Without Electricity, New Yorkers on Food Stamps Can’t Pay for Food


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Without Electricity, New Yorkers on Food Stamps Can’t Pay for Food

New York Times ^
01 November 2012
By: Jorge Rivas

It’s been more than three days since power went out in many parts of New York City, including the Lower East Side where multi-story public housing complexes like the La Guardia Houses don’t have electricity, heat or water.

Many of the residents are also without food.

Many of the low-income residents receive cash and supplemental nutritional assistance from the state electronically through what the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance calls Electronic Benefit Cards (EBT.)

Recipients buying eligible foods are suppose to swipe their EBT cards like any other credit card for their purchases but since Hurricane Sandy hit, most Lower East Side stores don’t have electricity to run credit card transactions and are only accepting cash. Leaving many people on EBT with empty wallets, empty refrigerators and no access to food.

“The supermarkets don’t even really want to sell anything. They’re open but if you don’t have cash, you messed up. And everybody in these projects, they take EBT…food stamps,” a La Guardia Houses resident told WNYC’s Marianne McCune.

(Excerpt) Read more at:
Without Electricity, New Yorkers on Food Stamps Can’t Pay for Food - COLORLINES
All the more reason to GET OFF FOOD STAMPS...Stop letting the Government squeeze your balls already!
Where is the media outrage over the abominable response by FEMA and all other disaster "agencies" to the millions of people still without electricity in New Jersey and New York?

The only media outlets that are reporting on the VERY SLOW responses from the Red Cross and FEMA and others are CNN and Fox News Channel.

I just have to wonder why it is that the vast majority of newspapers and magazines and TV news outlets are so anti-USA. They will do ANYTHING to get Obama re-elected.

These people should all be rounded up and thrown in jail cells.
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Sad to see. A major disaster, millions of people affected. Many have lost almost everything. Yet, here we have people expressing contempt for them, and wishing them even more misery.

As for the number of people still without power, there were 8 and 1/2 million people without power at the end of the storm. It has only been a week, and there are less than 1 1/2 million without power now. Utility crews have worked around the clock to repair the damage and get the power back on. But there are many millions of lines down, and other damage, such as transformers and substations damaged, that will slow the return of power.

As for FEMA and the government, it looks to me like they have been doing a lot. Flying utility equipment in from the West Coast on military transports is just one of the red tape cutting efforts.

But by this time tomorrow, the President will be assured of a second term, and you will have wait for four years to find something between now and then to hang on the Democratic candidates neck. In the meantime, you have the albatross of the Teabaggers around the neck of the GOP.

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