Woke mob hunts female student

The Vietnam War started long before I was born. It started under Eisenhower.
There was no war in Nam in Ikes presidency, just military advisors like every other war torn hell hole we failed at

Kennedy escalated it. Then his head blew up, and JOHNSON started a War. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was planned and a scam to get us in

You see they don't teach that in college. It was Nixon who started the war.lololol
A University of Buffalo student said she was 'hunted down' by a woke mob screaming 'no justice, no peace,' after she invited prominent black Republican Lt. Col. Allen West to speak on how he overcame racism.

Therese Purcell, president of the Young Americans for Freedom, a campus club that organized the event, said she and her fellow members only wanted to bring these open dialogues of racism to campus.

But protests erupted after the filled-to-capacity event, leading to an angry mob that chased Purcell, leaving her afraid of what would have happened if she wasn't able to hide from them.

She shared terrifying footage of the incident online, and says it left her fearing for her life, Fox & Friends First reported.

'I realized I was the target for these protesters, and about 200 of my fellow students started hunting me down on campus, started chasing me,' she said.

Purcell said she heard the angry crown screaming, 'go get her, go get her, go capture her, the girl in the red dress.'
and why?

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