Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

Well as a species we are naturally intelligent..

50,000 years of innovation makes your post seem silly..

An intelligent individual will always be intelligent, that person does not need a teacher because the person can teach himself or herself proactively.

I suppose the other 90% are a problem.

See, some people -- usually on the left -- confuse education and intelligence.

The two are not synonymous.
If conservatives had better answers for education, wouldn't the most conservative states be doing the best educating their residents?

Are they?

If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

Well as a species we are naturally intelligent..

50,000 years of innovation makes your post seem silly..

An intelligent individual will always be intelligent, that person does not need a teacher because the person can teach himself or herself proactively.

I suppose the other 90% are a problem.

See, some people -- usually on the left -- confuse education and intelligence.

The two are not synonymous.

I wholeheartedly agree, except for 'usually on the left'. Your hatred gets in the way of an intelligent statement.
If conservatives had better answers for education, wouldn't the most conservative states be doing the best educating their residents?

Are they?

If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?

This post is a fine example of how bad the American education program is.
Changing textbooks does not equal 'revisionist' history. Changing textbooks to reflect one specific political view would be revisionist history. Can you point out how the text book update in Texas was revisionist or are you spouting bullshit again simply because it is Texas?

I was repeating something that I read on these boards about how Texas changed some of the history that was being taught. I have not had a history textbook in my hands in decades, could you give me some examples of the revisionist liberal history that is being taught as opposed to what really happened.

So you admit you had no idea what the fuck you were talking about when you spouted off?

Yes, and I should know better than to repeat anything that I have read on a Board that has you posting on it.
If conservatives had better answers for education, wouldn't the most conservative states be doing the best educating their residents?

Are they?

If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?
Far from it. It would seem the Statists are more interested in social experimentation rather than real world education.
If conservatives had better answers for education, wouldn't the most conservative states be doing the best educating their residents?

Are they?

If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?

This post is a fine example of how bad the American education program is.

Care to explain or are you simply trying to show your complete lack of a point?
If conservatives had better answers for education, wouldn't the most conservative states be doing the best educating their residents?

Are they?

If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?

Liberal states have the best education overall in the country.
If conservatives had better answers for education, wouldn't the most conservative states be doing the best educating their residents?

Are they?

If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?

Liberal states have the best education overall in the country.

There you go, spoiling a good argument with facts.
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

This is probably a MIS-NOMER--because THERE ARE NO JOBS---:lol: So in that--who needs an education--:lol:
Well as a species we are naturally intelligent..

50,000 years of innovation makes your post seem silly..

An intelligent individual will always be intelligent, that person does not need a teacher because the person can teach himself or herself proactively.

I suppose the other 90% are a problem.

See, some people -- usually on the left -- confuse education and intelligence.

The two are not synonymous.

I wholeheartedly agree, except for 'usually on the left'. Your hatred gets in the way of an intelligent statement.
No hatred. Observation.
If conservatives had better answers for education, wouldn't the most conservative states be doing the best educating their residents?

Are they?

If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?

Liberal states have the best education overall in the country.
Yet American education lags behind the rest of the world.

If you guys are such hot shit, why aren't blue states better than the whole planet?
If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?

Liberal states have the best education overall in the country.
Yet American education lags behind the rest of the world.

If you guys are such hot shit, why aren't blue states better than the whole planet?

Guess it has to do with what you have to work with.
If liberals had the answers for education then wouldn't we have one of the top education programs in the world after decades of liberal ideas running our schools?

Are we?

Liberal states have the best education overall in the country.
Yet American education lags behind the rest of the world.

If you guys are such hot shit, why aren't blue states better than the whole planet?

You're admitting that liberal states do better than conservative states?

lol, eureka!

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