Wolff: 'The Party's House Network Lost' MSNBC Big Loser In Elections...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Is a vote against a political party also a vote against the network that supports it?

The Democrats' sinking fortunes have been pretty accurately charted in the declining ratings at MSNBC, the party's house network, which culminated, on election night, in a 22% fall from the last midterm election in the all-important 25-to-54 age group.

MSNBC's problem is almost exactly the same as the Democrats' problem: It built its future around a vivid and dramatic hero who, unfortunately, turned out to be both opaque and conflict averse. MSNBC now has a lineup of ever-righteous and often sulky defenders of President Barack Obama, who seem, not just to conservatives but to many liberals, too, bizarrely tone deaf and lost in time.

This is just the sort of bad zeitgeist bet that can so often happen in television programming.

The network, seeking to imitate Fox's success in building a loyal audience of politically motivated viewers, first managed to boost its low ratings by aligning itself with the widespread anti-Bush feeling. Then, thinking it had hit something of a jackpot with the Obama election, it became the voice of Obama's anticipated remaking of the nation.

But at Fox, Roger Ailes, the chief, has deep roots in conservative thinking. Fox's alignment against all things liberal, which first began in President Bill Clinton's Lewinsky years, has had a remarkably successful run because of Ailes' fine antennae as to the subtle changes in conservative aspirations and temperament...

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Wolff MSNBC loses election
That network is a complete joke.

When they hire anchors the criteria used isn't journalism.
You have to be:
A race baiter
A liberal
Full of irrational hate
MSNBC is a pathetic cesspool that embraces all things Barry and other extreme lefty dildos who've taken over and now destroyed the dimocrat party.

Great team effort, losers. Kudos for a job very well done.
Remember, the right only gets deranged about things that hurt them. If they're whining about you, it's a sign you're doing well.
The right is so obsessed with MSNBC. Nobody watches it guys. Calm down :thup:
Kinda like the left is obsessed with Fox? Except their viewership is high.

Fox News is the ultimate tool for the GOP. The GOP has managed to find a network through which they can funnel whatever opinions they want directly into their constituents without ever having to deal with an opposing point of view. And then they claim to be the only balanced news network and their constituents will argue that there is no bias in coverage and take that to their graves.

Whereas MSNBC is a joke and any liberal on here will admit that.

So really it's not so much an obsession with Fox News as it is an obsession with how easily manipulated the rubes of the republican base can be.
CNN hired Obama's former press secretary as a election analyst and he consistently called it wrong. Didn't CNN think we would notice or maybe they don't give a damn anymore since they are at the bottom of the heap. Fox was the first to call a race for a republican and CNN blasted them. Five minutes later the A.P. called the same race and CNN pretended not to notice. Chris Matthews has gone round the bend. Back in 2012 when democrats lost big in the House he was either drunk or he went crazy with inappropriate comments and giggling. Now he is just angry.
CNN hired Obama's former press secretary as a election analyst and he consistently called it wrong. Didn't CNN think we would notice or maybe they don't give a damn anymore since they are at the bottom of the heap. Fox was the first to call a race for a republican and CNN blasted them. Five minutes later the A.P. called the same race and CNN pretended not to notice. Chris Matthews has gone round the bend. Back in 2012 when democrats lost big in the House he was either drunk or he went crazy with inappropriate comments and giggling. Now he is just angry.

Yeah, CNN (Communist News Network) is a joke at this point. It used to have some credibility. But now all its known for is its Democrat-cheerleading and round-the-clock incitement of a Race-War. I mean my God, its Ferguson coverage was so over-the-top to say the least. It's not as loony as MSNBC, but it's close.

And yeah, Chris Matthews lost it a long time ago. Kinda sad, he was actually once considered a credible journalist. Now he's just plain embarrassing. Fox News is crushing em both. So i can see why Communists/Progressives hate it. It makes sense. They're bitterly jealous. That's what the hateful obsession is all about in the end.
They're both overtly left and can't garner decent audiences. In fact, viewership continues to shrink across their demos. What does that say? Only the extreme loonies take either of them seriously anymore.
They're both overtly left and can't garner decent audiences. In fact, viewership continues to shrink across their demos. What does that say? Only the extreme loonies take either of them seriously anymore.

Only thing they're known for now is, shallow Democrat-cheerleading and desperately inciting a Race-War. Hey, is CNN in Ferguson today? Yup, probably. Both Networks are pathetic at this point.
MSNBC is a complete joke of a network.
The right is so obsessed with MSNBC. Nobody watches it guys. Calm down :thup:
Kinda like the left is obsessed with Fox? Except their viewership is high.

Fox can definitely mobilize the moron segment. Not that that's very hard to do.
Jealousy is a terrible trait
Who am I supposedly jealous of, Fox? What makes you think I would want to manipulate a bunch of morons?
The right is so obsessed with MSNBC. Nobody watches it guys. Calm down :thup:
Kinda like the left is obsessed with Fox? Except their viewership is high.

Fox can definitely mobilize the moron segment. Not that that's very hard to do.
Jealousy is a terrible trait

Yeah, it's a very ugly trait for sure. Fox News is annihilating CNN & MSNBC. It has been for many years. And that's obviously very upsetting for Communists/Progressives. All CNN (Communist News Network) and MSNBC are known for now is their shameful Democrat bootlicking and 24/7 incitement of a Race War.

Their Ferguson coverage especially, was shamefully over-the-top. A blatant attempt at inciting racial division. Both Networks' credibility are shot. Fox News will continue to crush them.
The right is so obsessed with MSNBC. Nobody watches it guys. Calm down :thup:
Kinda like the left is obsessed with Fox? Except their viewership is high.

Fox can definitely mobilize the moron segment. Not that that's very hard to do.
Jealousy is a terrible trait

Yeah, it's a very ugly trait for sure. Fox News is annihilating CNN & MSNBC. It has been for many years. And that's obviously very upsetting for Communists/Progressives. All CNN (Communist News Network) and MSNBC are known for now is their shameful Democrat bootlicking and 24/7 incitement of a Race War.

Do you own stock in Fox or are you using this as some kind of hooray-for-our-side validation?

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