Without Proof: Trump Has Put President Obama In Grave Danger

Why is Obama paranoid ?

Does he think he has a reason for fear ?

Why won't he come out and admit that he was a failure so people can get on with their lives ?
What kind of twisted logic is that? Cops kill innocent people sometimes and sometimes cops get killed too.

Especially when a person holding the office of the President of the United States is creating and encouraging rhetoric that supports killing police officers like Obama did.

That happened before and after Obama's tenure as president.

Tell that to the dead police in Dallas, Baton Rouge, New York City, and other places where police were ambushed in the last couple of years.

But I would agree to dispense with Obamas secret service protection if we do it to all the other living presidents as well, including Trump.

I have no problem with that.

Trump can afford his own bodyguards, why should the tax payer foot the bill?

Once he is no longer President of the United States I have no problem with taking his Secret Service contingent either.



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Now you want the rhetoric to be more diplomatic and sensitive?

How many police officers across the country died because Obama didn't know how to keep his mouth shut?
Damaged Eagle of a yanking it again.


I'm sure you're an expert at recognizing such behavior considering that you have two posts on the subject in this thread. Do you need a Playboy or Penthouse to assist in your endeavors?


Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally

Trump is the Monster Child.
I've never seen a U.S. president place another U.S. president in such grave danger.

Not Even Mike Pence Can Defend Trump’s Wiretapping Claim

The Plot Thickens


Valerie Jarrett's operation which was directed from the White House – not the Justice Department as being claimed. The Obama officials are not denying the covert operation, but are trying to paint it as a legitimate investigation of Trump launched by Lynch at the Justice Department to give deniability to Obama. Jarrett was a Senior Adviser to Obama between 2009 up until January 20th, 2017. She is a Chicago lawyer who previously has been tied to Obama and served as a co-chair of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.

Jarrett has joined Obama’s effort to help with an “insurgency” movement against President Donald Trump. Rumors also imply that both Chuck Schummer and Hillary knew of this investigation and were briefed, possibly by Jarrett or others in the White House.

in October 2016 before the election, the Obama administration submitted a new request that was more narrow to the FISA court which targeted a computer server in Trump Tower they alleged would show links to Russian banks. No such evidence was found and indeed it was a witch-hunt. However, the wiretaps continued claiming it was for national security to try to distinguish this from Watergate

Then NSA Director Michael Rogers participated in the sessions at Intelligence and National Security Summit in Washington. It turns out that Obama officially blamed Puttin on October 8th, 2016. Then on Thursday November 17th, 2016, Rogers traveled to New York and met with President-Elect Donald Trump after the election without informing others. Then the next day, the Washington Post reported on a recommendation in “October” that Mike Rogers be removed from his NSA position. This was a recommendation from the Pentagon and the NSA to President Obama that Rogers must be removed. This was delivered to Obama by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. Reuters reported on November 19th, that Carter and Clapper demanded to fire Rogers. Rogers didn’t want to participate in the Obama spying scheme led by Clapper. All the information I was getting from behind the curtain warned that there was indeed a soft-coup against Trump that was organized by Obama and that Clapper was deeply involved. I warned this was being called the “Gang of Four” behind the curtain – absolutely unprecedented. Everyone knows I am very cautious not to get involved in conspiracy theories."

Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally

Good. That America-hating tyrannical asshole who spent 8 years trying to destroy America deserves everything that happens to him.
He's having a wonderful, well-deserved retirement. Good for him and his family.
All that golfing would wear out anyone
I've never seen a U.S. president place another U.S. president in such grave danger.

Not Even Mike Pence Can Defend Trump’s Wiretapping Claim
What has Obama in danger and how do we get more of it?

We are working on that slowly but surely. Once DJT gets a hold of FISA documents Obama is done.


Are you suggesting that the FISA Court didn't have enough probable cause to issue a warrant? Funny...
Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally
Do you deny that Trump lied about Obama's birthplace?
Poor Obambi, he will get whatever he has earned. I could care less what happens to him.
Trump has been slandering President Obama for several years without providing any proof - but his latest claim that President Obama wiretapped him is extremely dangerous. In fact, it puts the entire Obama family at great risk. As has been reported on MSNBC - Trump's claim that President Obama wiretapped him is already baked into the cake with Trump's base, and almost no amount of proof will likely change that. There are too many nuts out there to be so loose with the facts. If President Obama gets harmed - whose fault is it?

Trump’s ruthless, near obsessive, vendetta of lies against Obama paid big dividends early on. It got him briefly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. That made him a political household name. Three years later, in 2015, it got him to the top of the GOP presidential pack and kept him there during the primaries. It then got him the biggest prize of all, the White House.

The wiretapping charge fits the pattern to the letter. Trump doubled down on that by demanding a Congressional probe into it. The hope is that the more who believe there’s any truth to this will serve to whittle away yet another tiny chunk from Obama’s well-established legacy of personal honor and integrity.

The charge will, of course, go nowhere because it’s another Trump lie. But that’s less important than making the accusation, and getting the media and public headline hit on Obama. This won’t be the end. We can be sure that Trump won’t rest until he’s destroyed Obama’s political legacy, and Obama as well.

Trump Aims To Destroy Obama Politically And Personally
Do you deny that Trump lied about Obama's birthplace?

He never lied, and there is evidence to still prove Obama is a Kenyan. Obama also lied on his college application.
Trump just was not able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE was a KENYAN.
We did prove that he was a lying son of a bitch Marxist, who wire tapped your mom though.

Here is a better question for you.

Obama ruined his own legacy

No, he didn't. In fact the Repub-LIE-cons can't seem to repeal and replace Obamas legacy. They changed the name, ditched the mandate and fucked over seniors but the legacy remains.. damaged,but still intact.
The GOP has had 23 years to come up with a good plan, and . . .

Nobody complains about Medicare.

Medicare is a good plan.

Extend it from cradle to grave.

Pay more taxes, but have a good health plan.

That is what the rest of the civilized word does.
I've never seen a U.S. president place another U.S. president in such grave danger.

Not Even Mike Pence Can Defend Trump’s Wiretapping Claim
What has Obama in danger and how do we get more of it?

We are working on that slowly but surely. Once DJT gets a hold of FISA documents Obama is done.


Are you suggesting that the FISA Court didn't have enough probable cause to issue a warrant? Funny...


T"aking all these claims with the appropriate sodium chloride seasoning, what can we infer? First, contrary to what many on social media—and even a few reporters for reputable outlets—have asserted, the issuance of a FISA order does not imply that the FBI established probable cause to believe that any Trump associate was acting as an “agent of a foreign power” or engaged in criminal wrongdoing"


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