Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

This sounds like they make it up, like they do in Texas. Do they teach Creationism?
They teach all theories relative to that particular issue. The students are bright enough to make their own conclusions.

Why can they not draw their own conclusions from 'liberal revisionist history'? If liberals supported the theory of Creationism, you would be calling it liberal lunacy and nonsense, not worthy of being taught in your daughters' school. Since liberals oppose the theory, you have a knee jerk reaction and deem it worthy of the curriculum. One thing that is heartening is that since you are a Conservative, there is a very good chance of your daughters growing up to be liberals.
No, what is heartening is that they're already conservative in their thinking. Their ideals are conservative. They understand that hardwork and determination is the only way to succeed. That asking others to provide what is their own responsibility is taking the easy way out. They fully see the success and lifestyle my wife and I have worked hard to achieve. They know the hardwork and long hours we put in. The risks we took with our capital to grow and create further sucess.......We've nurtured our kids, not coddled them. We have the means to give them anything they want. They know that's not the deal. They know that we're not going to cave if they start whining about something they want. And it's not easy for me to tell them no. My daughters and I have that father/daughter bond, and I many times have to refer to my wife when it comes to saying no, because my natural instinct is to say, "of course dears, you can have and do watever what you want". They're now approaching the teen years, where it's getting easier for me to say no.

Now, are you a parent?......Have you seen the crap the public schools are pushing down the kids throats these days?.......Pick up some history books approved by the DOE and see the crap that fills them. See why so many kids these days haven't a clue as to our nations history, let alone identify who the founding fathers are, and how this country came to be. But ask them what the top video game is, and they'll give you the complete rundown. The dumbing down of the kids these days, in part to due to lousy public school education, is downrigt sad.......And this particular generation of kids may very well end up being the worst.
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They teach all theories relative to that particular issue. The students are bright enough to make their own conclusions.

Why can they not draw their own conclusions from 'liberal revisionist history'? If liberals supported the theory of Creationism, you would be calling it liberal lunacy and nonsense, not worthy of being taught in your daughters' school. Since liberals oppose the theory, you have a knee jerk reaction and deem it worthy of the curriculum. One thing that is heartening is that since you are a Conservative, there is a very good chance of your daughters growing up to be liberals.
No, what is heartening is that they're already conservative in their thinking. Their ideals are conservative. They understand that hardowork and determination is the only way to succeed. That asking others to provide what is their own responsibility is taking the easy way out. They fully see the success and lifestyle my wife and I have worked hard to achieve. They know the hardwork and long hours we put in. The risks we took with our capital to grow and create further sucess.......We've nurtured our kids, not coddled them. We have the means to give them anything they want. They know that's not the deal. They know that we're not going to cave if they start whining about something they want. And it's not easy for me to tell them no. My daughters and I have that father/daughter bond, and I many times have to refer to my wife when it comes to saying no, because my natural instinct is to say, "of course dears, you can have and do watever what you want". They're now approaching the teen years, where it's getting easier for me to say no.

Now, are you a parent?......Have you seen the crap the public schools are pushing down the kids throats these days?.......Pick up some history books approved by the DOE and see the crap that fills them. See why so many kids these days haven't a clue as to our nations history, let alone identify who are founding fathers are, and how this country came to be. But ask them what the top video game is, and they'll give you the complete rundown. The dumbing down of the kids these days, in part to due to lousy public school education, is downrigt sad.......And this particular generation of kids may very well end up being the worst.

Yes, I am a parent of two kids 8 and 11. I moved to Europe 15 years ago, and one of the benefits of where we live is excellent public schools. My kids go to a progressive public school that is difficult to get into, and it is excellent. The parents run the school, which is a blessing and a curse, but you can be part of the process. We also have to raise the bulk of the running costs.
If you pay close attention to your kids, i believe that they have a great chance at excellence. One thing that I stress with my children is that they have their own ideas. I am an atheist, but they are baptized and joining the church, which I more than facilitated.
I am an artist and a liberal, and my kids will probably grow up to be conservative accountants.
Yes, kids and education are dumbed down, and it is a shame. I have taught primary school, secondary school and college, and i am less impressed with every generation that comes along. We do not have television in our house, and if they want to play the Play Station, they have to read first. will it do any good,or will they have just grown up weird, who knows? As parents you are always winging it.
Look at what you were responding to.
He was responding to the fact that many liberals use false hyperbole to make a point.....Like your bogus claim that Texas just makes it up. And then asking me if they teach creationism in our childrens private school, after I had already stated their school does not shove politics OR religion down their throats.......They give all views, and let the kids decide. And they teach american history as it actually happened, and not the revisionist liberal history that is so pervasive in our public school system these days.
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Look at what you were responding to.
He was responding to the fact that many liberals use false hyperbole to make a point.....Like your bogus claim that Texas just makes it up. And then asking me if they teach creationism in our childrens private school, after I had already stated their school does not shove politics OR religion down their throats.......They give all views, and let the kids decide. And they teach american history as it actually happened, and not the revisionist liberal history that is so pervasive in our public school system these days.

has there not been some revisionist history in Texas? Did they not change the History books some? And once again, who is to say what actually happened unless they witnessed it?
has there not been some revisionist history in Texas? Did they not change the History books some? And once again, who is to say what actually happened unless they witnessed it?

.......................... :rolleyes:
Look at what you were responding to.
He was responding to the fact that many liberals use false hyperbole to make a point.....Like your bogus claim that Texas just makes it up. And then asking me if they teach creationism in our childrens private school, after I had already stated their school does not shove politics OR religion down their throats.......They give all views, and let the kids decide. And they teach american history as it actually happened, and not the revisionist liberal history that is so pervasive in our public school system these days.

has there not been some revisionist history in Texas? Did they not change the History books some? And once again, who is to say what actually happened unless they witnessed it?

Changing textbooks does not equal 'revisionist' history. Changing textbooks to reflect one specific political view would be revisionist history. Can you point out how the text book update in Texas was revisionist or are you spouting bullshit again simply because it is Texas?
He was responding to the fact that many liberals use false hyperbole to make a point.....Like your bogus claim that Texas just makes it up. And then asking me if they teach creationism in our childrens private school, after I had already stated their school does not shove politics OR religion down their throats.......They give all views, and let the kids decide. And they teach american history as it actually happened, and not the revisionist liberal history that is so pervasive in our public school system these days.

has there not been some revisionist history in Texas? Did they not change the History books some? And once again, who is to say what actually happened unless they witnessed it?

Changing textbooks does not equal 'revisionist' history. Changing textbooks to reflect one specific political view would be revisionist history. Can you point out how the text book update in Texas was revisionist or are you spouting bullshit again simply because it is Texas?

I was repeating something that I read on these boards about how Texas changed some of the history that was being taught. I have not had a history textbook in my hands in decades, could you give me some examples of the revisionist liberal history that is being taught as opposed to what really happened.
I wasn't a normal child. The education system failed me because of that. I excelled so much at what I did and the school didn't know how to handle it.

Oh, brother...... :rolleyes:

Thank you for providing the perfect example.

Whoa, whoa, slow down Doogie. That post was just so darn brilliant that...that I don't know how to handle it! The power of your genius is just too much to bear! No wonder why your every failure was misinterpreted by those fools in the educational system. They weren't equipped or prepared to deal with a genius of your caliber. It wasn't that you lacked the ability to concentrate and were apparently not too bright, it was that you were bored by what challenged human children. Obviously that's why you failed. Didn't they notice you pretending to teach yourself 3 languages and play at self-importance? How could they not see the shining light hidden in their bushel? There is no excuse for them not being prepared for you though. When you consider how many millions and millions of people online were self-professed child geniuses (nearly as many as are amazingly strong, handsome undefeated fighters and self-made millionaires living in lavish sea-side compounds with cars and homes described in great detail) they ought to have been ready to recognize your apparent ADD and obtuseness for what they really were - the hallmarks of imagined greatness!

I'm sorry you were let down by the mere mortals around you but don't worry, I'm sure that by now the many life-changing inventions you have given the world and the buckets of world-class awards and accolades that have been heaped upon you are satisfying proof that you were right in what you wanted to imagine about yourself as a slow child with trouble concentrating. With all of the fame and wealth you have accumulated, it is generous of you to deign to lend us some of your precious time. The world needs you and your genius, but you are kind enough to look down upon us and spare a comment or two. Your consideration is as limitless as your brilliant mind.
has there not been some revisionist history in Texas? Did they not change the History books some? And once again, who is to say what actually happened unless they witnessed it?

Changing textbooks does not equal 'revisionist' history. Changing textbooks to reflect one specific political view would be revisionist history. Can you point out how the text book update in Texas was revisionist or are you spouting bullshit again simply because it is Texas?

I was repeating something that I read on these boards about how Texas changed some of the history that was being taught. I have not had a history textbook in my hands in decades, could you give me some examples of the revisionist liberal history that is being taught as opposed to what really happened.

So you admit you had no idea what the fuck you were talking about when you spouted off?
has there not been some revisionist history in Texas? Did they not change the History books some? And once again, who is to say what actually happened unless they witnessed it?

Changing textbooks does not equal 'revisionist' history. Changing textbooks to reflect one specific political view would be revisionist history. Can you point out how the text book update in Texas was revisionist or are you spouting bullshit again simply because it is Texas?

I was repeating something that I read on these boards about how Texas changed some of the history that was being taught. I have not had a history textbook in my hands in decades, could you give me some examples of the revisionist liberal history that is being taught as opposed to what really happened.
Why – Zinn Education Project
Since the launch of the Zinn Education Project in 2008, we have received lots of comments from teachers about the value of “a people’s history” and how they are incorporating it in their classroom. Here are a few of those comments:

A long list of “good guys” with no one to struggle with is neither a true story nor a good story. It doesn’t resonate because it leads the student to believe that we are all waiting for the next exceptional leader, instead of becoming a force for change in our own communities. A People’s History helped me recognize this as a student of history and inspires my attempt to bring true stories to young people, weary of the inaccessible lists that history teaching has become.
— Reynolds Bodenhamer, 11th-Grade U.S. History, Gulfport, MS

Zinn’s work offers an alternative perspective that students need in order to think more critically about key issues in history.
— William Thomas, Auburn, NH

Knowing that resources like the Zinn Education Project exist make me feel so hopeful about the network of people who are engaged in this kind of dialogue with their students. I am a young, white female living in Baltimore and teaching at an all black middle school. These resources are so valuable to me personally and to the relationships being built between the students and the faculty. Thank you to everyone involved in keeping this collaboration evolving!
— Lara Emerling, Middle School Teacher, Baltimore, MD

Thank you so very much for sharing Zinn’s materials with us. We badly need to get a message of advocacy and action into our communities and into our hearts. Your support makes this easier, in a fight that feels overwhelming …
— Nancy Jean Smith, California State University Stanislaus, Stockton, CA

…t was my sense that throughout the year last school year, and so far this school year, [that] the kids responded well to the Zinn book … [because] they appreciate Zinn’s perspective. I think most of the kids realize that there has been something seriously flawed with the way in which U.S. history has been presented to them, and Zinn’s book, for many of them, verifies this feeling. Even the kids who don’t agree with Zinn’s take on US history appreciate the fact that he has a definite approach to history and the kids say that a strong perspective makes the text more engaging than traditional history texts. Also, the students enjoy his narrative style where one topic or series of events is dealt with in a clean, short chapter, as opposed to a traditional textbook’s reliance on sections that seem to drone on with facts layered on more facts. We will see how this year continues.”
— Nick Caltagirone, High School Teacher, West Chicago, IL

And what's wrong with Zinn's history? It's full of leftist crap:

History News Network

Through Zinn’s looking-glass, Maoist China, site of history’s bloodiest state-sponsored killings, becomes “the closest thing, in the long history of that ancient country, to a people’s government, independent of outside control.” The authoritarian Nicaraguan Sandinistas were “welcomed” by their own people, while the opposition Contras, who backed the candidate that triumphed when free elections were finally held, were a “terrorist group” that “seemed to have no popular support inside Nicaragua.” Castro’s Cuba, readers learn, “had no bloody record of suppression.”

The recently released updated edition continues to be plagued with inaccuracies and poor judgment. The added sections on the Clinton years, the 2000 election, and 9/11 bear little resemblance to the reality his current readers have lived through.

In an effort to bolster his arguments against putting criminals in jail, aggressive law enforcement tactics, and President Clinton’s crime bill, Zinn contends that in spite of all this “violent crime continues to increase.” It doesn’t. Like much of Zinn’s rhetoric, if you believe the opposite of what he says in this instance you would be correct. According to a Department of Justice report released in September of 2002, the violent crime rate has been cut in half since 1993.

According to Zinn, it was Mumia Abu-Jamal’s “race and radicalism,” as well as his “persistent criticism of the Philadelphia police” that landed him on death row in the early 1980s. Nothing about Abu-Jamal’s gun being found at the scene; nothing about the testimony of numerous witnesses pointing to him as the triggerman; nothing about additional witnesses reporting a confession by Abu-Jamal—it was Abu-Jamal’s dissenting voice that caused a jury of twelve to unanimously sentence him to death.​
Oh, brother...... :rolleyes:

Thank you for providing the perfect example.

Whoa, whoa, slow down Doogie. That post was just so darn brilliant that...that I don't know how to handle it! The power of your genius is just too much to bear! No wonder why your every failure was misinterpreted by those fools in the educational system. They weren't equipped or prepared to deal with a genius of your caliber. It wasn't that you lacked the ability to concentrate and were apparently not too bright, it was that you were bored by what challenged human children. Obviously that's why you failed. Didn't they notice you pretending to teach yourself 3 languages and play at self-importance? How could they not see the shining light hidden in their bushel? There is no excuse for them not being prepared for you though. When you consider how many millions and millions of people online were self-professed child geniuses (nearly as many as are amazingly strong, handsome undefeated fighters and self-made millionaires living in lavish sea-side compounds with cars and homes described in great detail) they ought to have been ready to recognize your apparent ADD and obtuseness for what they really were - the hallmarks of imagined greatness!

I'm sorry you were let down by the mere mortals around you but don't worry, I'm sure that by now the many life-changing inventions you have given the world and the buckets of world-class awards and accolades that have been heaped upon you are satisfying proof that you were right in what you wanted to imagine about yourself as a slow child with trouble concentrating. With all of the fame and wealth you have accumulated, it is generous of you to deign to lend us some of your precious time. The world needs you and your genius, but you are kind enough to look down upon us and spare a comment or two. Your consideration is as limitless as your brilliant mind.

It's about time someone gets it.
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

Well as a species we are naturally intelligent..

50,000 years of innovation makes your post seem silly..

An intelligent individual will always be intelligent, that person does not need a teacher because the person can teach himself or herself proactively.

I suppose the other 90% are a problem.

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