Woman claiming to be a doctor says "Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy"

We arent talking about legislative action and you know that. We are talking about a man and woman who have conceived a child and the father having no rights within the law to say one way or another if the mother aborts the child.
The way it works is that you get pregnant, and the State raises your child.

By the way, men are always fertile, women aren't, so who's in charge of pregnancy prevention?
Both, but the woman has the choice to either keep her legs crossed and her pants on. She also has the choice to use contraception, protection or the morning-after pill if she slips up. If she decides to kill the offspring, she is a MURDERER plain and simple and the man has NO say in that decision according the democrats.
Well I haven't heard yet about a women getting pregnant due to a BJ, hand-job or having it the Greek way. That is why I stated intercourse in my previous post. ;)
LMAO. "Talk" is a four letter word, ending in K that means the same as intercourse.
She is right and someone with a PhD is a Doctor. Always has been. I worked in healthcare and education until I retired. I have never heard anyone question if a PhD is a doctor or not until the moron Trumpsters found out Bidens wife was a PhD.
Well maybe you should have come out from under your rock more often. I have known many PhDs that have gotten their diplomas from diploma mills mail order and I am sure you have too. Doctor LMAO Jill's dissertation has been used as comedy a number of times.
Legislative action determines what becomes law. Much more relevant to the discussion than your nonsense.
But its not the discussion we were having and you know that. If you wanted to have that discussion Id be happy to do that. You decided to start talking about something completely different and didnt let anyone else in the conversation know.
" Mentally Challenged Peanut Galleries "

* Obvious Legal Understanding For Dummies *

If you fall into a coma, can I stab you to death?
Any individual has completed a requirement of live birth and can be a citizen , by us 14th amendment .

By equitable doctrine , any individual has completed a live birth requirement and is therefore entitled to equal protection with a citizen .

The equal protection of laws with a citizen includes due process of law , whether due process is to remove a wright to life of an individual in a coma , or whether due process is to remove a wright to life of an individual which has removed a wright to life of another individual .
" Hue Mammon "

* Great Apes *

All stages in HUMAN LIFE. None of those, in the course of natural development, will become a horse or a dinosaur or a television.

  • Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
  • A trisomy is a chromosomal condition characterised by an additional chromosome.
  • A person with a trisomy has 47 chromosomes instead of 46.
  • Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome are the most common forms of trisomy.

" Hue Mammon "

* Great Apes *


  • Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
  • A trisomy is a chromosomal condition characterised by an additional chromosome.
  • A person with a trisomy has 47 chromosomes instead of 46.
  • Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome are the most common forms of trisomy.

How is it you claim to have all of this genetic knowledge and ironically you don't know how to spell "right" opting instead for "wright" What is a "wright"?
Well maybe you should have come out from under your rock more often. I have known many PhDs that have gotten their diplomas from diploma mills mail order and I am sure you have too. Doctor LMAO Jill's dissertation has been used as comedy a number of times.
Yea, sure that is it. I have never read her dissertation. Can you copy it or a link?
" Mentally Challenged Peanut Galleries "

* Obvious Legal Understanding For Dummies *

Any individual has completed a requirement of live birth and can be a citizen , by us 14th amendment .

By equitable doctrine , any individual has completed a live birth requirement and is therefore entitled to equal protection with a citizen .

The equal protection of laws with a citizen includes due process of law , whether due process is to remove a wright to life of an individual in a coma , or whether due process is to remove a wright to life of an individual which has removed a wright to life of another individual .


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