Woman Decapitated In Mexico For Posting On Internet


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Woman Decapitated In Mexico For Posting On Internet


"Police found a woman's decapitated body in a Mexican border city on Saturday, alongside a handwritten sign saying she was killed in retaliation for her postings on a social networking site.

The gruesome killing may be the third so far this month in which people in Nuevo Laredo were killed by a drug cartel for what they said on the internet.

Earlier this month, a man and a woman were found hanging dead from an overpass in Nuevo Laredo with a similar message threatening "this is what will happen" to internet users."

politicians want.

Is everyone afraid of posting now? The people in Mexico should be able to call the American Border Patrol's (800) numbers to report.
Reply to me:

There are a number of reports of large numbers of bloggers and, of course, journalists, being assassinated and disappeared all around the world in numerous countries.

There are several organisations who track the tragic events and keep and publish stats on the problem.

Majority of journalists and posters write against drug cartels, frauds and scams, criminals.

Pornography and prostitution dominates drug cartels, frauds and scams, criminals.

So porn and prostitution is responsible for assassination and disappearance of journalists and posters all around the world in numerous countries.
I think her killing had to do with what she posted not the fact that she posted.

What really bothers me is that 2,000 kids a day go missing in America and Mexico is the biggest supplier of children to international pedophile rings.

The United Nations list Mexico as the number one center for the supply of young children to international pedophile organizations.

An estimated 800,000 children are reported missing each year – more than 2,000 children every day. http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PageServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US&PageId=4362
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And these are the people that our politicians were trying to tell us that they're sooo, peaceful! Yeah right the lying :eusa_liar: bastards!

Police find decapitated body of Mexico newspaper editor

"The editor of a Mexican newspaper was found dead, her body decapitated and with a note next to it."

Earlier this month, attackers left ominous threats mentioning two websites on signs beside mutilated bodies in northern Mexico.

A woman was hogtied and disemboweled. Attackers left her topless, dangling by her feet and hands from a bridge in the border city of Nuevo Laredo. A bloodied man next to her was hanging by his hands, his right shoulder severed so deeply the bone was visible.

Signs left near the bodies declared the pair, both apparently in their 20s, were killed for posting denouncements of drug cartel activities."
Pornography and prostitution dominates drug cartels, frauds and scams, criminals and sex maniacs.

But who are the buyers for expensive drugs?

Many prostitutes earn $50,000 per night and many call girls, prostitutes, pornography stars and porn actors earn $10,000 per session/ night.

Many porn stars and prostitutes have highly expensive cars. But 3 billion people walk 10 miles or 20 miles everyday.

3 Billion people survive on $2 every day.

Read this:

One client "dropped a stunning $170,000 for its steamy services," the New York Post reported. Wall Street Prostitution Ring.

17 people have been indicted "on charges of running a high-end prostitution ring that catered to Wall Street clients who often spent more than $10,000 in a night," according to Reuters, via Zerohedge.

The illegal ring, which is called High Class NY, earned its overseers more than $7 million over a three year period.

High Class operated 24 hours a day from Brooklyn, and catered strictly to "high-end customers coming from the financial markets," many of whom were hedge funders.

Services cost clients anywhere between $400 to $3,600 an hour, Reuters reported, and clients were reportedly even provided with cocaine.

17 People Were Just Busted For Running A Wall Street Prostitution Ring
Woman Decapitated In Mexico For Posting On Internet


"Police found a woman's decapitated body in a Mexican border city on Saturday, alongside a handwritten sign saying she was killed in retaliation for her postings on a social networking site.

The gruesome killing may be the third so far this month in which people in Nuevo Laredo were killed by a drug cartel for what they said on the internet.

Earlier this month, a man and a woman were found hanging dead from an overpass in Nuevo Laredo with a similar message threatening "this is what will happen" to internet users."


If you know what gets your head cut off, don't do it. What did she post? You have to be careful what you post here also because the men in black will show up at your door and free speech goes out the window.
Woman Decapitated In Mexico For Posting On Internet


"Police found a woman's decapitated body in a Mexican border city on Saturday, alongside a handwritten sign saying she was killed in retaliation for her postings on a social networking site.

The gruesome killing may be the third so far this month in which people in Nuevo Laredo were killed by a drug cartel for what they said on the internet.

Earlier this month, a man and a woman were found hanging dead from an overpass in Nuevo Laredo with a similar message threatening "this is what will happen" to internet users."


If you know what gets your head cut off, don't do it. What did she post? You have to be careful what you post here also because the men in black will show up at your door and free speech goes out the window.

Yeah, I'm wondering that too...what did she post?

As for journalists, they need not be fighting against drug lords or crime or anything else...they just need to report what happens, not put their own slant on it. That might help their longevity. I can't stand biased news reporting, no matter what the story is about.
Woman decapitated in Mexico for web posting

"The site prominently features tip hotlines for the Mexican army, navy and police, and includes a section for reporting the location of drug gang lookouts and drug sales points _ possibly the information that angered the cartel.

The message found next to her body on the side of a main thoroughfare referred to the nickname the victim purportedly used on the site, “La Nena de Laredo,” or “Laredo Girl.” Her head was found placed on a large stone piling nearby.

“Nuevo Laredo en Vivo and social networking sites, I’m The Laredo Girl, and I’m here because of my reports, and yours,” the message read. “For those who don’t want to believe, this happened to me because of my actions, for believing in the army and the navy. Thank you for your attention, respectfully, Laredo Girl…ZZZZ.”"

"Z" standing for Zeta Drug Cartel.
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Woman decapitated in Mexico for web posting

"It was unclear how the killers found out her real identity.

By late Saturday, the chat room at Nuevo Laredo en Vivo was abuzz with fellow posters who said they knew the victim from her online postings, and railing against the Zetas, a gang founded by military deserters who have become known for mass killings and gruesome executions.

They described her as a frequent poster, who used a laptop or cell phone to send reports.

"Girl why didn't she buy a gun given that she was posting reports about the RatZZZ ... why didn't she buy a gun?" wrote one chat participant under the nickname "Gol.""
It won’t be long before Mexico resembles The Sudan, Bosnia or Somalia. If the corrupt Mexican politicians hadn’t of created the situation by taking drug cartel bribes and perks maybe their country wouldn’t be in the mess it’s in now.

The drug cartels are buying tanks, military weapons and Jet fighter jets. They’re a well-armed pirate army of hardened criminals. I’m sure they have crossed into America many times to collect debts and exterminate people.

Mexico needs a good civil war to eradicate the drug cartels from its country. Violence is only one of the few things in the world that have ever moved governments and taken over nations. It’s either let the thugs take over or fight back. Just don’t be looking to America for any handouts because we’re broke. Time to close the damn border, NOW!
I think her killing had to do with what she posted not the fact that she posted.

I happen to agree with this. She probably said some things that she shouldn't have.

Wow! Now THAT makes me feel a lot better.

I'm sorry...are we supposed to make YOU feel better??
How so...I'm here to post what my opinions and shit are, I'm not here to make sure if others are happy or not :rolleyes:
She probably talked openly about her postings and somebody talked about her. The ZZZs followed up, read her musings and then took action.

I doubt this was technical espionage, rather gossip gone awry.
The people in Mexico should be able to call the American Border Patrol's (800) numbers to report.

American Border patrol is not a government entity so exactly what are they going to do about it? If you are referring to ICE, exactly what are they going to do about murders occuring in Mexico?

"The site prominently features tip hotlines for the Mexican army, navy and police, and includes a section for reporting the location of drug gang lookouts and drug sales points _ possibly the information that angered the cartel.

Um it is probably a really stupid idea to report drug gang lookouts and drug sales points of the cartel if you like staying alive....that is what she did wrong.
oil turning a lot of tricks!


I guess in Mexico being a decent human being is wrong.
Wanting a safe environment for your family is wrong.
Warning other about the dangers is wrong.
Not obeying the Drug Cartels is wrong.

Its people like you who only want make the problem worse! It will never get better but that’s what you want isn’t it? You want your drug cartel buddies to take over and rule Mexico. You must be collecting a lot of money trying to spread your poisonous propaganda! You must be on the drug cartels payroll.
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