

Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Black American folk singer-songwriter Huddie Ledbetter, a.k.a. Lead Belly, uses the phrase near the end of the recording of his 1938 song "Scottsboro Boys", which tells the story of nine black teenagers accused of raping two white women, saying: "I advise everybody, be a little careful when they go along through there – best stay woke, keep their eyes open."

I always keep my eyes awaken to alert me of any crimes that are about to be committed. Don't you?
Black American folk singer-songwriter Huddie Ledbetter, a.k.a. Lead Belly, uses the phrase near the end of the recording of his 1938 song "Scottsboro Boys", which tells the story of nine black teenagers accused of raping two white women, saying: "I advise everybody, be a little careful when they go along through there – best stay woke, keep their eyes open."

I always keep my eyes awaken to alert me of any crimes that are about to be committed. Don't you?

10% for the Big Guy
Woke is a philosophy for racist losers, low-T girly men & insane women of the collectivist progbots on the left.
CRT & wokeness are from the same racist tree & are destructive dogmas, much like a cult.

Being awake is realizing DC, MSM & "experts" lie to us constantly & don't want us to know the truth about anything.
It is knowing our government is not the overall force for good we were taught but a malignant force that is trying to rule the world for the benefit of the globalist elites in charge.
It means you know when they attack you, you are over the target & are perceived as a threat.

I'm awake & will fight the woke until my last breath
"Woke" is the culture of Narcissism.

This article puts the very definition of 'woke' right up front and in your face. "Woke" are just toddlers screaming at the world"

When one observes the behavior of the new modern woke, Lasch’s words are stunningly prescient. The college kids literally screaming like toddlers when faced with a speaker they don’t like, the transgender people asserting that their truth is all that matters, the you-go-girl amateur psychologists helping mentally wobbly people to demand respect even if they haven’t earned it. This is the world The Culture of Narcissism predicted. These aren’t the old communists with their "dialectical materialism" and pseudoscience about the tectonic plates of evolutionary social change. These are babies with no secure sense of self throwing tantrums. A comment on a YouTube video I recently came across is very telling. The clip shows some colorful teenage dancers in a 1980s club from 40 years ago. Being in college at the time, I was actually scanning YouTube looking for my old self. Yet what caught my eye was a comment below the video, a remark left by what I assume was a younger viewer: "They all look so confident."

The woke are not egotistical, assertive activists. They are those without a self, without history, and without confidence. More than 40 years after the publication of The Culture of Narcissism, Lasch’s screaming tyke is running the culture.


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