Witness who saw Michael Brown charge Officer Wilson is revealed to be 'lying racist bipolar felon'

You seem to like to hold people to standards you arent willing to hold yourself to.
You seem to like to hold people to standards you arent willing to hold yourself to.
You know absolutely nothing about my standards. Not only was I willing, I raised 2 fine girls based on the advice I have given you. And cops white or black were never a problem in their lives. They were to busy reaching their potential and helping others white and black. Not a problem, but sheer joys.
You seem to like to hold people to standards you arent willing to hold yourself to.
You know absolutely nothing about my standards. Not only was I willing, I raised 2 fine girls based on the advice I have given you. And cops white or black were never a problem in their lives. They were to busy reaching their potential and helping others white and black. Not a problem, but sheer joys.

Extra Extra! Cops never harassed white girls ...News at 10

Stage 4

Stage 4: What about Black on Black crime?
This HAS to happen in this cycle because people feel the need to point out to us that why are we worried about any crimes that other people commit on our Black bodies when Black people criminalize each other?

Black on Black crime is a DUMB ASS phrase. 94% of murders that Black people are victims of are committed by other Black people. 83% of murders that white people are victims of is committed by other white people. WHY? Because we interact with people who are in our racial groups most often. People victimize other people who look like them.


Wheres your outrage that 86% of whites kill other whites? Must be one of those selective standards of yours
Did you even read you're own post?
Note the word "discounted"

"her testimony was eventually discounted after she admitted that it included information she hadread online about the shooting"

Yet she was the one who said MB charged like a Football player and that hasnt been discounted by anyone anywhere.

What type of GJ was this....Bring anyone saying anything in front of the GJ BEFORE checking them out? Or muddy the waters on purpose?
you are a complete and utter fucking idiot

there were other witnesses you hateful pile of shit.

Justice was served, not your racist hatred for revenge, fucking deal
Did you even read you're own post?
Note the word "discounted"

"her testimony was eventually discounted after she admitted that it included information she hadread online about the shooting"

Yet she was the one who said MB charged like a Football player and that hasnt been discounted by anyone anywhere.

What type of GJ was this....Bring anyone saying anything in front of the GJ BEFORE checking them out? Or muddy the waters on purpose?
you are a complete and utter fucking idiot


there were other witnesses you hateful pile of shit.

Not just one witness? Wow...Good to hear :rolleyes:

Justice was served, not your racist hatred for revenge, fucking deal

: consisting of or relating to a conclusion or assertion for which no supporting evidence is offered <conclusoryallegations>
Stop the desperate whining. Can you assert that no one else saw the same thing ? I didn't think so.

Whos whining...this lady lied and is a racist. Why are you defending that?
I guess you missed the part where the Prosecutor stated he would provide the Grand Jury with all the witnesses? He also allowed the Grand Jury to hear the lies about hands up don't shoot, where was your outrage at that? How about the witnesses that claimed brown was on his knees surrendering? I don't recall you being upset about those lies either. Pretty selective outrage there isn't it?
Did you even read you're own post?
Note the word "discounted"

"her testimony was eventually discounted after she admitted that it included information she hadread online about the shooting"

Yet she was the one who said MB charged like a Football player and that hasnt been discounted by anyone anywhere.

What type of GJ was this....Bring anyone saying anything in front of the GJ BEFORE checking them out? Or muddy the waters on purpose?
you are a complete and utter fucking idiot


there were other witnesses you hateful pile of shit.

Not just one witness? Wow...Good to hear :rolleyes:

Justice was served, not your racist hatred for revenge, fucking deal

: consisting of or relating to a conclusion or assertion for which no supporting evidence is offered <conclusoryallegations>
All we need to support the claim that Justice was served is the fact that the Grand Jury found no evidence of a crime in the shooting. But thanks for playing.
Stop the desperate whining. Can you assert that no one else saw the same thing ? I didn't think so.

Whos whining...this lady lied and is a racist. Why are you defending that?
I guess you missed the part where the Prosecutor stated he would provide the Grand Jury with all the witnesses? He also allowed the Grand Jury to hear the lies about hands up don't shoot, where was your outrage at that? How about the witnesses that claimed brown was on his knees surrendering? I don't recall you being upset about those lies either. Pretty selective outrage there isn't it?
Did you even read you're own post?
Note the word "discounted"

"her testimony was eventually discounted after she admitted that it included information she hadread online about the shooting"

Yet she was the one who said MB charged like a Football player and that hasnt been discounted by anyone anywhere.

What type of GJ was this....Bring anyone saying anything in front of the GJ BEFORE checking them out? Or muddy the waters on purpose?
you are a complete and utter fucking idiot


there were other witnesses you hateful pile of shit.

Not just one witness? Wow...Good to hear :rolleyes:

Justice was served, not your racist hatred for revenge, fucking deal

: consisting of or relating to a conclusion or assertion for which no supporting evidence is offered <conclusoryallegations>
All we need to support the claim that Justice was served is the fact that the Grand Jury found no evidence of a crime in the shooting. But thanks for playing.

Did you even read you're own post?
Note the word "discounted"

"her testimony was eventually discounted after she admitted that it included information she hadread online about the shooting"

Yet she was the one who said MB charged like a Football player and that hasnt been discounted by anyone anywhere.

What type of GJ was this....Bring anyone saying anything in front of the GJ BEFORE checking them out? Or muddy the waters on purpose?
you are a complete and utter fucking idiot


there were other witnesses you hateful pile of shit.

Not just one witness? Wow...Good to hear :rolleyes:

Justice was served, not your racist hatred for revenge, fucking deal

: consisting of or relating to a conclusion or assertion for which no supporting evidence is offered <conclusoryallegations>
you c-p the definition of a word that proves you wrong.

the gj said there wasn't enough to charge him with a crime

Stop the desperate whining. Can you assert that no one else saw the same thing ? I didn't think so.

Whos whining...this lady lied and is a racist. Why are you defending that?
I guess you missed the part where the Prosecutor stated he would provide the Grand Jury with all the witnesses? He also allowed the Grand Jury to hear the lies about hands up don't shoot, where was your outrage at that? How about the witnesses that claimed brown was on his knees surrendering? I don't recall you being upset about those lies either. Pretty selective outrage there isn't it?
Did you even read you're own post?
Note the word "discounted"

"her testimony was eventually discounted after she admitted that it included information she hadread online about the shooting"

Yet she was the one who said MB charged like a Football player and that hasnt been discounted by anyone anywhere.

What type of GJ was this....Bring anyone saying anything in front of the GJ BEFORE checking them out? Or muddy the waters on purpose?
you are a complete and utter fucking idiot


there were other witnesses you hateful pile of shit.

Not just one witness? Wow...Good to hear :rolleyes:

Justice was served, not your racist hatred for revenge, fucking deal

: consisting of or relating to a conclusion or assertion for which no supporting evidence is offered <conclusoryallegations>
All we need to support the claim that Justice was served is the fact that the Grand Jury found no evidence of a crime in the shooting. But thanks for playing.
leftist hate requires ignoring most facts

if they looked at all of them, they'd have to shut the fuck up, be adults and admit that they are wrong.

and then the world will end
Knowing Michael Brown's name doesn't mean anything either if you try to correct the wrong reason for it. I'd have to look up the answer to your question. This isn't a cause for me. I get along with all colors of people. But you have such a chip on your shoulder, you want to blame cops,especially white ones. That is going to make it worse. Not better. When you make a song about wanting dead cops and wanting them now, your young men are going to confront the police at a much higher level. Expect more dead black kids. How does that benefit your community?
I just don't believe white is your problem.
I'm not here to argue with you. I have no grudge against you. I have an opinion, and as a parent, offered you sound advice. Stay home. Raise your children. Help them see their potential and make sure you help them achieve it. Take their bullets away. Make sure they are so busy, there is no time for the streets. Turn your daughters into mathematicians and scientists, instead of baby mama.
Train those children in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it.
The bullshit GJ who's prosectuter works for the police, presented old laws to the GJ and presented false witnesses and you say the GJ didnt find any wrong doing? Every GJ this prosecuter has ever done with a cop shooting an unarmed individual he's lost....

and you're saying because he lost another one that proves nothing was wrong? HAHAHAHA....oh ok.

Maybe that would be more credible if all those mistakes, all those loses, all those false witnesses were there by accident. But then that makes him either a horrible prosecuter ooooooorrr really good at being air quotes "bad".
Interesting that ALL THREE autopsies support the version told by the officer and your "felon". I know the truth certainly won't stop you from spreading lies and hate CC. What a sad person you are.
Interesting that ALL THREE autopsies support the version told by the officer and your "felon". I know the truth certainly won't stop you from spreading lies and hate CC. What a sad person you are.

The autopsy supports what version? I've heard this several times but when I ask how or what you're talking about no one can answer.

Dont tell me what the autopsy doesnt do...tell me what events Wilson said happened and how the autopsy shows it to be true.

Brown was dead meat the second he reached inside the squad car to try to grab the cop's gun.

Dumbass declared Open Season on himself.
The bullshit GJ who's prosectuter works for the police, presented old laws to the GJ and presented false witnesses and you say the GJ didnt find any wrong doing? Every GJ this prosecuter has ever done with a cop shooting an unarmed individual he's lost....

and you're saying because he lost another one that proves nothing was wrong? HAHAHAHA....oh ok.

Maybe that would be more credible if all those mistakes, all those loses, all those false witnesses were there by accident. But then that makes him either a horrible prosecuter ooooooorrr really good at being air quotes "bad".

From the legal analysis that I have read the Prosecutor decided to bring all those that gave evidence to the police before the grand jury.

Good and/or lying bastards for both sides of this issue.

Silly man believed if he brought in everyone then no one could say that he denied anyone the chance to give their evidence even if it could be blown to bits by him.

Poor poor prosecutor didn't realize that no matter what he did with the grand jury no verdict could be accepted by the idiots on the left unless the jury came back with "just fuck an indictment to go to trial just freaking execute Wilson now. Just hang him right now in the court room".
Now just an FYI for any sane person who hasn't seen this information here are others the grand jury heard that were pro Brown.

These guys told lies so freaking big they really should be hired for this administration. They'd fit right in.

Number 37 told a whopper!

"Another witness — number 37 — testified to seeing events that are hard to believe. He said that during a confrontation at Wilson’s vehicle, Wilson shot Brown point blank in the chest — but that Brown did not fall over and was not clearly bleeding as he ran away."

Not to be outdone we had Number 35. Whoa geeze he definitely could get hired by the home of the whopper the WH.

"Witness admits false statements

Witness 35 said Brown was “on his knees”when Wilson shot him in the head.

Under questioning, however, his testimony fell apart.

“What you are saying you saw isn’t forensically possible based on the evidence,” a prosecutor said."


Now that's a hummer! More at link. Worth the read.

Testimony From Mike Brown Grand Jury Witnesses Conflicting whotv.com
...thankfully, the grand jury had objective evidence to rely on, which made her and Dorian Johnson's testimonies irrelevant.

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