Woke States Continue With The Woke Nonsense

He probably won’t end up on enough state ballots, over 14th Amendment issues, to win, anyway. IMO, the Republicans need to take it on the chin this time and nominate someone else that has at least a chance of winning.
First, your 14A argument is nothing but horseshit.

Second, not so sure some states could do it and some not and have it survive in courts.

Third, even if a few states were to not let Trump be on the ballot, they would be blue states.

Fourth, most all Democrats expect Trump to be the nominee so, apparently, they aren't convinced of 14A
First, your 14A argument is nothing but horseshit.

Second, not so sure some states could do it and some not and have it survive in courts.

Third, even if a few states were to not let Trump be on the ballot, they would be blue states.

Fourth, most all Democrats expect Trump to be the nominee so, apparently, they aren't convinced of 14A
14th Amendment challenges are already being filed.

A New Legal Battle Against Trump Takes Shape
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Transgender woman in New York reaches landmark settlement with county jail after great discrimination​

How far are these woke states going to slip away? Is there a limit to their madness? These people have proven that the Earth is indeed flat and that if you get too close to the edge, you WILL fall off. They're just fine with forcing women to accept men as their cellmates. Transgenders have more rights than women do. Why should women be forced to be jailed with men? What happened to women's rights?
I couldn't agree more. I am sick and tired of normal women losing their scholarships, having legitimately won sporting records taken, and having their privacy and too often safety compromised to accommodate .03% of the population. If these 'woke' states want to accommodate them then create an area, restrooms, locker rooms, prisons etc. just for them. Otherwise biological gender should be the rule and not what somebody identifies as.
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Symptoms of woke group think:

1. You insist that books that don't fit your agenda be banned from school and public libraries. Horrible books like "Gone with the Wind" and "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Huckleberry Finn."

2. You embrace science that fits your agenda and deny/reject/want banned any scientific opinion that does not.

3. Re flexibility in changing one's mind, refer to No. 1 and 2 and numbers 4 through 10

4. Most issues aren't black and white but when they are you insist that the white is racist and the black is disadvantaged, oppressed, must have help to survive or succeed.

5. Equality is not for anybody on the right but only for the woke. Equality of outcome is the pretended doctrine and nobody should be allowed to excel at anything any more than anybody else. No trophies for excellence or superior achievement. Just participation trophies.

6. Sharing to you means the government taking from those who earn it and giving it to those who do not or should not be eligible for it.

7. Cooperation to you means everybody bowing to the will of the woke neo-Marxist leftists whatever that is but never the other way around.

8. You respect everybody's rights so long as they are leftist or woke. Nobody else is entitled to due process or fair play.

9. You believe culture and art has value unless it depicts somebody from history you don't like or promotes values or principles or ideas that are not woke/neo-Marxist. Non-woke art, monuments, symbols, markers etc. can be torn down, destroyed, defaced, banned, removed.

10. You care for the planet and the life on it but you believe there is only one way to do that which is that dictated by leftist government. No other point of view is to be considered.
I said nothing of the sort. The desperation is palpable!
Then you need to check out this thread where you lefties said it repeatedly.

Then you need to check out this thread where you lefties said it repeatedly.

I don’t have to check the thread to know what I said. As for what others said, take it up with them.
I don’t have to check the thread to know what I said. As for what others said, take it up with them.
Don't you want to call them out for wanting to use 14A against Trump without any convictions? Or, are you OK with that?

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