Zone1 Without God, right and wrong are just personal beliefs.

The concept of Heaven and Hell are the ultimate …you better be good or else

It is a childish threat, but Christians believe it with all their heart
This is a Protestant/Non-Catholic Christian view. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within our reach now, in this life. This way is eternal, meaning it extends beyond this life into the next (heaven).

Those who do not choose God/the ways of God are not forced to do so, and they can choose an eternal way of life without God (hell). I have no idea why atheists/people who do not want to serve God then yell and complain about having to do without him.
Without God, yes it is.

It always has been.

Do you need a god to tell you raping little girls is wrong?
Do you need a god to tell you slavery is wrong?
Do you need a god to tell you genocide is wrong?

And do you need the threat of the punishment of a god in order to control yourself so you don't do those things?

I don't.
With God many decided slavery was acceptable. Granted, it was those who had God that also countered the idea of slavery.
Who claimed anyone who believes in God was perfect and never sinned?

Topic is the issue of what is good and evil.
It always has been.

Do you need a god to tell you raping little girls is wrong?
Do you need a god to tell you slavery is wrong?
Do you need a god to tell you genocide is wrong?

And do you need the threat of the punishment of a god in order to control yourself so you don't do those things?

I don't.
Ask the Japanese who were at Nanking if it was wrong. To them it was not.
It always has been.

Do you need a god to tell you raping little girls is wrong?
Do you need a god to tell you slavery is wrong?
Do you need a god to tell you genocide is wrong?

And do you need the threat of the punishment of a god in order to control yourself so you don't do those things?

I don't.
Students chant genocide to the Jews across the country at local colleges as they chase Jewish students into attics.

So, it would seem that they do need someone to tell them it is wrong.

The Left will never tell them, nor the colleges that refuse to discipline them.
Without God good and evil are just personal opinions, without any of those opinions being superior to the other. Stalin’s definition is just as valid as yours. And that opinion can change depending upon the circumstances.

It just becomes a slippery slope as broken, sinful society decays further from truth and integrity. hi
This is why in nations like Canada the Security Industrial Complex abuse rights and do as.they please. The consequences for a nation are clear, as in the U.K who do the same in their centralized system; the nation suffers at the hands of unfetered authority who make themselves G-ds. The desperate need for some to retain power may push America to adopt our.system. I just watched a video recently where a Japanese official.was.saying that they are increasing their defense spe ding as they can't be sure of Americas place in the world. The balance of power is shifting rapidly as he stated. this is frightening coming from a Japanese official.
I wish I had a God to worship
I spent years seeking God, and it is true, Seek and you will find. Love of all beyond imagining. I wish I could love like that. It boils down each day/hour of one's life and the Bible verse of "Here I am, Lord. Send me." In the Hebrew, worship/serve are intertwined. As God is good, and even though you hold no belief in God, I am certain you believe in good and can make something that comes your way during the day better--even extra courtesy when dealing with traffic frustrations is a step in that direction. Do everything, even the least thing, with love. That is serving, and it just may lead to worshiping God who is wondrous love.
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