Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

I think that was obamas entry level curriculum at Columbia University.

And yet you don't even have that much of a college education

It doesn't take one to have enough common sense to know right from wrong, and to know what ails this economy. It's funny how those on the left hold people with college on a pedestool, but yet those same people are the ones destroying the country, while lowly little insignificant non college folk like myself know how to balance my check book and spend within my means for my family. I make a very good living for myself, even though my college was limited to 1 course here and there while in the army, and those courses where nothing significant.
I work for the Government, and took a 2 year pay freeze and stand to take another 3 more years pay freeze should the GOP get elected, and you know what? I am voting GOP, because I will sacrifice that little bit of money to save my country from this monstrosity, because I love my kids and this country more then I love that paycheck. Can liberals do the same? I doubt it, they are the reason we are in this mess to begin with.
Wow, a lot of right wingers sure complain about schools and how bad they are. And look at what they are doing to improve schools. Introducing "magical creation", calling scientists liars and insisting science is a "faith". They threw away a trillion dollars rebuilding a country that shouts "Death to America", but don't want to spend a dollar here.

The party with the fringe on top has gone bonkers.

You're an idiot that requires no more attention in this thread.
Hate to tell you but the Modern Theory of Evolution rests on Genetics.

Go ahead and prove genetics wrong.

If we evolved from monkeys, then why haven't the monkeys evolved with us?

How about educating yourself on the topic before providing absolutely meaningless and uneducated copy paste arguments?

I understand you cannot defeat my rebuttal, it's okay. I am right, you are wrong. Also, it wasn't copy paste, it was all me. :D
If we evolved from monkeys, then why haven't the monkeys evolved with us?

How about educating yourself on the topic before providing absolutely meaningless and uneducated copy paste arguments?

I understand you cannot defeat my rebuttal, it's okay. I am right, you are wrong. Also, it wasn't copy paste, it was all me. :D

No, you are actually repeating the same cyclical argument repeated by every person on Earth who is uneducated on the topic of Evolution.

Your rebuttal doesn't even need to be defeated, it's self defeating. I can sit here and watch it go poof.

There it just did. Care to make up another uneducated point on a subject you so obviously know nothing about?
This is why education is important:


Extremely important. That the Right doesn't give a shit about education is just one more reason to keep them out of power.

You morons keep failing to point out who on the right doesn't care. Can you please tell us all?, we are dying to know.

Who on the right doesn't care? You want me to point someone out?

How about pointing out YOU...


Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Your response:

No it's not

When we lived in a crappy school district, we did.

And let me guess: Public school education for "u"?

private parochial okay with you? or do u find fault in everything?
Public education is okay, but I don't like all the violence

where did u go to school?

I went to hard knocks university, and came out without a bruise.

I went to the school of hard knockers.
So you never got a formal education?
How about educating yourself on the topic before providing absolutely meaningless and uneducated copy paste arguments?

I understand you cannot defeat my rebuttal, it's okay. I am right, you are wrong. Also, it wasn't copy paste, it was all me. :D

No, you are actually repeating the same cyclical argument repeated by every person on Earth who is uneducated on the topic of Evolution.

Your rebuttal doesn't even need to be defeated, it's self defeating. I can sit here and watch it go poof.

There it just did. Care to make up another uneducated point on a subject you so obviously know nothing about?

If it can't be proven either way, is it really an uneducated point? And unless you know for a fact either way, how do you figure to be the resident expert on such matters?
This is why education is important:


Extremely important. That the Right doesn't give a shit about education is just one more reason to keep them out of power.

You morons keep failing to point out who on the right doesn't care. Can you please tell us all?, we are dying to know.

Who on the right doesn't care? You want me to point someone out?

How about pointing out YOU...


Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Your response:

No it's not


Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.
You morons keep failing to point out who on the right doesn't care. Can you please tell us all?, we are dying to know.

Who on the right doesn't care? You want me to point someone out?

How about pointing out YOU...


Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Your response:

No it's not


Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.

the immagrants that got off Ellis Island did not have to need a further education because there was no such thing as a technology revolution.
Who on the right doesn't care? You want me to point someone out?

How about pointing out YOU...


Education is vital to the wellbeing of our economy.

Your response:

No it's not


Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.

the immagrants that got off Ellis Island did not have to need a further education because there was no such thing as a technology revolution.

That still doesn't take away from the fact that people can make it, and earn good money without a college education. People who work in my field can make up to $150,000 a year, without college, if they try to. It's my goal, and I know I can reach it.
That may not sound like much in some parts of this country, but for where I live, that's alot of cabbage and my children would never want or need for anything.
Where the immigrants coming off the boats at Ellis island picking up jobs building a new nation educated in college? was it the college educated who worked the steel mills and produced the steel for WWI and WWII? No it wasn't. There has been more great things done in this country that this country benefited from by non college educated people then there ever has been done by those who went to college.
And lets back away for a moment on this, was this thread originally about college or K-12? Because I don't know, the OP never said.

the immagrants that got off Ellis Island did not have to need a further education because there was no such thing as a technology revolution.

That still doesn't take away from the fact that people can make it, and earn good money without a college education. People who work in my field can make up to $150,000 a year, without college, if they try to. It's my goal, and I know I can reach it.
That may not sound like much in some parts of this country, but for where I live, that's alot of cabbage and my children would never want or need for anything.

yes, but you can't be many things without a college education.
I understand you cannot defeat my rebuttal, it's okay. I am right, you are wrong. Also, it wasn't copy paste, it was all me. :D

No, you are actually repeating the same cyclical argument repeated by every person on Earth who is uneducated on the topic of Evolution.

Your rebuttal doesn't even need to be defeated, it's self defeating. I can sit here and watch it go poof.

There it just did. Care to make up another uneducated point on a subject you so obviously know nothing about?

If it can't be proven either way, is it really an uneducated point? And unless you know for a fact either way, how do you figure to be the resident expert on such matters?

I'm really not going to take the time to teach someone who doesn't want to learn but feels it's necessary to comment on topics he knows nothing about.

Educate yourself. I'll even give you some places to start.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vss1VKN2rf8]Evolution - YouTube[/ame]


Introduction to evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <---This is a good one to start with.

I'll show you a few books you should read to understand the topic as well.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Ancestors-Tale-Pilgrimage-Dawn-Evolution/dp/061861916X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316391175&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution (9780618619160): Richard Dawkins: Books[/ame]

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Show-Earth-Evidence-Evolution/dp/B004AYCWY4/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1316391216&sr=1-6]Amazon.com: The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution: Richard Dawkins: Books[/ame]

(I'll admit these are both Richard Dawkins books, but that is because he is one of the greatest Evolutionary Biologists.)

I'm not an expert, I'm very well educated on the topic. It's easy for ignorant people to make comments about something they don't know about and believe they are right. That doesn't mean they are right, just ignorant of the facts. Evolution is about as well supported as the Theory of Gravity, the Theory of Electromagnetics, the Theory of Relativity. It is used in medicine, makes accurate and encompassing predictions and has supporting laws. Please take the time to read just a little bit.
Last edited:
You're kidding right? All of the theories you listed have been observed, in real time. The theory of evolution is of an entirely different nature than the rest of them. Evolution is not based on observation of events in real time.

There are two theories of evolution.

One is the theory of evolution as the origin of species. It is based on speculation and circumstancial evidence. Every piece of the theory is based on incomplete fossil records. It has been tested, not in practice but in theory.

The second is the theory of evolution of a species. Put a bunch of black rats in the dessert for few months and you will have a population of entirely white rats.

One is observed. One is based on circumstantial evidence. Gravity, Relativity and Light are all observed.

So tell me. How much scrutiny have you applied to the science? Do you know the shortcomings? I can list them for both of them and I haven't really taken a stance but for you to sit there and tell me that I don't know enough? I've evaluated both and freely admit I haven't come to a conclusion.


Hate to tell you but the Modern Theory of Evolution rests on Genetics.

Go ahead and prove genetics wrong.

If we evolved from monkeys, then why haven't the monkeys evolved with us?

We didn't evolve from monkeys we share a common ancestry with monkeys. Our evolutionary lines diverged from each other, and we evolved along a different pathway than they did.

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