fall on one side of the evolution/ID argument in the scientific community made up their minds before they applied the science. Both arguments are tainted and neither are as reliable as they would have you believe. The reality is we have no idea how we got here.


I do.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxPQhm_Aq-E]Knowing - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
The debate has to do with whether or not it is approprate for the government to decide when a child should be exposed to sex. Many parents prefer they broach the subject with their children when they feel their childrn are ready

Oh! So all those abstinence only programs, they were really about making sure the parents could educate the children in a timely manner that the parent got to choose?

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Why teach anything? Why not let the parents do it? Why don't we have bike riding classes in school? Ass whiping classes? When did it not become the parents job to parent?


I think it started with Carter.
putting condoms on cucumbers

Yes, because we all know, that teaching kids to have safe sex is EXACTLY the same as telling them to run out and fuck five strangers.

Thanks for the example, ass hat.

It's not up to the teachers to teach my kids anything about sex. It is up to the parents to explain these things to their children, not the nanny states.
What?! Are you kidding?! We can't have that! The kids might be exposed to dangerous ideas like personal responsibility! Pretty soon, they'd be thinking for themselves!

No, no, no. That will not do.

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