Woman calls cops cause a dog humped her dog in park.

Dear Lord stupid women annoy me. Especially known it all pathetic white metoo women.

Hi owl,

" Dear Lord stupid women annoy me. Especially known it all pathetic white metoo women. "

Will you please care to expound on what that means? Seriously, I'd like to know.

The moron OP could not bear the thought of a white person being a total moron, so he had to fantasize that she is a liberal woman who was motivated by the “me too” movement. That way he can save face.

Says a politically correct moron

You're really good at calling Folks names.

You must be proud.

All progressives are fucked in the head… They deserve it

Dear Lord stupid women annoy me. Especially known it all pathetic white metoo women.

Hi owl,

" Dear Lord stupid women annoy me. Especially known it all pathetic white metoo women. "

Will you please care to expound on what that means? Seriously, I'd like to know.

The moron OP could not bear the thought of a white person being a total moron, so he had to fantasize that she is a liberal woman who was motivated by the “me too” movement. That way he can save face.

Says a politically correct moron

You're really good at calling Folks names.

You must be proud.

All progressives are fucked in the head… They deserve it

Apparently Rustic is Fluffer.
I wonder how many deranged metoo white American women object to the gender roles of lions.

I am actually surprised and I am certain one day one of these nutbags (they all smell too) will try to train lions to change their nature.

Could you imagine marrying some shit for brains like that?

We're i you, i'd be more worried about female snowy owls outweighting their male counterparts


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