Woke Teacher Trolled by Banana/Rock Pronouns


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
This is exactly how the pronoun debacle should end: an 11 yo asking his teacher to refer to him as "banana/rock". I believe the teacher here is being serious. More pity her.

Needless to say, this should be the end of it. He/her, she/him. If you want to go by something else, write fiction or act in dramas or something. Don't insist that everyone else enter your playacting world. Yep, I said what I said.

I think I'll write a heavy metal song called banana rock. Or maybe a sci-fi novel.
If that teacher did not sing the "banana-nana-fo fana, fee fie.." song to him all day long, she failed.

But you know she did not. That would require a sense of humor and liberals generally do not have that.

Because demeaning other people is funny!!!
So what?

This whole pronoun thing is fucking stupid anyway.

It's stupid to you because you are a cisgendered male who takes this for granted.

If people constantly referred to you as "She" or "Ma'am", you'd probably get annoyed at a certain point.

Kind of like a white person who doesn't know why the "coloreds" are so upset about racism.
Oh, yes, if you come here and say stupid shit like "Trump won the election", you will be mocked.

Except he wasn't actually claiming to be a banana. He was mocking a teacher who was trying to be inclusive.
Yeah, if youre are a fucktard left wing teacher uses uses "pronouns", you will be mocked. Understand now, hypocrite?
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