Without Proof: Trump Has Put President Obama In Grave Danger

Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally
Michael Flynn was tapped at trump tower. game set match. I'd be worried too if I were obummer.
Obama done fucked with the wrong guy. Obama thinks he's all that and then some, struttin' his shit and using (abusing) his power to go after his political enemies for 8 years. Now it's his turn to be on the receiving end. Payback's a bitch, ain't it?

Lies ain't payback, sparky.
so stop lying.
Lock Him UP!
Lock Him UP!
Lock Him UP!
Lock Him UP!
Lock Him UP!

I wonder if Obama will be able to share a cell with Crooked Hillary? After all she will need somebody to help her with her Depends every day.
Gotta love the imagination some of these snowflakes have. This thread was especially entertaining.
I couldn't help laughing when I saw the thread title. lol
Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally

And Obama publically stated that Putin is not a threat.
View attachment 115780
Now you want the rhetoric to be more diplomatic and sensitive?

How many police officers across the country died because Obama didn't know how to keep his mouth shut?
Damaged Eagle of a yanking it again.


I'm sure you're an expert at recognizing such behavior considering that you have two posts on the subject in this thread. Do you need a Playboy or Penthouse to assist in your endeavors?


Obama put himself in danger when he began spying on Trump, the GOP Presidential candidate during an election - his own personal 'Watergate', under false pretenses / the lie about collusion between Trump and Russians.

That lie, by the way, was debunked by the FBI, who declared thete was no connection / collusion between Trump and Russia / Putin.

Obama got away with spying on reporters, the media, millions of Americans, and even Congress...because he owned the US Attorney General.

Obama started the Russian Hacking / Collusion lie and gave personal info from Trump and his team to 16 Intel agencies - facilitating the illegal leaks that occurred once Trump took office - just before he left office.

This was a mistake on Obama's part because once out of office and Trump in office Obama no longer owned the US AG...and no longer had an AG to protect his ass from the laws he broke.

Obama conducted his own 'Watergate', illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team, and gave that info to his holdovers in 16 Intel agencies, holdovers who later illegally leaked that info...meaning Obama facilitated the illegal leaking of that info.

Obama is in danger...of going to jail...because of his own actions.
Of course there is a Trump--Russian alliance.

I agree! Trump could end all the speculation by releasing his tax returns (which would likely show deep financial ties to Russia).
Again with the psychotic obsession with personal docunents you have no right to. Dude, seek professional help!

Since the FBI has already declared there was no connection or collusion between Trump and Russia, there is no reason for Trump to release anything...

Obama used the Russian lie to conduct his own 'Watergate' on Trump during the election - you seek to use it to justify / whine about Trump's taxes.

That's hilarious!
Of course there is a Trump--Russian alliance.

I agree! Trump could end all the speculation by releasing his tax returns (which would likely show deep financial ties to Russia).
Again with the psychotic obsession with personal docunents you have no right to. Dude, seek professional help!

Since the FBI has already declared there was no connection or collusion between Trump and Russia, there is no reason for Trump to release anything...

Obama used the Russian lie to conduct his own 'Watergate' on Trump during the election - you seek to use it to justify / whine about Trump's taxes.

That's hilarious!

What is Trump so afraid of?
Why does Trump lie about almost everything?

President Donald Trump on Tuesday falsely attributed the release of detainees at Guantanamo Bay to his predecessor Barack Obama. However, it was actually former President George W. Bush who released the vast majority of them.

Continuing his habit of early-morning tweets while watching cable news, Trump, apparently responding to a Fox News segment, blamed Obama for freeing “122 vicious prisoners” from the U.S. military detention facility who went on to engage in terrorism.

Trump Falsely Blames Obama For Releasing Guantanamo Detainees

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