Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Therefore, it is a national interest.

No it's not, indoctrination of young minds by the left while in college is of vital interest and wellbeing of the lefts agenda. Nothing less. It's a states issue, and should be left to the states. That sir, is a FACT. Read the constitution, it won't kill you.
This is why education is important:


Extremely important. That the Right doesn't give a shit about education is just one more reason to keep them out of power.

You morons keep failing to point out who on the right doesn't care. Can you please tell us all?, we are dying to know.
With all this certainty you would think that ONE piece of evidence could be put fourth about this fake war on education. Why don't you try and actually get some.

Are you blind to the war on teachers, textbooks, science, evolution...etc...?

Is there a war? if so, who is waging it?

It really involves dissatisfaction in accountability. They dont want any!
How can magical creationists and climate change deniers insist they are "pro" science?

Not sure what you mean by magical creation, but I am a climate skeptic. That does not mean I deny climate change, I just doubt that the impact of climate change is going to wipe out life on Earth.

Nobody denies climate change, any reasonable person knows it constantly changes. It's the cause of it that everyone argues about. It's above the liberal mind to understand that the earth heats up and cools down in cycles, and that every so many thousands of years the suns rotation around the earth brings it a little closer then normal. These are things the left try to use on the weak minded to pass job killing cap and trade bills. Also, we are in a cooling phase coming out of the ice age, another little known secret they try to hide. Al gores a fucking moron, that should never be allowed to speak again publicly about his ignorant bullshit.
Just my 2 cents.
"Thirty years ago, 10 percent of California’s general revenue fund went to higher education and 3 percent to prisons. Today nearly 11 percent goes to prisons and 8 percent to higher education." Friedman/Mandelbaum in 'That Used To Be Us'

Education is a curious debate topic, does anyone doubt that education helps? Of course not. Does anyone doubt that a good education in America today cost lots? Of course not. But for whom and for why are the harder questions. If the bell curve applies to humankind and I think it does, what talents exist for those on the left side of the bell if our only goal is a piece of paper? And having managed people for over twenty five years, education is not a consistent indicator of accomplishment, potential, or even smarts. Education often means you sat in class because you were supposed to sit in class, college teachers today tell me there are Check schools - write the check, get the degree.

How about people whose talents are more material oriented: artists, craft people, mechanics, construction, farming, massage (don't laugh), painting, music, acting, patience work like brick laying etc etc etc. Do they need college and 120k in bills? I'd hope they read and understand the responsibilities of a citizen in America but....

My wife teaches math and says lots simply can't grasp it, what do you do then? When I read the writing on this site, I wonder about English too, or at least good writing. And I admit lots of mistakes too. It seems to me if Americans supported America by contributing to it through taxes, by hiring Americans, by buying American, by realizing sometimes government has to build the nation and requires resources to do that, we would be fine. Education would take care of itself as it did for over a hundred years. Today Americans fight each other over stupid political ideologies that got us nowhere these past forty years.

"The Nordic countries maintain their dynamism despite high taxation in several ways. Most important, they spend lavishly on research and development and higher education. All of them, but especially Sweden and Finland, have taken to the sweeping revolution in information and communications technology and leveraged it to gain global competitiveness. Sweden now spends nearly 4 percent of GDP on R&D, the highest ratio in the world today. On average, the Nordic nations spend 3 percent of GDP on R&D, compared with around 2 percent in the English-speaking nations." Jeffrey D. Sachs The Social Welfare State, beyond Ideology: Scientific American

I dont feel sorry for california, those dumbasses keep electing the same failures in year in and year out, they deserve what they get.
"Thirty years ago, 10 percent of California’s general revenue fund went to higher education and 3 percent to prisons. Today nearly 11 percent goes to prisons and 8 percent to higher education." Friedman/Mandelbaum in 'That Used To Be Us'

Education is a curious debate topic, does anyone doubt that education helps? Of course not. Does anyone doubt that a good education in America today cost lots? Of course not. But for whom and for why are the harder questions. If the bell curve applies to humankind and I think it does, what talents exist for those on the left side of the bell if our only goal is a piece of paper? And having managed people for over twenty five years, education is not a consistent indicator of accomplishment, potential, or even smarts. Education often means you sat in class because you were supposed to sit in class, college teachers today tell me there are Check schools - write the check, get the degree.

How about people whose talents are more material oriented: artists, craft people, mechanics, construction, farming, massage (don't laugh), painting, music, acting, patience work like brick laying etc etc etc. Do they need college and 120k in bills? I'd hope they read and understand the responsibilities of a citizen in America but....

My wife teaches math and says lots simply can't grasp it, what do you do then? When I read the writing on this site, I wonder about English too, or at least good writing. And I admit lots of mistakes too. It seems to me if Americans supported America by contributing to it through taxes, by hiring Americans, by buying American, by realizing sometimes government has to build the nation and requires resources to do that, we would be fine. Education would take care of itself as it did for over a hundred years. Today Americans fight each other over stupid political ideologies that got us nowhere these past forty years.

"The Nordic countries maintain their dynamism despite high taxation in several ways. Most important, they spend lavishly on research and development and higher education. All of them, but especially Sweden and Finland, have taken to the sweeping revolution in information and communications technology and leveraged it to gain global competitiveness. Sweden now spends nearly 4 percent of GDP on R&D, the highest ratio in the world today. On average, the Nordic nations spend 3 percent of GDP on R&D, compared with around 2 percent in the English-speaking nations." Jeffrey D. Sachs The Social Welfare State, beyond Ideology: Scientific American

Want to know something else interesting? Denmark has a better aerospace industry than us because of that. Also, what happens to those people who go into technical fields, who are now being boned because they can no longer afford education? Those Physicists, engineers, biologists, doctors, etc. What happens to them?

We still have the best, but nearly all are Democrat.

Another statement you cannot back up I presume? You're full of them today.
We still have the best, but nearly all are Democrat.
Go sweep the parking lot, Democrat....And clean the damn toilets before you leave, Democrat!

That's because Democrats will work for an education. The Republican base lives off Social Security and Medicare. Look at Republican get togethers. It's a "depends" party.

If that where true the democrats would be doing what they could to either reform or do away with such entitlements, but nope, they defend them to the death, because it is the democrat base that rely on such handouts and will vote democrat accordingly as long as they are promised more.
Go sweep the parking lot, Democrat....And clean the damn toilets before you leave, Democrat!

That's because Democrats will work for an education. The Republican base lives off Social Security and Medicare. Look at Republican get togethers. It's a "depends" party.

If that where true the democrats would be doing what they could to either reform or do away with such entitlements, but nope, they defend them to the death, because it is the democrat base that rely on such handouts and will vote democrat accordingly as long as they are promised more.

and did u attend public school?
Conservatives have a dim view of education because they believe it indoctrinates young people with liberalism.

Only in some states. Not all. Texas would be a great state for a child to be educated, Massachusetts not so much. A conservative state legislature would prevent the school curriculum from being changed into a left wing ideology taught monstrosity. I believe in teaching kids what they need to be taught, and let them judge for themselves later on which side they would like to be on.
You're kidding right? All of the theories you listed have been observed, in real time. The theory of evolution is of an entirely different nature than the rest of them. Evolution is not based on observation of events in real time.

There are two theories of evolution.

One is the theory of evolution as the origin of species. It is based on speculation and circumstancial evidence. Every piece of the theory is based on incomplete fossil records. It has been tested, not in practice but in theory.

The second is the theory of evolution of a species. Put a bunch of black rats in the dessert for few months and you will have a population of entirely white rats.

One is observed. One is based on circumstantial evidence. Gravity, Relativity and Light are all observed.

So tell me. How much scrutiny have you applied to the science? Do you know the shortcomings? I can list them for both of them and I haven't really taken a stance but for you to sit there and tell me that I don't know enough? I've evaluated both and freely admit I haven't come to a conclusion.


Hate to tell you but the Modern Theory of Evolution rests on Genetics.

Go ahead and prove genetics wrong.

If we evolved from monkeys, then why haven't the monkeys evolved with us?

How about educating yourself on the topic before providing absolutely meaningless and uneducated copy paste arguments?
I believe we would do better with more vocational traing during high school. Not everyone is a brainiac that is able to succeed at higher education.

So then we would have even more lower edumicated folks right? I disagree, we need to make it mandatory that kids study the harder courses like algebra and what not, instead of allowing them to opt out with basic studies. And hold the teachers accountable for making sure they learn it. Teachers today get off scott free for not doing there jobs, I know...my brothers a teacher and a damn good one at that, and he even says that some teachers need to be fired for not doing their jobs.

today a vocationa school educates those already out of high school

I know this and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as people are trying to work I am all about it, it's the lazy fucks who rely on someone else to pull their weight that I cant stand.
Why teach anything? Why not let the parents do it? Why don't we have bike riding classes in school? Ass whiping classes? When did it not become the parents job to parent?


so why don't u educate ur kids?

In some states it's illegal to home school your children. The leftists like it that way.

I've homeschool 2 out of 4 children, and they were religion based.
We all agree that education is a mess but we don't agree on what to do. There are three kinds of people in the world:

1. People who watch what happens and reports(47.5%)

2. People who wonder what happened and do nothing (47.5%)

3. People who make things happen (5%)

The question is which are you, I have not read one suggestion of how to fix it just who to blame for it. Looks like 1 or 2 for most of you.

Get rid of the department of education and put it back in the hands of the state, like it was meant to be. That's a start.

Only if you believe education is not a vital national interest should it be left up to the states.

Wrong again, the states could and DID do a better job at educating our children then big brother. Look at the history of this country, up until the DOE was created this country boomed, only after it was created did we see a steep decline in quality students and people with common sense.
A video for anyone who cares to watch it.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzXyM5tKok4]Adam Schaeffer on scrapping the Dept. of Education - YouTube[/ame]

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