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Without Quotas.. what elite admissions actually look like

IMO, the Asian culture, in general, is superior to the American culture--as we see in graduation/test scores
ooops--I'm white and American --can I say that??
Its true that asians put a huge emphasis on getting good grades, and it has served them fairly well, but at the end of the day i think white American culture has them beat. All the greatest inventions come from white culture, we are generally happier, and despite the fact that Chinas population outnumbers us by 5 times, we still produce more billionaires. One could, however, argue that jews are doing the best, but they are white too, even though its culture that makes or breaks a community, not race.

For the record, of the 2,208 billionaires on earth, only 10 are black. How embarrassing! Black culture sucks everywhere on earth that it exists. :laugh:

Yeah that's why whites copy us.
IMO, the Asian culture, in general, is superior to the American culture--as we see in graduation/test scores
ooops--I'm white and American --can I say that??
Its true that asians put a huge emphasis on getting good grades, and it has served them fairly well, but at the end of the day i think white American culture has them beat. All the greatest inventions come from white culture, we are generally happier, and despite the fact that Chinas population outnumbers us by 5 times, we still produce more billionaires. One could, however, argue that jews are doing the best, but they are white too, even though its culture that makes or breaks a community, not race.

For the record, of the 2,208 billionaires on earth, only 10 are black. How embarrassing! Black culture sucks everywhere on earth that it exists. :laugh:
The two largest "Asian" countries on earth are China and India, each with over a billion people. The per capita income of China is below that of Mexico. The per capita income of India is less than half of Mexico's. Keep in mind that we have a southern border "problem" because Mexicans are trying to get into the US for opportunities.

I am trying to reconcile how Asians "superior culture" over whites translates to inferior standards of living than whites....and even Mexicans. It does not make sense, if culture and intellect is the key, that higher intellect and cultured "Asians" would live so much lower, by economic standards, than lower intellect and cultured whites? Keep in mind also how Asians are doing so much better than Mexicans (browns) in America.

It stands to reason that if whites are on top, despite not having the top culture or intellect, then they are on top for other reasons that have nothing to do with being the best or brightest. Asians are whites "favored" minority. They need the Asian, as a minority, to use against other minorities which they favor a lot less. The like to highlight the Asian but the average Asian in the world is poor relative to the average white person in the world....they just don't want other minorities to know that because they want to front like culture and supposed intellect determines who is on top.
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OW, you have no rebuttal, and so have to Deflect/switch the burden on Me to ask what to do about my won point.
and you're clearly trying the old genocide/eugenics suggestion/implication.

Of course, I'm pointing out NE Asians have the highest IQ's, So why don't you ask me if I'm suggesing they get rid of whites?
Of course, I'm not suggesting that either.
I'm just asking for social justice/equality of opportunity/treatment, NOT automatic equality of outcome. (such as Quota admissions).

True, it might/Should also affect our immigration policy to favor, ie, (those MIT) NE Asians, over Haitians and Hondurans.
I want to let in those peoples' most likely to help us as a country.
So spare me your predictably juvenile/low-IQ suggestion of genocide/etc.

Just more demo of the problem.
I don't care what you think of black people. I only care what you do. The same goes to all these guys running trying to prove how stupid black people.

I would not waste a second trying to prove to you or anyone that black people are intelligent.

OK - I'm dumb and I have a low IQ. Now what ? I mean - Dude - I dunno - Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ? They were saying black people were dumb long before any IQ test.

But what should be done with all these stupid black people ? See all you guys punk and wimp out when that question is put on the table because you prefer to get into this circular arguments about "My gang is smarter than your gang"
OW, you have no rebuttal, and so have to Deflect/switch the burden on Me to ask what to do about my won point.
and you're clearly trying the old genocide/eugenics suggestion/implication.

Of course, I'm pointing out NE Asians have the highest IQ's, So why don't you ask me if I'm suggesing they get rid of whites?
Of course, I'm not suggesting that either.
I'm just asking for social justice/equality of opportunity/treatment, NOT automatic equality of outcome. (such as Quota admissions).

True, it might/Should also affect our immigration policy to favor, ie, (those MIT) NE Asians, over Haitians and Hondurans.
I want to let in those peoples' most likely to help us as a country.
So spare me your predictably juvenile/low-IQ suggestion of genocide/etc.

Just more demo of the problem.
I don't care what you think of black people. I only care what you do. The same goes to all these guys running trying to prove how stupid black people.

I would not waste a second trying to prove to you or anyone that black people are intelligent.

OK - I'm dumb and I have a low IQ. Now what ? I mean - Dude - I dunno - Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ? They were saying black people were dumb long before any IQ test.

But what should be done with all these stupid black people ? See all you guys punk and wimp out when that question is put on the table because you prefer to get into this circular arguments about "My gang is smarter than your gang"
I'm not the smartest person [ you agree-yes? :laugh: ] ...I state without hesitation there are people smarter than I .....I'm not ashamed and will admit it ...black/white/yellow/brown--some smarter than I

I'm not the smartest person [ you agree-yes? :laugh: ] ...I state without hesitation there are people smarter than I .....I'm not ashamed and will admit it ...black/white/yellow/brown--some smarter than I

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Use your own words dude. Don't cut and paste some nonsense from some site or newspapers that reflects your POV and think that it's gonna fly with me.

Respond to what I say. That's how you debate
No. it's youj who doesn't know how to debate Essien.
one DOES debate using citations to prove his point.
I'm not interested in just exchanging opinions with a 70 IQ sub-Saharan.

That said, let me make it easy for you.
Blacks are less smart, and of course, score less well worldwide on tests (IQ/SAT/etc), yet get a Huge break on College admissions.

That's the theme here shown by both common sense AND citation, Untouched by your goofy YO-pinions.
Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that.

All I want to know from guys like you who are always running around trying to prove how stupid we blk people supposedly are is

What do you do with a race of people you claim are (On av) stupid ?

Let's get to the doing part. Not the assessment part. You saying I'm dumb and I have an IQ lower than a snakes belly. I'm saying "Yes. You are right" Now what ? I've made my move. What yours ?

Because that's one thing I've noticed with all these guys who write the bell curve and debate about how stupid black people are.

They never talk about what should done.

The same as is done with children, except lifelong. No hold public office, sit on a jury, or become a police officer. No quotas any more than college admission being demanded for 12-year-olds just because Sheldon Cooper qualified (Genetically inferior intelligence doesn't understand that the exception proves the rule).

No taking jobs that used to be done solely by White people. However, the traditionally Black jobs should get triple their pay. Also, you can't be fired for absenteeism—companies will have to hire more menial workers than they need. Gangbangers who prey on your segregated community will be taken out and shot. Let's not pretend that we don't know who they are.

Because of the hostility of Blacks' born-rich sponsors, Whites have been put on the defensive and are prevented from thinking about what policies should replace enforced racial equality.
IMO, the Asian culture, in general, is superior to the American culture--as we see in graduation/test scores
ooops--I'm white and American --can I say that??
Its true that asians put a huge emphasis on getting good grades, and it has served them fairly well, but at the end of the day i think white American culture has them beat. All the greatest inventions come from white culture, we are generally happier, and despite the fact that Chinas population outnumbers us by 5 times, we still produce more billionaires. One could, however, argue that jews are doing the best, but they are white too, even though its culture that makes or breaks a community, not race.

For the record, of the 2,208 billionaires on earth, only 10 are black. How embarrassing! Black culture sucks everywhere on earth that it exists. :laugh:

Yeah that's why whites copy us.
Check out the black "Queen" copying white people. :laugh:

True, it might/Should also affect our immigration policy to favor, ie, (those MIT) NE Asians, over Haitians and Hondurans.
I want to let in those peoples' most likely to help us as a country.
So spare me your predictably juvenile/low-IQ suggestion of genocide/etc.
You got some nerve.

If it weren't for Black Americans, Asians wouldn't be able to immigrate to the USA

Immigration and Nationality Act 1965

Yet some Asians can't wait to prove how inferior black people are when they flock to the USA to utilize the rights and privileges that blacks in America gave their lives for.

Brainwashing is hell-ova drug. I'll let you obsess with white men's approval......... as if white people think so highly of Asians.

Carry on tap dancing for the whites. You think whites will have your back just because you're not black.

You'll learn the lesson the hard way like so many others.

The minute you fuck up, your beloved white fans will toss you aside like garbage. I don't think you even realize how much trash white people talk about Asians
OW, you have no rebuttal, and so have to Deflect/switch the burden on Me to ask what to do about my won point.
and you're clearly trying the old genocide/eugenics suggestion/implication.
You're saying I'm black and that means I'm (On av) dumb
I'm saying "Yes. Your right"
You're saying "You have no rebuttal"

Of course I have no rebuttal because you're right. I am dumb I'm so dumb I thought dunkin donuts was a basketball team.

I don't care what you think of black people. I only care what you do. The same goes to all these guys running trying to prove how stupid black people.

I would not waste a second trying to prove to you or anyone that black people are intelligent.

OK - I'm dumb and I have a low IQ. Now what ? I mean - Dude - I dunno - Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ? They were saying black people were dumb long before any IQ test.

But what should be done with all these stupid black people ? See all you guys punk and wimp out when that question is put on the table because you prefer to get into this circular arguments about "My gang is smarter than your gang"
Of course, I'm pointing out NE Asians have the highest IQ's, So why don't you ask me if I'm suggesing they get rid of whites?
OK. NE Asians are the smartest cats out there. God bless them and there high IQ's

Now answer me this

IF NE Asians are so smart then
  • Why are Asians are still “yellow people,” and “Chinks” ?
  • Why are Asian couples are never portrayed as the most socially desirable couples in white movies and TV shows ?
  • Why are many allegedly “Asian” nations are still colonized by European nations, like South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam ? (Just ask the Japanese who can’t force the US military bases to leave Japan and can’t stop new bases from being built in their country.)
  • Why are Asian women are seldom if ever lifted above the white female in movies and televisions ?
  • Why are there are still many private white clubs and golf courses where Asians are not allowed to join or play on.
  • Why are Asian men the World’s Least Fuckable Men ?
  • Why are so many Asian females producing half-white babies all the time ?
  • Why did Asians allow themselves to be treated like shit building the railroads ?
  • Why were the British fucking over Indians ?
  • Why the internment camps for the Japanese ?
Of course, I'm not suggesting that either.
So you just want the ego boost of being seen as smart ? OK. You can have it. You're smart. Happy now ?

How come you no problems with the millions of whites who obtained their degrees through legacies from their mediocre predecessors, and not by their own scholarly merit ?


There is NEVER a free ride for us. Never.

BTW - Only about 4% of doctors are black while blacks are 12% of the total population. Yet "too many" blacks are taking wp spots. That does not make sense does it?

Your hysteria is bs.

And don't doctors have to take a bunch of standardized tests? If they are board certified, why would you be worried that they are "incompetent" ?

But more Black Americans are becoming doctors and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous. Dr. Keith Black is one of the top neurosurgeons in the world and so was Dr. Ben Carson.

Our best is always greater than their best.
I'm just asking for social justice/equality of opportunity/treatment, NOT automatic equality of outcome. (such as Quota admissions).
There is no such thing as quota admissions.

Look. I know exactly how you think.

You want evidence that black people do not deserve to achieve anything because we are inherently inferior and are only allowed in because we are black.

Right ?

I get it. How much disdain and disgust you can show towards black society is probably the number 1 rule for any group that comes to the USA and wants to gain favor with the white supremacists.

Take that Vijay Chokingham dude. He was denied admission to 9 top schools, so he applied to a lesser known one but tried to spin it to make it look like blacks are unintelligent and slide by on their skin color.

Na. He was a lazy and stupid and couldn't even manage a high B average. I've got people in my family who didn't crack a book and got a 4.0.

Given these so called "benefits" of being a black man, I wonder how he would have fared during:
  • Job interviews
  • Getting clients if you are in business for yourself (be that a doctor or anything really)
  • Routine traffic stops
  • Qualifying for a mortgage and purchasing a house (given that there's NEVER been ANY evidence of housing discrimination against African Americans :disdain: )
  • Shopping while black
  • Walking by yourself while black
  • Living in city/town where the population is significantly white
  • Dating while black
He should have continued the experiment. I think he would really see where the racism is in America.
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Use your own words dude. Don't cut and paste some nonsense from some site or newspapers that reflects your POV and think that it's gonna fly with me.

Respond to what I say. That's how you debate
No. it's youj who doesn't know how to debate Essien.
one DOES debate using citations to prove his point.
I'm not interested in just exchanging opinions with a 70 IQ sub-Saharan.

That said, let me make it easy for you.
Blacks are less smart, and of course, score less well worldwide on tests (IQ/SAT/etc), yet get a Huge break on College admissions.

That's the theme here shown by both common sense AND citation, Untouched by your goofy YO-pinions.
Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that.

All I want to know from guys like you who are always running around trying to prove how stupid we blk people supposedly are is

What do you do with a race of people you claim are (On av) stupid ?

Let's get to the doing part. Not the assessment part. You saying I'm dumb and I have an IQ lower than a snakes belly. I'm saying "Yes. You are right" Now what ? I've made my move. What yours ?

Because that's one thing I've noticed with all these guys who write the bell curve and debate about how stupid black people are.

They never talk about what should done.

The same as is done with children, except lifelong. No hold public office, sit on a jury, or become a police officer. No quotas any more than college admission being demanded for 12-year-olds just because Sheldon Cooper qualified (Genetically inferior intelligence doesn't understand that the exception proves the rule).

No taking jobs that used to be done solely by White people. However, the traditionally Black jobs should get triple their pay. Also, you can't be fired for absenteeism—companies will have to hire more menial workers than they need. Gangbangers who prey on your segregated community will be taken out and shot. Let's not pretend that we don't know who they are.

Because of the hostility of Blacks' born-rich sponsors, Whites have been put on the defensive and are prevented from thinking about what policies should replace enforced racial equality.

Off-topic trolling
True, it might/Should also affect our immigration policy to favor, ie, (those MIT) NE Asians, over Haitians and Hondurans.
I want to let in those peoples' most likely to help us as a country.
So spare me your predictably juvenile/low-IQ suggestion of genocide/etc.
You got some nerve.

If it weren't for Black Americans, Asians would not be able to even immigrate to the USA

Immigration and Nationality Act 1965

OW, you have no rebuttal, and so have to Deflect/switch the burden on Me to ask what to do about my won point.
and you're clearly trying the old genocide/eugenics suggestion/implication.
You're saying I'm black and that means I'm (On av) dumd
I'm saying "Yes. Your right"
You're saying "You have no rebuttal"

Of course I have no rebuttal because you're right. I am dumb I'm so dumb I thought dunkin donuts was a basketball team.

I don't care what you think of black people. I only care what you do. The same goes to all these guys running trying to prove how stupid black people.

I would not waste a second trying to prove to you or anyone that black people are intelligent.

OK - I'm dumb and I have a low IQ. Now what ? I mean - Dude - I dunno - Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ? They were saying black people were dumb long before any IQ test.

But what should be done with all these stupid black people ? See all you guys punk and wimp out when that question is put on the table because you prefer to get into this circular arguments about "My gang is smarter than your gang"
Of course, I'm pointing out NE Asians have the highest IQ's, So why don't you ask me if I'm suggesing they get rid of whites?
OK. NE Asians are the smartest cats out there. God bless them and there high IQ's

Now answer me this

IF NE Asians are so smart then
  • Why are Asians are still “yellow people,” and “Chinks” ?
  • Why are Asian couples are never portrayed as the most socially desirable couples in white movies and TV shows ?
  • Why are many allegedly “Asian” nations are still colonized by European nations, like South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam ? (Just ask the Japanese who can’t force the US military bases to leave Japan and can’t stop new bases from being built in their country.)
  • Why are Asian women are seldom if ever lifted above the white female in movies and televisions ?
  • Why are there are still many private white clubs and golf courses where Asians are not allowed to join or play on.
  • Why are Asian men the World’s Least Fuckable Men ?
  • Why are so many Asian females producing half-white babies all the time ?
  • Why did Asians allow themselves to be treated like shit building the railroads ?
  • Why were the British fucking over Indians ?
  • Why the internment camps for the Japanese ?
Of course, I'm not suggesting that either.
So you just want the ego boost of being seen as smart ? OK. You can have it. You're smart. Happy now ?
I'm just asking for social justice/equality of opportunity/treatment, NOT automatic equality of outcome. (such as Quota admissions).
There is no such thing as quota admissions.

Look. I know exactly how you think.

You want evidence that black people do not deserve to achieve anything because we are inherently inferior and are only allowed in because we are black.

Right ?

I get it. How much disdain and disgust you can show towards black society is probably the number 1 rule for any group that comes to the USA and wants to gain favor with the white supremacists.

Take that Vijay Chokingham dude. He was denied admission to 9 top schools, so he applied to a lesser known one but tried to spin it to make it look like blacks are unintelligent and slide by on their skin color.

Na. He was a lazy bitch and his stupid ass couldn't even manage a high B average. I've got people in my family who didn't crack a book and got a 4.0.

You have me intrigued also. I now want to know what happens after they have proven we are inferior.
IMO, the Asian culture, in general, is superior to the American culture--as we see in graduation/test scores
ooops--I'm white and American --can I say that??
Its true that asians put a huge emphasis on getting good grades, and it has served them fairly well, but at the end of the day i think white American culture has them beat. All the greatest inventions come from white culture, we are generally happier, and despite the fact that Chinas population outnumbers us by 5 times, we still produce more billionaires. One could, however, argue that jews are doing the best, but they are white too, even though its culture that makes or breaks a community, not race.

For the record, of the 2,208 billionaires on earth, only 10 are black. How embarrassing! Black culture sucks everywhere on earth that it exists. :laugh:

Yeah that's why whites copy us.
Check out the black "Queen" copying white people. :laugh:

I definitely will check it out...
I don't care what you think of black people. I only care what you do. The same goes to all these guys running trying to prove how stupid black people.

I would not waste a second trying to prove to you or anyone that black people are intelligent.
OK - I'm dumb and I have a low IQ. Now what ? I mean - Dude - I dunno - Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ? They were saying black people were dumb long before any IQ test.

But what should be done with all these stupid black people ? See all you guys punk and wimp out when that question is put on the table because you prefer to get into this circular arguments about "My gang is smarter than your gang"
Asked and Answered in my last post you Dishonest and/or moronic Clown.
"I don't care" is merely a/another cop out for "I can't answer your facts."

Gameover #8437
You got some nerve.
If it weren't for Black Americans, Asians wouldn't be able to immigrate to the USA
Immigration and Nationality Act 1965
LOFL. Moronic claim

Paul Essien said:
OK. NE Asians are the smartest cats out there. God bless them and there high IQ's
Now answer me this
IF NE Asians are so smart

  • Why are Asians are still “yellow people,” and “Chinks” ?
    • Why are Asian couples are never portrayed as the most socially desirable couples in white movies and TV shows ?
    • Why are many allegedly “Asian” nations are still colonized by European nations, like South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam ? (Just ask the Japanese who can’t force the US military bases to leave Japan and can’t stop new bases from being built in their country.)
    • Why are Asian women are seldom if ever lifted above the white female in movies and televisions ?
    • Why are there are still many private white clubs and golf courses where Asians are not allowed to join or play on.
    • Why are Asian men the World’s Least Fuckable Men ?
    • Why are so many Asian females producing half-white babies all the time ?
    • Why did Asians allow themselves to be treated like shit building the railroads ?
    • Why were the British fucking over Indians ?
    • Why the internment camps for the Japanese ?
Only proving (and Unwittingly refuting AKIP), that Asians ARE still discriminated against, NOT " a favored minority".. at least not BEFORE they showed they are indeed a Better minority, and their scores MERITED their current highest Position in Education, Income, and respect. (Jews too)

Paul Essien said:
BTW - Only about 4% of doctors are black while blacks are 12% of the total population. Yet "too many" blacks are taking wp spots. That does not make sense does it?
It makes perfect sense if they should only be 2% based on Merit in admission to medical schools. They arguably could be 2%, or 1% without AA.

Your arguments are So Stupid/Fallacious.
Just Because they are underrepresented doesn't mean they shouldn't be even more unerrepresentred based on merit.
What an IDIOT you are.
Right about the sub-Saharan 70 IQ.

Paul Essien said:
There is no such thing as quota admissions.
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So you want to go back to the days where quotas were 100 percent white and merit did not apply. Cal Tech is no elite college and it only has 2,100 students. But it's the one you could find that validates your psychosis.

I want to have Race-Blind admissions by 100% MERIT, not quota.
AND you Blundering Stupid Ebonics Clown..
it's Asians, Not Whites that really shine under a Merit system.

You mischaractetized, or were too STUPID, to understand anything posted.
You are too stupid (or Dishonest) to be even on this low level board.

And BTW, Ebonics boy...
Caltech is in top 10 in most lists:

#6 at Forbes out of 650 listed.
America's Top Colleges

You’re just another racist cherry picking schools and statistics that advance your particular biases. The racial situation, as it now exists in this country, is the result of past practices which perverted black accomplishment; white privilege, compounded through generations and metastasized by racism and planned neglect, and a government and society intent on whitewashing history and absolving this country of responsibility for the consequences of four centuries of genocide. Our positions in this society reflect the histories we have evolved from, not from some superiority of genetics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You’re just another racist cherry picking schools and statistics that advance your particular biases. The racial situation, as it now exists in this country, is the result of past practices which perverted black accomplishment; white privilege, compounded through generations and metastasized by racism and planned neglect, and a government and society intent on whitewashing history and absolving this country of responsibility for the consequences of four centuries of genocide. Our positions in this society reflect the histories we have evolved from, not from some superiority of genetics...
Actually No, Cumstain.
I present/have presented Stats Nationwide and worldwide consistently here and in many more threads.
This particular string is about "elite" school admissions. Citing CalTech, Harvard, a study of all elite colleges (Espenshade), and NYC's elite high schools, with admissions by Merit.

In just about all my strings on the topic I include Asians.
Have they not been persecuted in America?
Many coming here as indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from Slavery.
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country (a resourceLess Rock) Nuked by us, wiping out a good percent of the male population.
Many signs right up until through the 1950s said "No Blacks or Jews". The latter too have been Persecuted and expelled for 2000 years.
Those two groups on top.

You're a Stupid blank-slate liberal who insists every group is the same, despite the obvious... they aren't.
You Empty Namecalling Clown.
You have no facts/reason, just politics.
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You’re just another racist cherry picking schools and statistics that advance your particular biases. The racial situation, as it now exists in this country, is the result of past practices which perverted black accomplishment; white privilege, compounded through generations and metastasized by racism and planned neglect, and a government and society intent on whitewashing history and absolving this country of responsibility for the consequences of four centuries of genocide. Our positions in this society reflect the histories we have evolved from, not from some superiority of genetics...
Actually No, Cumstain.
I present/have presented Stats Nationwide and worldwide consistently here and in many more threads.
This particular string is about "elite" school admissions. Citing CalTech, Harvard, a study of all elite colleges (Espenshade), and NYC's elite high schools, with admissions by Merit.

In just about all my strings on the topic I include Asians.
Have they not been persecuted in America?
Many coming here as indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from Slavery.
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country (a resourceLess Rock) Nuked by us, wiping out a good percent of the male population.
Many signs right up until through the 1950s said "No Blacks or Jews". The latter too have been Persecuted and expelled for 2000 years.
Those two groups on top.

You're a Stupid blank-slate liberal who insists every group is the same, despite the obvious... they aren't.
You Empty Namecalling Clown.
You have no facts/reason, just politics.
Rite of Passage

Instead of whining for hundreds of years about their treatment by the railroads, using it as an excuse to loaf, mooch, and loot, the Chinese pooled their money and established prosperous communities.
You’re just another racist cherry picking schools and statistics that advance your particular biases. The racial situation, as it now exists in this country, is the result of past practices which perverted black accomplishment; white privilege, compounded through generations and metastasized by racism and planned neglect, and a government and society intent on whitewashing history and absolving this country of responsibility for the consequences of four centuries of genocide. Our positions in this society reflect the histories we have evolved from, not from some superiority of genetics...
Actually No, Cumstain.
I present/have presented Stats Nationwide and worldwide consistently here and in many more threads.
This particular string is about "elite" school admissions. Citing CalTech, Harvard, a study of all elite colleges (Espenshade), and NYC's elite high schools, with admissions by Merit.

In just about all my strings on the topic I include Asians.
Have they not been persecuted in America?
Many coming here as indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from Slavery.
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country (a resourceLess Rock) Nuked by us, wiping out a good percent of the male population.
Many signs right up until through the 1950s said "No Blacks or Jews". The latter too have been Persecuted and expelled for 2000 years.
Those two groups on top.

You're a Stupid blank-slate liberal who insists every group is the same, despite the obvious... they aren't.
You Empty Namecalling Clown.
You have no facts/reason, just politics.
You ignore the fact of the link I presented noting that blacks and Hispanics, who are often qualified to elite schools, choose not to apply to them. You also ignore the fact that while Asians have been persecuted in the nations past, that the vast majority of Asians in the US are NOT descended from the Asians persecuted in this nations past. What percent of Asains are the descendants of the Chinese who were brought here to work the rail roads?
You’re just another racist cherry picking schools and statistics that advance your particular biases. The racial situation, as it now exists in this country, is the result of past practices which perverted black accomplishment; white privilege, compounded through generations and metastasized by racism and planned neglect, and a government and society intent on whitewashing history and absolving this country of responsibility for the consequences of four centuries of genocide. Our positions in this society reflect the histories we have evolved from, not from some superiority of genetics...
Actually No, Cumstain.
I present/have presented Stats Nationwide and worldwide consistently here and in many more threads.
This particular string is about "elite" school admissions. Citing CalTech, Harvard, a study of all elite colleges (Espenshade), and NYC's elite high schools, with admissions by Merit.

In just about all my strings on the topic I include Asians.
Have they not been persecuted in America?
Many coming here as indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from Slavery.
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country (a resourceLess Rock) Nuked by us, wiping out a good percent of the male population.
Many signs right up until through the 1950s said "No Blacks or Jews". The latter too have been Persecuted and expelled for 2000 years.
Those two groups on top.

You're a Stupid blank-slate liberal who insists every group is the same, despite the obvious... they aren't.
You Empty Namecalling Clown.
You have no facts/reason, just politics.
Rite of Passage

Instead of whining for hundreds of years about their treatment by the railroads, using it as an excuse to loaf, mooch, and loot, the Chinese pooled their money and established prosperous communities.

So did blacks....but you burnt them down. It's Been 96 Years Since White Mobs Destroyed Tulsa's Black Wall Street
You’re just another racist cherry picking schools and statistics that advance your particular biases. The racial situation, as it now exists in this country, is the result of past practices which perverted black accomplishment; white privilege, compounded through generations and metastasized by racism and planned neglect, and a government and society intent on whitewashing history and absolving this country of responsibility for the consequences of four centuries of genocide. Our positions in this society reflect the histories we have evolved from, not from some superiority of genetics...
Actually No, Cumstain.
I present/have presented Stats Nationwide and worldwide consistently here and in many more threads.
This particular string is about "elite" school admissions. Citing CalTech, Harvard, a study of all elite colleges (Espenshade), and NYC's elite high schools, with admissions by Merit.

In just about all my strings on the topic I include Asians.
Have they not been persecuted in America?
Many coming here as indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from Slavery.
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country (a resourceLess Rock) Nuked by us, wiping out a good percent of the male population.
Many signs right up until through the 1950s said "No Blacks or Jews". The latter too have been Persecuted and expelled for 2000 years.
Those two groups on top.

You're a Stupid blank-slate liberal who insists every group is the same, despite the obvious... they aren't.
You Empty Namecalling Clown.
You have no facts/reason, just politics.

“Resourseless rock”?


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