Woke Teacher Trolled by Banana/Rock Pronouns

Why is it a mental disease? because you say so?

If a trans person can hold down a job, pay her bills, interact with society normally, it sounds like they are pretty functional to me. Amy Schneider, who recently broke records on Jeopardy! is an engineering manager. Clearly, she isn't mentally ill or messed up.

Or Jennifer Pritzker, who served in the US Army, got out at the rank of Lt. Colonel, (although she was presenting as male during her service), and currently manages several charitable organizations.

Hey, guy, please point out to me what I got wrong. Do you believe the Book of Mormon is accurate? It seems like if you really believed in your religion, you'd be defending it's tenants... you know, instead of just being terrified of being shunned.

Frankly, I think the belief that Ancient Hebrews travelled to the Americas IS silly. But it was a common belief in the 19th century when people didn't know any better. Of course, I've had discussions with sincere Mormons who have actually tried to defend the theory.
"If a trans person can hold down a job, pay her bills, interact with society normally, it sounds like they are pretty functional to me."
There are a lot of functional people who are bat shit crazy.
I've dated a few (actual women that is, not trans).
On a wider scale, thinking there is an invisible being in the sky who validates your worst instincts and constantly needs to be appeased probably WOULD be considered a mental illness if we didn't call it religion.

There is no lower nadir of human folly than to deny God; and no opinion of any such fool regarding my mental health, or on any other topic is to be taken seriously by any sane person.
They've done the science on this... transgender brains operate differently than cisgender brains. - i.e. they tend to function more like the brain of their identified gender than their biological gender.

Yes, that is one of the defining traits of mental illness. The brain of someone who is mentally ill operates differently than the brain of someone who is mentally healthy.

What makes “transgenderism” so special that it should be treated any differently than any other equally-severe mental illness?

If someone believes himself to be Napoleon, and the community in which he and I live to be 19th-Century France, am I obligated to recognize and obey him as my legitimate Emperor?
There is no lower nadir of human folly than to deny God; and no opinion of any such fool regarding my mental health, or on any other topic is to be taken seriously by any sane person.

Uh, Bob..

You don't believe in Allah
Or Krishna
Or Amaterasu
Or Zeus
Or Odin
Or Quetzalcoatl
Or Waheguru
Or Shangdi

The fact is, only 1/4 of the World's population believes in the Judeo-Christian God, and fewer still believe in the Mormon Version who lives on Planet Kolob.

Otherwise, you disbelieve in almost as many Gods as I do.
On the other hand --- the current situation does have some potential for using it.

I HATEHATEHATE when doctors' office personnel and other such strangers call me by my first name. I've taken to not putting it down on forms. But when they bellow out my first name in the waiting room anyway, or furiously demand it on forms, I am looking forward to saying, "I identify as Mrs. Harpy. My pronouns are thee, thy, and thine: please use the grammar correctly."

Since I've noticed almost no one in America can deal with 17th century second person singular pronouns, I'm hoping that will cause enough confusion to back them off.
Yes, that is one of the defining traits of mental illness. The brain of someone who is mentally ill operates differently than the brain of someone who is mentally healthy.

What makes “transgenderism” so special that it should be treated any differently than any other equally-severe mental illness?

Everyone's brain operates a little differently.. Some of us have a need to be controlled by a cult, for instance.

The question I would have is, is that person harming anyone? No.
Are they able to otherwise function in society? Yes.

If someone believes himself to be Napoleon, and the community in which he and I live to be 19th-Century France, am I obligated to recognize and obey him as my legitimate Emperor?

Well, since there aren't a lot of job openings for Emperor and you aren't living in France, obviously not.

Point is, the transgender isn't bothering you, you should just leave them alone.
The question I would have is, is that person harming anyone? No.
If they are perpetrating a fraud about what sex they are, that's harming all of us. If they are making insane demands of me, like this pronoun craziness or that we are supposed to call them women when they plainly aren't, that is definitely time to fight, and that's dangerous.

Now if the once-males just called themselves eunuchs, which after all is what they are and it's an age-old condition, used to be mandatory in a lot of government positions in China, the Middle East, etc., I'd be okay with that --- "here's Tommie, he's a eunuch and he'll be sitting in the next cubicle."

"Hi, Tommie!"

See how easy that was?? Just be HONEST. That's all I ask: be honest. Don't push frauds onto people.
This is exactly how the pronoun debacle should end: an 11 yo asking his teacher to refer to him as "banana/rock". I believe the teacher here is being serious. More pity her.

Needless to say, this should be the end of it. He/her, she/him. If you want to go by something else, write fiction or act in dramas or something. Don't insist that everyone else enter your playacting world. Yep, I said what I said.


It should have ended back when the Femininnies started nagging weakling males to use "he or she." That clumsy construction led to the retarded, brain-damaging, and appeasing usage of "they" with a singular antecedent.

It should have ended back when the Femininnies started nagging weakling males to use "he or she." That clumsy construction led to the retarded, brain-damaging, and appeasing usage of "they" with a singular antecedent.
I carefully use he or she. I used to spell it s/he but lately I just normalize it. "They" for a singular antecedent is a grammar atrocity, IMO.

I now think it's becoming very important never to say "person" when we possibly can say he or she, man or woman. De-sexing the language is feeding into this awful trannie thing.
On the other hand --- the current situation does have some potential for using it.

I HATEHATEHATE when doctors' office personnel and other such strangers call me by my first name. I've taken to not putting it down on forms. But when they bellow out my first name in the waiting room anyway, or furiously demand it on forms, I am looking forward to saying, "I identify as Mrs. Harpy. My pronouns are thee, thy, and thine: please use the grammar correctly."

Since I've noticed almost no one in America can deal with 17th century second person singular pronouns, I'm hoping that will cause enough confusion to back them off.
"You" Standing Alone Is Not Really Plural, Only When It's Followed by a Plural, Such As "You Guys"

In most languages, there is no really second person singular. It's "second person familiar," like calling someone by his first name. Otherwise, the second person plural was used in order to not assume any familiarity. Exactly what you resent about being called by your first name.
I carefully use he or she. I used to spell it s/he but lately I just normalize it. "They" for a singular antecedent is a grammar atrocity, IMO.

I now think it's becoming very important never to say "person" when we possibly can say he or she, man or woman. De-sexing the language is feeding into this awful trannie thing.
Penis-Envy Princesses

Before Low IQ college graduates took over the language, "he" was not strictly masculine. It was always used for "he or she," which is an invention of the bossy richgirl Femininists and should be rejected.
"You" Standing Alone Is Not Really Plural, Only When It's Followed by a Plural, Such As "You Guys"

In most languages, there is no really second person singular. It's "second person familiar," like calling someone by his first name. Otherwise, the second person plural was used in order to not assume any familiarity. Exactly what you resent about being called by your first name.
Well said! Drives me crazy that Latin didn't do that: they really did have a plain singular and plural without status connotations. But that was early and the Romance languages changed it. I'm from the South --- it's hard for me to say "you" to someone I don't know well --- I need to say you all. I like your term "second person familiar." That works. That's what is really going on.
Penis-Envy Princesses

Before Low IQ college graduates took over the language, "he" was not strictly masculine. It was always used for "he or she," which is an invention of the bossy richgirl Femininists and should be rejected.
Yeah, yeah, I remember that issue being discussed in fifth grade: "well, the masculine embraces the feminine," said the teacher, a little embarrassed. And I thought, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . . something very wrong there!

Am I a bossy richgirl femininist? Lord, I hope so! I love that designation. Yes, that's me, Me, ME! :thanks:

As for the "Low IQ college graduate" designation, the all-women school I went to rejected 12 for every one they accepted at that time, and I think it would hurt their collective feelings if I accepted that description, so I won't.
If they are perpetrating a fraud about what sex they are, that's harming all of us. If they are making insane demands of me, like this pronoun craziness or that we are supposed to call them women when they plainly aren't, that is definitely time to fight, and that's dangerous.

Now if the once-males just called themselves eunuchs, which after all is what they are and it's an age-old condition, used to be mandatory in a lot of government positions in China, the Middle East, etc., I'd be okay with that --- "here's Tommie, he's a eunuch and he'll be sitting in the next cubicle."

"Hi, Tommie!"

See how easy that was?? Just be HONEST. That's all I ask: be honest. Don't push frauds onto people.

HOw is this a fraud? Did you actually mistake a trans person for something they aren't?

Seems this is about your hangups...
This is exactly how the pronoun debacle should end: an 11 yo asking his teacher to refer to him as "banana/rock". I believe the teacher here is being serious. More pity her.

Needless to say, this should be the end of it. He/her, she/him. If you want to go by something else, write fiction or act in dramas or something. Don't insist that everyone else enter your playacting world. Yep, I said what I said.

Call all the kids Citizen or as mom called "little bastard". Dad was "old bald headed bastahd" and dog "furry bastahd."
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