Woman Charged with Felony for Burning Homo Pride Flag


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Yep, you must bow and worship the alphabet cult.

Meanwhile, free speech:


Yep, you must bow and worship the alphabet cult.

Meanwhile, free speech:

View attachment 961788
you cant burn someone else's property if that is flag belonged to someone else then they should have been arrested too...damn lighting a flag on a building should be arson
you cant burn someone else's property if that is flag belonged to someone else then they should have been arrested too...damn lighting a flag on a building should be arson
Agree .. you can't destroy someone else's property; however, how is it determined to be a hate crime? Who determines what "hate" is?

What if an individual doesn't like a pride flag? Is dislike and hate the same thing? How many other scenarios would this mentality apply to outside of trans, gay and blacks?
Usually, the protestors burning them bought them at the store.
Usually a mob is out and about and grab them off private property or even worse government property and that’s desecrating All of US.
Burning the American Flag is a hate crime against nationality.

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U.S. Department of Justice

Hate Crimes | United States Department of Justice | Hate Crimes

  • Hate
  • Crime
  • Why Have Hate Crime Laws?
  • Why Report Hate Crimes?
  • Terminology
  • Hate Crime: At the federal level, a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. Bias or Hate Incident: Acts of prejudice that are not crimes and do not involve violence, threats, or property damage.
The actual crime would be the intentional damage or destruction of some other person’s property. Tossing in the phrase “as a hate crime” ought to be obviously rejected as a violation of free speech. It certainly doesn’t change the outcome of the actual crime one iota.
The actual crime would be the intentional damage or destruction of some other person’s property. Tossing in the phrase “as a hate crime” ought to be obviously rejected as a violation of free speech. It certainly doesn’t change the outcome of the actual crime one iota.
And really it’s not speech
It’s an action, a physical aggression.
Yep, you must bow and worship the alphabet cult.

Meanwhile, free speech:

View attachment 961788

She should have burned down a police precinct at a BLM peaceful protest, firebombed a federal courthouse with Antifa in tow, or threatened to guillotine Joe Biden at a Hamas event.

Silly person.

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