Woman calls police over people flying flags at park.

She claims that flying American flags is an act of "intimidation".

The woman's thought processes are hilarious.

She states she has the right to speak her mind because she's an American, but is intimidated by the American Flag.
She asks the officer how many people are allowed in the public park ... Like he should have said she was free to leave if she thought there were too many.

It identifies the actual problem in both cases in that she believes her own thoughts and presence are more significant than anyone else's for some reason.
It's what happens when folks started passing out participation trophies, and people began to think they have some intrinsic value absent any scale of comparison.

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She claims that flying American flags is an act of "intimidation".

Another liberal mental meltdown. Why do all of these crazy liberals feel the need to publicly showcase their mental fragility?

TDS in the late stages....that's what it is, and I'm afraid we will see more and more cases like that after Trump wins the election in a couple of days! :2up: :muahaha:
What a conservative whackjob. Feeling intimidated by an American Flag. These conservatives think their rights matter but not the rights of those that don’t agree with them. God bless the liberals.
Did the law actually show up? If they did, I hope that it was to arrest the woman for not having a more legitimate reason to dial 9-1-1.

God bless you always!!!


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