Pride flag desecration is a hate crime

That’s not true.

If you stole an American flag and destroyed it in public you would only be charged with the theft of the flag. If that.
How do you know? All that's is supposition. Do you know what supposition is little guy? :itsok:
Any flag that belongs to you. That's what I said.

Learn to read you dumb bitch. You're just repeating what I said except you're saying it stupider because you can't burn just any flag. Burning flags that don't belong to you is a crime.
You have no room to question anyone’s intelligence
If someone stole an American flag and burned it as a sign of protest, there would be no charges relating to the desecration of that stolen flag. There may be a charge of theft, but even that’s unlikely.
If someone stole an American flag and burned it as a sign of protest, there would be no charges relating to the desecration of that stolen flag. There may be a charge of theft, but even that’s unlikely.
Well right there you are admitting they were burning it in protest is the US and not out of ethnic hate for Americans. With that being the case why should they be charged with a hate crime?
What does stealing a flag have to do with whether or not desecrating it is a hate crime?

Because all hate crimes start with a crime ... if there's no crime, then there's no hate crime ...

Hate is protected under the 1st Amendment ... crime is not ...
Homeless on a sidewalk? Roflmao
You find something funny about homelessness? Figures. Your buddies in one thread laughing about teachers raping students. You laughing at the homeless. You guys are quite the party. 😄
Gummit phone, next to a library?
What's a gummit phone? Did you have a stroke in the middle of typing that? Have you fallen and you can't get up? Do you need assistance?
You find something funny about homelessness? Figures. Your buddies in one thread laughing about teachers raping students. You laughing at the homeless. You guys are quite the party. 😄

What's a gummit phone? Did you have a stroke in the middle of typing that? Have you fallen and you can't get up? Do you need assistance?

Dude shut up. You're being played and too stupid to realize it

At the end of the day? I still think you're an idiot
Because all hate crimes start with a crime ... if there's no crime, then there's no hate crime ...

Hate is protected under the 1st Amendment ... crime is not ...
So then how is burning one flag a hate crime, but protected free speech to burn another?
You guys sure can take some wild swings.
It was your made up scenario Dipshit. You could of made up a better one. 😄
Tell me how that was stupid? All Ive done is expose your idiotic hypocrisy.
No. All you've done is continue to fail to understand the distinction between burning your flag and burning someone else or between doing so out of hate rather than in protest of government policies. Also there's this.

Man Charged With Hate Crime for Burning Flag of Country That Protects Flag-Burning

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