Without Proof: Trump Has Put President Obama In Grave Danger

Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally
Do you deny that Trump lied about Obama's birthplace?

He never lied, and there is evidence to still prove Obama is a Kenyan. Obama also lied on his college application.
Trump just was not able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE was a KENYAN.
We did prove that he was a lying son of a bitch Marxist, who wire tapped your mom though.

Here is a better question for you.

You must be a tree that never grew up! If Obama was all that you say he is we need another Kenyan Marxist just like him. Capitalists sure made out like a bandit under Obama.

But you hate capitalists. So it kind looks like Obama lied to you and sold you out, just like he had been selling America out for 8 years.

I assume you hate spies, and leakers, and people engaged in espionage too?.

You should hate Obama, Clinton, & their cronies in The Intelligence community who are leaking our secrets, and classified information to the world, and committing felonies by mishandling classified information, and abusing our intelligence capabilities.

Did you know Snowden, Manning and all these leakers that have stolen classified information are Democrats?


And why wont one Lefty Dog Turd answer that question?

I don't hate capitalists, I AM a capitalist. My Christian upbringing is the one thing that keeps my capitalism in check and I am thankful for it. And, I am not a Democrat or a liberal. I am an independent. I reserve the right to scoff at the misdeeds of both parties. Don't try to pigeonhole me because you can't.

When you try to identify me as a hater you are overstepping your bounds. Critique is a better word for my criticism of my fellow Americans and our elected officials. But when you add spies, leakers and people engaged in espionage into the mix I had to recall Trump's verbal attack on our own intelligence agencies. Do you hang the figurative albatross of hate around his neck so easily in regards to his pubic antagonism against our own spies, leakers and people engaged in espionage? Trump's vindictive nature and his unpredictable mental state puts us all at risk. Obama exhibited nothing even close to that! Additionally, Trump;s overtures towards Putin and the lack of transparency in regards to his financial dealings with Russia is alarming.
Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally
I gave obama the jakestarkey award for predicting Trump would never be president.
Obama was right, although Trump was elected to be president, he hasn't become one yet and likely never will!
Obama ruined his own legacy

No, he didn't. In fact the Repub-LIE-cons can't seem to repeal and replace Obamas legacy. They changed the name, ditched the mandate and fucked over seniors but the legacy remains.. damaged,but still intact.
The GOP has had 23 years to come up with a good plan, and . . .

Nobody complains about Medicare.

Medicare is a good plan.

Extend it from cradle to grave.

Pay more taxes, but have a good health plan.

That is what the rest of the civilized word does.
54% of our income is already being paid to state, local and federal governments.
So, with this new TRUMPCARE, you'd better not get sick or too old or you might not have anything left to pay taxes ON!
Trump is an alpha White male of European heritage. He will prevail and take down the Muslim named Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.
No, Trump is an orange-face crybaby of poor stock. And you're s racist sack of shit who should go chew on some lead
Trump is an alpha White male of European heritage. He will prevail and take down the Muslim named Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka.
No, Trump is an orange-face crybaby of poor stock. And you're s racist sack of shit who should go chew on some lead
Fuck you.......You snowflake pajama boy. My pride of my superior race defines the superiority of Trump's win over Hillary. Look, your kind has been neutralized. I'm Steve McGarrett and I have in my region orchestrated events that have neutralized and deported your kind that you've suported. In the end, Steve McGarrett of white European heritage has prevailed.
Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally

Good. That America-hating tyrannical asshole who spent 8 years trying to destroy America deserves everything that happens to him.
He's having a wonderful, well-deserved retirement. Good for him and his family.

Are all you lefties illiterate?

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