Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

This is why education is important:


Extremely important. That the Right doesn't give a shit about education is just one more reason to keep them out of power.

These numbers are worth repeating.
How do you square your claim with the fact that Republicans are more likely to have a 4-year degree than Democrats?

This ought to be funny.
Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Therefore, it is a national interest.

No it's not, indoctrination of young minds by the left while in college is of vital interest and wellbeing of the lefts agenda. Nothing less. It's a states issue, and should be left to the states. That sir, is a FACT. Read the constitution, it won't kill you.
Don't do it, Carby! It's a trap! :eek:
I think that was obamas entry level curriculum at Columbia University.

And yet you don't even have that much of a college education

It doesn't take one to have enough common sense to know right from wrong, and to know what ails this economy. It's funny how those on the left hold people with college on a pedestool, but yet those same people are the ones destroying the country, while lowly little insignificant non college folk like myself know how to balance my check book and spend within my means for my family. I make a very good living for myself, even though my college was limited to 1 course here and there while in the army, and those courses where nothing significant.
I work for the Government, and took a 2 year pay freeze and stand to take another 3 more years pay freeze should the GOP get elected, and you know what? I am voting GOP, because I will sacrifice that little bit of money to save my country from this monstrosity, because I love my kids and this country more then I love that paycheck. Can liberals do the same? I doubt it, they are the reason we are in this mess to begin with.
You'll be told you're voting against your own best interests.

And it's just sheer coincidence that your "best interests" is voting for Democrats.

No, really!
And yet you don't even have that much of a college education

It doesn't take one to have enough common sense to know right from wrong, and to know what ails this economy. It's funny how those on the left hold people with college on a pedestool, but yet those same people are the ones destroying the country, while lowly little insignificant non college folk like myself know how to balance my check book and spend within my means for my family. I make a very good living for myself, even though my college was limited to 1 course here and there while in the army, and those courses where nothing significant.
I work for the Government, and took a 2 year pay freeze and stand to take another 3 more years pay freeze should the GOP get elected, and you know what? I am voting GOP, because I will sacrifice that little bit of money to save my country from this monstrosity, because I love my kids and this country more then I love that paycheck. Can liberals do the same? I doubt it, they are the reason we are in this mess to begin with.
You'll be told you're voting against your own best interests.

And it's just sheer coincidence that your "best interests" is voting for Democrats.

No, really!

Honestly, I think the best interest of the US is to leave the field of the 2 party system. It's causing the MOST problems since we need more centrist policies and we are getting fringe policies that shouldn't be making their way into our system.
It doesn't take one to have enough common sense to know right from wrong, and to know what ails this economy. It's funny how those on the left hold people with college on a pedestool, but yet those same people are the ones destroying the country, while lowly little insignificant non college folk like myself know how to balance my check book and spend within my means for my family. I make a very good living for myself, even though my college was limited to 1 course here and there while in the army, and those courses where nothing significant.
I work for the Government, and took a 2 year pay freeze and stand to take another 3 more years pay freeze should the GOP get elected, and you know what? I am voting GOP, because I will sacrifice that little bit of money to save my country from this monstrosity, because I love my kids and this country more then I love that paycheck. Can liberals do the same? I doubt it, they are the reason we are in this mess to begin with.
You'll be told you're voting against your own best interests.

And it's just sheer coincidence that your "best interests" is voting for Democrats.

No, really!

Honestly, I think the best interest of the US is to leave the field of the 2 party system. It's causing the MOST problems since we need more centrist policies and we are getting fringe policies that shouldn't be making their way into our system.
Well, you don't get to decide for other people.
You'll be told you're voting against your own best interests.

And it's just sheer coincidence that your "best interests" is voting for Democrats.

No, really!

Honestly, I think the best interest of the US is to leave the field of the 2 party system. It's causing the MOST problems since we need more centrist policies and we are getting fringe policies that shouldn't be making their way into our system.
Well, you don't get to
decide for other people.
No shit. Never claimed too, never wanted too.

People should make their own decisions, but there isn't enough space for decisions to BE made in a 2 party system like this.
Honestly, I think the best interest of the US is to leave the field of the 2 party system. It's causing the MOST problems since we need more centrist policies and we are getting fringe policies that shouldn't be making their way into our system.
Well, you don't get to
decide for other people.
No shit. Never claimed too, never wanted too.

People should make their own decisions, but there isn't enough space for decisions to BE made in a 2 party system like this.
Especially when one of the parties says people aren't capable of making their own decisions.
You morons keep failing to point out who on the right doesn't care. Can you please tell us all?, we are dying to know.

Who on the right doesn't care? You want me to point someone out?

How about pointing out YOU...


Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Your response:

No it's not


Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.

Well, if the 19th century ever makes a comeback, you and Cletus and the rest of your pals will have jobs again.
Where are these factions/groups/movements that Rdean continually warns us about? I've yet to see anyone admonish the virtues of higher education. Are these mysterious visions manifesting themselves in the deep recesses of Rdeans subconscious?

Rdean, what are you trying to learn us?

They are called Republicans.

And they say things like:

Education is "just a piece of paper".

Too many are "over educated".

Scientists are liars who claim "Global Warming" to give themselves jobs.

Liberals don't want to teach the "controversy".

You know, stuff like that.


You are the one suggesting Education is just the piece of paper. That only going through formal schooling and getting a degree can on be education. Education is far more than that. Getting a degree does not equal getting an education. Stop pretending otherwise.

As for global warming, you know that scientists are divided on the issue. You know when scientists have to manufacture data, and it's proven that they have, that they are in fact lying? Or do you want to pretend that despite the fact that they are proven liars that somehow their theories are correct?
Reading skills on conllege entrance exams are at their lowest level ever.

Go America!

Then shouldn't we reevaluate the progressive method of education rather than continue to throw good money into a failing system?
We spend a fortune on education and the kids are becoming dumber.
The lib response is and it's the same response for anything that's wrong...
We need to spend more money on it ....

Cutting education simply isn't an option. However, the system needs to be restructured immediately.

Actually, it very much is an option. Because funding does not equal results.
We spend a fortune on education and the kids are becoming dumber.
The lib response is and it's the same response for anything that's wrong...
We need to spend more money on it ....

Cutting education simply isn't an option. However, the system needs to be restructured immediately.

Actually, it very much is an option. Because funding does not equal results.

Funding is directly equivalent to the amount of people that are able to enroll in the system actually.

If you can't support the growing population, you can't support the country.

And my point wasn't that throwing money into the system will suddenly make test scores higher, but it will provide more people with the opportunity to get a formal education.
WE declared war on the working classes decades ago.

Of course the war on EDUCATION was part of that.

When are you people going to understand that there are no classes?

Stop trying to create conflict between your fellow man!

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