Witness who saw Michael Brown charge Officer Wilson is revealed to be 'lying racist bipolar felon'

Although her testimony was discounted she wasn't the only witness testifying about what Brown did nor did her tainted testimony change what the physical evidence showed.

Of course she isnt but her bullshit story is still in the record and released to the public and is now out there

Along with COUNTLESS other that confirmed Wilson's story.

You know who else testimony is on record. The WORSE liar Dorian!

Tell me again how you dont care about lies. Then tell me whats the difference between one liar and the other that makes it so bad.

Then take those answers and shove it up your ass

You mad, Bro ?
Your last statement, "other liars like the police and this bitch............" tells us that you want them guilty, and you will make them guilty regardless of the testimony. Your community has declared war on the police. If they are white, they are guilty.
So, train your children to be black cops so when they shoot you, it will be just more black on black. And you could go back to not giving a shit.
Speaking of which, how heartbreaking was the death of the young black college freshman at Auburn?
Stop the desperate whining. Can you assert that no one else saw the same thing ? I didn't think so.

Whos whining...this lady lied and is a racist. Why are you defending that?
I guess you missed the part where the Prosecutor stated he would provide the Grand Jury with all the witnesses? He also allowed the Grand Jury to hear the lies about hands up don't shoot, where was your outrage at that? How about the witnesses that claimed brown was on his knees surrendering? I don't recall you being upset about those lies either. Pretty selective outrage there isn't it?
Did you even read you're own post?
Note the word "discounted"

"her testimony was eventually discounted after she admitted that it included information she hadread online about the shooting"
Untrue. Her testimony was allowed.
So was all the ones claiming Brown tried to surrender was on his knees and had his hands up. None of those were true.
Although her testimony was discounted she wasn't the only witness testifying about what Brown did nor did her tainted testimony change what the physical evidence showed.

Of course she isnt but her bullshit story is still in the record and released to the public and is now out there

Along with COUNTLESS other that confirmed Wilson's story.

You know who else testimony is on record. The WORSE liar Dorian!

Tell me again how you dont care about lies. Then tell me whats the difference between one liar and the other that makes it so bad.

Then take those answers and shove it up your ass

You mad, Bro ?

You not?
Your last statement, "other liars like the police and this bitch............" tells us that you want them guilty, and you will make them guilty regardless of the testimony.

No it tells you that the police and this witness lied and you dont care about that.

Your community has declared war on the police. If they are white, they are guilty.

Stage 5: Reminding us that “Not All White People”
As we rage about the system, the inhumane treatment of Black people that has been allowed, encouraged and state-sanctioned because of white privilege that has soaked the very fabric of the system, people push back to let us know that not all white people are racist.

And we didn’t even say ALL white people are racist but racism is real, bigots are plenty and we’re not just making this up to make white folks feel bad. IT IS REAL. We said that white people benefit from privilege and the automatic position of power they’re in just because of their skin color. We didn’t call you RACIST, unless you feel like pointing out that FACT makes you a bigot. Then by all means, holler like hit dogs do.
Stop the desperate whining. Can you assert that no one else saw the same thing ? I didn't think so.

Whos whining...this lady lied and is a racist. Why are you defending that?
I guess you missed the part where the Prosecutor stated he would provide the Grand Jury with all the witnesses? He also allowed the Grand Jury to hear the lies about hands up don't shoot, where was your outrage at that? How about the witnesses that claimed brown was on his knees surrendering? I don't recall you being upset about those lies either. Pretty selective outrage there isn't it?
Stop the desperate whining. Can you assert that no one else saw the same thing ? I didn't think so.

Whos whining...this lady lied and is a racist. Why are you defending that?
I guess you missed the part where the Prosecutor stated he would provide the Grand Jury with all the witnesses? He also allowed the Grand Jury to hear the lies about hands up don't shoot, where was your outrage at that? How about the witnesses that claimed brown was on his knees surrendering? I don't recall you being upset about those lies either. Pretty selective outrage there isn't it?
Stop the desperate whining. Can you assert that no one else saw the same thing ? I didn't think so.

Whos whining...this lady lied and is a racist. Why are you defending that?
I guess you missed the part where the Prosecutor stated he would provide the Grand Jury with all the witnesses?

Yeah but you arent supposed to present every tom dick and harry just because. They are supposed to be vetted first.

He also allowed the Grand Jury to hear the lies about hands up don't shoot, where was your outrage at that?

That was not proven to be a lie. The coroner was unsure of where the arms were at the time it happened unless you saw something I didnt

How about the witnesses that claimed brown was on his knees surrendering? I don't recall you being upset about those lies either. Pretty selective outrage there isn't it?

He did go to his knees when he was shot. Are you saying he didnt?

Looks like you are selective in your outrage there buddy
I'm not hollerin CC, you are. About the wrong thing I might add.
I'll bet unless you look it up, you don't even know the name of that poor boy shot dead in his prime, getting an college education, playing football, set to make a better life for himself. And you completely ignored it when I brought it up. You kept right on going, blaming some one white for your problems.
If we saw more signs with Jakell Mitchell's name on it, and marches protesting his death, it would be easier to believe you when you chant,"Black lives matter." Teach your children respect for all human life, and you'd be amazed at how your "cop" problem starts resolving itself.
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I'm not hollerin CC, you are. About the wrong thing I might add.
I'll bet unless you look it up, you don't even know the name of that poor boy shot dead in his prime, getting an college education, playing football, set to make a better life for himself. And you completely ignored it when I brought it up. You kept right on going, blaming some one white for your problems.

You're right, I dont know the name of every person whos been shot lately. I guess that means...something?

Question: What was the name of the the exchange student that was recently shot and the shooter was convicted?

Does not knowing his name mean something?

If we saw more signs with Jakell Mitchell's name on it, and marches protesting his death, it would be easier to believe you when you chant,"Black lives matter."

Excuses...dont put your lack of care on anyone else but yourself. You are responsible for your own thoughts not blacks

Teach your children respect for all human life, and you'd be amazed at how your "cop" problem starts resolving itself.

Yeah all this time decades of police brutality is the fault of the victims. You're at stage 3

The Stages of What Happens When There s Injustice Against Black People Awesomely Luvvie

Stage 3: Smear Campaign and victim blaming
Once we find out about the killing and violation against a Black person, we quickly get to the place where people ask what the person did to get killed. As if people walk out everyday looking for trouble to get into that will lead to them having a hole in their body and a heart with no beat.

Because to be considered a TRUE victim, you need to be a saint who never even raised your voice, cussed or put up any selfies that didn’t have you in a choir robe. Because to defame your character is to place the onus of death squarely on your shoulders. If you’re in a hoodie in any of your online pics, beware. That day when you felt like rocking some Timbs and a baggy shirt, they will find that pic and ask what you did as the “thug” you are.
The thug is dead. It's a pity the cop that had to defend himself will be in potential danger for the rest of his life because of racists.

Your record is skipping
I don't have a record. I don't rob and push around little Asians or assault cops. See, I'm not a thug and still alive, obviously.

MB no felony = Thug
This lady Felon = "Hey leave her alone"
Violence is part and parcel of being a thug. Brown = thug, and a very stupid, now dead, thug. The kid was going to dead or in prison anyway.
You are at stage denial. Your problem isn't white. Your problem is black. Like the one that shot Jakell, a victim I would hold up a sign for, but there are no protests scheduled for that poor child. No Sharpton consoling his parents in front of the camera.
. One good dead black kid. One no good black kid in jail for life. The fault lies with in your community, not with whitey cracker cop. The fact that you don't know his name is proof of that. You're busy going after cops on a message board.
You are at stage denial. Your problem isn't white. Your problem is black.

Correction: YOUR problem is black

Like the one that shot Jakell, a victim I would hold up a sign for, but there are no protests scheduled for that poor child. No Sharpton consoling his parents in front of the camera.


One good dead black kid. One no good black kid in jail for life. The fault lies with in your community, not with whitey cracker cop. The fact that you don't know his name is proof of that. You're busy going after cops on a message board.

I asked you a question: What was the name of the the exchange student that was recently shot and the shooter was convicted?

Does not knowing his name mean something?

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