Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

Actually, it's not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, therefore it's a state and local interest.

Alright. Let's see how well the US competes with other countries with an uneducated population.

How many other countries have an screwed up system where you send all your money into Washington just so politicians can play with it and give them back to the states when it would be much more cost effective to leave the money in the hands of individuals and the States and allow decisions effecting the education of our children in the hands of parents and the local governments instead of some bueaucrat in Washington?

We also need to start teaching our society that education is a privilege you have to work for, not an entitltement that can be handed to you. Education cannot be forced upon people. Life would be much easier if it could.

Your local governments already have a mighty fine hand in your local schools. I'm pretty sure the money isn't sent to the Feds who then send it back, it's tied to a town's property taxes.
Cutting education simply isn't an option. However, the system needs to be restructured immediately.

Actually, it very much is an option. Because funding does not equal results.

Funding is directly equivalent to the amount of people that are able to enroll in the system actually.

If you can't support the growing population, you can't support the country.

And my point wasn't that throwing money into the system will suddenly make test scores higher, but it will provide more people with the opportunity to get a formal education.

I agree with you.

It is the taxpayers responsibility to educate your children.

I educate my kids and take them to work to learn a trade

Are they being taught that which they are most interested in?

yes I teach them things they like and dislike, so they can make the choice after having he experience, and I guide them into military service.

The sad thing is that with the current institution, they will HAVE to go to a university if they want a decent job. There are a few that focus specifically on the interest of the person though. I know Evergreen University in Washington does. My friend was sick of normal universities forcing everything down his throat BUT what he was interested in (Particle Physics).

Though there are those who take their kids out of the education system to give them a religious schooling, which frightens me, as it does not often produce useful citizens.

Military Service is probably the single most recommended thing I know, no one really regrets it that I've talked too and it gives great decision making skills and disciplinary capabilities.
Are they being taught that which they are most interested in?

yes I teach them things they like and dislike, so they can make the choice after having he experience, and I guide them into military service.

The sad thing is that with the current institution, they will HAVE to go to a university if they want a decent job. There are a few that focus specifically on the interest of the person though. I know Evergreen University in Washington does. My friend was sick of normal universities forcing everything down his throat BUT what he was interested in (Particle Physics).

Though there are those who take their kids out of the education system to give them a religious schooling, which frightens me, as it does not often produce useful citizens.

Military Service is probably the single most recommended thing I know, no one really regrets it that I've talked too and it gives great decision making skills and disciplinary capabilities.

the eldest is studying vetranarian medicine. I went to college off and on from'79 to '97. I had a hard time finishing, there's just to many girls to chase.
Credit where Credits Due Warrior...Excellent Post theliq:cool:
You can't buy your way out of dumb, RDean, no matter how much money is thrown at you.

School districts had total expenditures of approximately $596.6 billion in 2007–08, including about $506.8 billion in current expenditures for public elementary and secondary education. Of the remaining expenditures, nearly $65.8 billion was spent on capital outlay, almost $15.7 billion on interest payments on debt, and $8.3 billion on other programs (including programs such as community services and adult education, which are not a part of public elementary and secondary education).

After adjustment for inflation, current expenditures per student in fall enrollment at public schools rose during the 1980s, remained stable during the first part of the 1990s, and rose again after 1992–93. There was an increase of 37 percent from 1980–81 to 1990–91; a change of less than 1 percent from 1990–91 to 1994–95 (which resulted from small decreases at the beginning of this period, followed by small increases after 1992–93); and an increase of 32 percent from 1994–95 to 2007–08. In 2007–08, current expenditures per student in fall enrollment were $10,297 in unadjusted dollars. In 2007–08, some 55 percent of students in public schools were transported at public expense at a cost of $854 per pupil transported, also in unadjusted dollars.

Money doesn't seem to be working.

Start with teaching your children some values at home
And yet you don't even have that much of a college education

It doesn't take one to have enough common sense to know right from wrong, and to know what ails this economy. It's funny how those on the left hold people with college on a pedestool, but yet those same people are the ones destroying the country, while lowly little insignificant non college folk like myself know how to balance my check book and spend within my means for my family. I make a very good living for myself, even though my college was limited to 1 course here and there while in the army, and those courses where nothing significant.
I work for the Government, and took a 2 year pay freeze and stand to take another 3 more years pay freeze should the GOP get elected, and you know what? I am voting GOP, because I will sacrifice that little bit of money to save my country from this monstrosity, because I love my kids and this country more then I love that paycheck. Can liberals do the same? I doubt it, they are the reason we are in this mess to begin with.
You'll be told you're voting against your own best interests.

And it's just sheer coincidence that your "best interests" is voting for Democrats.

No, really!

This bears repeating.
Ive been to graduate school. While alot of my fellow students were bright, alot of them were incredibly stupid. I had to edit a paper of a fellow student who was a year ahead of me. It was the most incoherent, directionless paper I've ever read. The guy literally had a paragraph that lasted 2 pages. He may have had a great topic. He might have had some excellent points, but the poor structure, the inability to coherently put the thoughts together made it impossible to read.

I concur.
Are they being taught that which they are most interested in?

yes I teach them things they like and dislike, so they can make the choice after having he experience, and I guide them into military service.

The sad thing is that with the current institution, they will HAVE to go to a university if they want a decent job. There are a few that focus specifically on the interest of the person though. I know Evergreen University in Washington does. My friend was sick of normal universities forcing everything down his throat BUT what he was interested in (Particle Physics).

Though there are those who take their kids out of the education system to give them a religious schooling, which frightens me, as it does not often produce useful citizens.

Military Service is probably the single most recommended thing I know, no one really regrets it that I've talked too and it gives great decision making skills and disciplinary capabilities.
Yeah. Obedient workers. Have a watch at the UN fiesta this week and keep a close eye on the "obedient workers".
Anyone who can't home school in this day and age has no business having kids. They'll only grow up to be meatheads(obedient workers)....or worse.
Plenty of highly educated people looking for word, kids.

On the micro economic level, education is certainly a likely path out of poverty.

On the macro-economic level, however, education of our workforce is not the problem.

Let's try to remind ourselves that the media IQ in the USA is about 100, shall we?

Our entire workforce is NOT going to be rocket scientists.

Nevertheless, the less educable STILL need to work.

Failure to bring them along with the more educable public is a formula for social breakdown.

Which is, in case you folks haven't yet figured it out, what is happening right now,
It doesn't take one to have enough common sense to know right from wrong, and to know what ails this economy. It's funny how those on the left hold people with college on a pedestool, but yet those same people are the ones destroying the country, while lowly little insignificant non college folk like myself know how to balance my check book and spend within my means for my family. I make a very good living for myself, even though my college was limited to 1 course here and there while in the army, and those courses where nothing significant.
I work for the Government, and took a 2 year pay freeze and stand to take another 3 more years pay freeze should the GOP get elected, and you know what? I am voting GOP, because I will sacrifice that little bit of money to save my country from this monstrosity, because I love my kids and this country more then I love that paycheck. Can liberals do the same? I doubt it, they are the reason we are in this mess to begin with.
You'll be told you're voting against your own best interests.

And it's just sheer coincidence that your "best interests" is voting for Democrats.

No, really!

This bears repeating.

sorry but all teachers are not liberals
yes I teach them things they like and dislike, so they can make the choice after having he experience, and I guide them into military service.

The sad thing is that with the current institution, they will HAVE to go to a university if they want a decent job. There are a few that focus specifically on the interest of the person though. I know Evergreen University in Washington does. My friend was sick of normal universities forcing everything down his throat BUT what he was interested in (Particle Physics).

Though there are those who take their kids out of the education system to give them a religious schooling, which frightens me, as it does not often produce useful citizens.

Military Service is probably the single most recommended thing I know, no one really regrets it that I've talked too and it gives great decision making skills and disciplinary capabilities.
Yeah. Obedient workers. Have a watch at the UN fiesta this week and keep a close eye on the "obedient workers".
Anyone who can't home school in this day and age has no business having kids. They'll only grow up to be meatheads(obedient workers)....or worse.

homeschool is not free or cheap
Who on the right doesn't care? You want me to point someone out?

How about pointing out YOU...


Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Your response:

No it's not


Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.

Well, if the 19th century ever makes a comeback, you and Cletus and the rest of your pals will have jobs again.
Does your plumber have a degree? Does your garbageman? Does your mechanic?

Do all the people who do the things for you that you're unable or unwilling to do for yourself have degrees?
Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.

Well, if the 19th century ever makes a comeback, you and Cletus and the rest of your pals will have jobs again.
Does your plumber have a degree? Does your garbageman? Does your mechanic?

Do all the people who do the things for you that you're unable or unwilling to do for yourself have degrees?

And the irony is... NYCarbonated is probably a 9th grade drop-out....
Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.

Well, if the 19th century ever makes a comeback, you and Cletus and the rest of your pals will have jobs again.
Does your plumber have a degree? Does your garbageman? Does your mechanic?

Do all the people who do the things for you that you're unable or unwilling to do for yourself have degrees?

Oh, so the scientists and engineers and military members did absolutely nothing then, huh?

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