Woke Teacher Trolled by Banana/Rock Pronouns

Interesting. You think the part of the country that doesn't want men pretending they are women is nuts -------

Naw, I think the 47% that thought a game show host should be in charge was nuts...

As for the bigots who get worked up about this fake issue, why do you care. How does this have ANY effect on your life?

The most extreme madness can seem sane and reasonable to the one who is mad.

Again, Bob, have to ask why you are so obsessed with other people's sex lives..
Why are those with deviant and immoral sex lives so obsessed with demanding my approval, and condemning me for not giving it?

Nobody wants your approval... they want you to mind our own business.

Let's not forget, your cult fled Illinois for Utah because they were seen as engaging in deviant and immoral sex. (Polygamy and pedophilia).

Why are those with deviant and immoral sex lives so obsessed with demanding my approval, and condemning me for not giving it?
Nobody wants your approval... they want you to mind our own business.

Then why do these depraved perverts insist on waving their sick deviancies in everyone's faces, demanding that we approve of them, and treat them as anything that is at all normal or acceptable, and then get angry at sane people for refusing to play along?

And why are they going after children?

I can clearly remember when they claimed that it was all about what consenting adults did in the privacy of their own home.
Then why do these depraved perverts insist on waving their sick deviancies in everyone's faces, demanding that we approve of them, and treat them as anything that is at all normal or acceptable, and then get angry at sane people for refusing to play along?

Because nobody likes an intolerant bigot?

And why are they going after children?

Nobody is going after children, except for maybe the Churches that mess kids up with "Pray away the Gay" therapy when little Timmy starts singing show tunes.

I can clearly remember when they claimed that it was all about what consenting adults did in the privacy of their own home.

What I remember was Bush got everyone upset about gay marriage was going to destroy us all, and then he proceeded to ACTUALLY destroy the country by letting the plutocrats loot the public treasury.

That's what I remember.

Here's where you guys have already lost. Big Business and the plutocrats have realized there's no profit in homophobia. It's why most companies will fire the homophobe now and not the gay person.

You are on the wrong side of history as much as the racist was 50 years ago.

It's only a matter of time before the Prophet of your Church has a talk with God and decides the Mormon God is really okay with homosexuality.
Because nobody likes an intolerant bigot?

Do you understand that most people still hold to basic standards of ethics, morality, and decency that are the very traits by which you define “intolerant bigots”.

You are oblivious, of course, to the hypocrisy of you falsely condemning others of bigotry, when it is clear that you are a far worse bigot in observable reality than what you are so fond of painting others as.

Nobody is going after children…

They're not even trying to hide it. The faggot/tranny/pedophile agenda being openly pushed at young children in public schools, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, and other efforts go groom young children into sick sexual perversions.

In a sane society, anyone who had any part in any of that shit would be permanently removed from free society.
Why are those with deviant and immoral sex lives so obsessed with demanding my approval, and condemning me for not giving it?
Well, that's the whole thing.

There always used to be drag queens and male prostitutes pretending to be female, and sometimes movies put them in, I can think of several: The Crying Game, Risky Business, the Crocodile Dundee movie where he goes to New York; Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

But except for the movies, we all just ignore that sort of thing ---- WAAAAY too low for most of us to pay attention to.

Now they want us to applaud their perversion and madness and pretend we believe in it.

I ain't pretending nothing.
Do you understand that most people still hold to basic standards of ethics, morality, and decency that are the very traits by which you define “intolerant bigots”.

Except you have yet to tell me why gay people are evil other than 'God says so" and "I think it's icky".

You are oblivious, of course, to the hypocrisy of you falsely condemning others of bigotry, when it is clear that you are a far worse bigot in observable reality than what you are so fond of painting others as.

Okay, um. No. Hating people for who they are is wrong. Whether it be race, gender or sexual orientation.
Hating people for the awful things they believe or do is fine.

They're not even trying to hide it. The faggot/tranny/pedophile agenda being openly pushed at young children in public schools, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, and other efforts go groom young children into sick sexual perversions.

Okay, do you really think there is someone who is suddenly going to become gay because a drag queen read a story to them.
If Children were as impressionable as you think they are, I would be a devout Catholic.

In a sane society, anyone who had any part in any of that shit would be permanently removed from free society.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Well, that's the whole thing.

There always used to be drag queens and male prostitutes pretending to be female, and sometimes movies put them in, I can think of several: The Crying Game, Risky Business, the Crocodile Dundee movie where he goes to New York; Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

But except for the movies, we all just ignore that sort of thing ---- WAAAAY too low for most of us to pay attention to.

Now they want us to applaud their perversion and madness and pretend we believe in it.

I ain't pretending nothing.

The problem with those movies is that gay and trans people were portrayed as stereotypes. It was no better than when black people were portrayed by white actors in blackface or the occassional sellout like Step N. Fetchit
They're not even trying to hide it. The faggot/tranny/pedophile agenda being openly pushed at young children in public schools, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, and other efforts go groom young children into sick sexual perversions.

In a sane society, anyone who had any part in any of that shit would be permanently removed from free society.
As Was Known Throughout History, a Molested Generation Loses the Will to Survive

The Gayists uncontrollable drive towards pedophilia is why Straights should harass them mercilessly and drive them to suicide.
Okay, um. No. Hating people for who they are is wrong. Whether it be race, gender or sexual orientation.
Hating people for the awful things they believe or do is fine.

Involving children in any way in depraved sexual perversions is certainly solid reason for hating any subhuman creature who would have any willing part in any such thing.

Why is it that you are so intent on defending such sick behavior? What does this tell us about you? Certainly nothing about your [lack of] moral character that, isn't already very well-known among anyone who has taken notice of you.
Uh, Bob..

You don't believe in Allah
Or Krishna
Or Amaterasu
Or Zeus
Or Odin
Or Quetzalcoatl
Or Waheguru
Or Shangdi

The fact is, only 1/4 of the World's population believes in the Judeo-Christian God, and fewer still believe in the Mormon Version who lives on Planet Kolob.

Otherwise, you disbelieve in almost as many Gods as I do.

There is only one God. Your bullshit excuses about the numerous false gods does nothing to mitigate the folly nor the eternal consequences of your willful rebellion against the true God.
Involving children in any way in depraved sexual perversions is certainly solid reason for hating any subhuman creature who would have any willing part in any such thing.

Why is it that you are so intent on defending such sick behavior? What does this tell us about you? Certainly nothing about your [lack of] moral character that, isn't already very well-known among anyone who has taken notice of you.

again, I see far more sexual abuse going on in Religious organizations than I do in organizations promoting gender equality.

Teaching a kid not to be a bigot is a good thing.

There is only one God. Your bullshit excuses about the numerous false gods does nothing to mitigate the folly nor the eternal consequences of your willful rebellion against the true God.

If there is only one true God, the why do the vast majority of humans worship someone else?

how do you know that Amaterasu isn't the one True Goddess?

again, I see far more sexual abuse going on in Religious organizations than I do in organizations promoting gender equality.

Teaching a kid not to be a bigot is a good thing.

You know damn well that's not what they are “teaching”.

These sick fucks are grooming children to steer them toward these depraved perversions.

Children don't need to be “taught” about this shit, much less encouraged toward it.

How fucked up does one have to be to think that this is in any way close to acceptable?
You know damn well that's not what they are “teaching”.

These sick fucks are grooming children to steer them toward these depraved perversions.

Children don't need to be “taught” about this shit, much less encouraged toward it.

How fucked up does one have to be to think that this is in any way close to acceptable?

Do you have any proof that anyone is being "Groomed", or are you just spouting off more of the shit that got you a little vacation?

No one is going to make a kid gay by telling him being gay is okay. You are either gay or straight. You are either cisgender or transgender.

I had a gay Aunt.... All the religious screaming in the world at her didn't make her straight... instead she lived in misery most of her life because she couldn't be happy being who she was.
Only in your fertile imagination. Telling kids that gay people exist is not grooming.

You know damn well that is not what they are doing.

Not that there is any legitimate reason even to be telling young children anything about sick sexual perversions at all, but grooming them toward these perversions, which is what is really happening, is something that absolutely is not acceptable.

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