Woman loses ability to work because of comments about Dylan Mulvaney in U.S.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The LGBTQRSVPQRSWXYZ fascists........are destroying lives in Europe as well as here in the U.S....

A British woman complains about the idiot dylan mulvaney taking women's jobs, and now she can't be hired........

A man pretending to be a woman in the U.S. causes a British lesbian to lose her job....and her ability to work....that is the U.K. and their insanity....

a British lesbian who took issue with a man – THAT man – modeling sports bras has been effectively backlisted from working.
This poor woman, by virtue of an office discussion that began over gender neutral toilets, is being literally denied employment opportunities over fears she might “misgender” someone in the course of her duties if she got hired. For the safety of transgenders, binaries, and alphabet soup sex types all over England, they’re canceling her before any damage can be done.

Her being a lesbian doesn’t count, because she’s not the right kind of lesbian (I mean, look – her hair isn’t even died a weird color.).

A social worker with 25 years experience has been told she cannot apply for more work after she questioned whether transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney was the right person to model sports bras for Nike.
Mother of two Louise Chivers, 52, has been told she cannot apply for social services jobs pending an investigation after a manager at Leicestershire County Council suggested there was a risk she “might misgender someone”.
It came after she described Mulvaney, who identifies as female, as “a skinny gay man with no t-ts” and accused the TikTok influencer of being a “misogynist who mocks women”during a recent training day.
She has now been referred to Social Work England, the body that regulates social workers, and the company that recruited her has launched an investigation.

So far, I’m not seeing anything to argue with as far as her statements go. They’re ringing 100% true.

Ms Chivers also sounds as if she’s put up with a fair amount of required attempted indoctrination on the job. Kudos to her for not blowing a gasket all over someone. It seems to me, in the face of such repeated insanity, you’d want the person working for you who was able to remain calm and level headed.

…Ms Chivers added: “I do have to bite my tongue in a lot of these training sessions, I once attended an ‘Alphabet Soup’ session run by Cambridgeshire County Council when a member of staff expressed concerns about people misgendering dogs.

That shithole has been a lost cause for quite some time. I worked for BP for many years and spent a lot of time over there... Chad and Nigeria were considered better duty than that muzzie fuck hole.
So far, I’m not seeing anything to argue with as far as her statements go. They’re ringing 100% true.

That explains the problem. Nothing triggers the Left more than a person speaking truth.

That shithole has been a lost cause for quite some time. I worked for BP for many years and spent a lot of time over there... Chad and Nigeria were considered better duty than that muzzie fuck hole.

During my visit there in 2006, on a driving trip I learned from my host that it's unheard of for a white person to even get our of their car in Blackburn. Huge disappointment, as I really wanted to see Blackburn.


During my visit there in 2006, on a driving trip I learned from my host that it's unheard of for a white person to even get our of their car in Blackburn. Huge disappointment, as I really wanted to see Blackburn.

The BP campus in Sunbury was woke before woke meant "dumb shit". 6 foot signs in the cafeteria with "Dolphin-friendly tuna"... yeah, not very friendly for the tuna. They paid obscene money for contractors so I put up with it. :)
The LGBTQRSVPQRSWXYZ fascists........are destroying lives in Europe as well as here in the U.S....

A British woman complains about the idiot dylan mulvaney taking women's jobs, and now she can't be hired........

A man pretending to be a woman in the U.S. causes a British lesbian to lose her job....and her ability to work....that is the U.K. and their insanity....

a British lesbian who took issue with a man – THAT man – modeling sports bras has been effectively backlisted from working.
This poor woman, by virtue of an office discussion that began over gender neutral toilets, is being literally denied employment opportunities over fears she might “misgender” someone in the course of her duties if she got hired. For the safety of transgenders, binaries, and alphabet soup sex types all over England, they’re canceling her before any damage can be done.

Her being a lesbian doesn’t count, because she’s not the right kind of lesbian (I mean, look – her hair isn’t even died a weird color.).

So far, I’m not seeing anything to argue with as far as her statements go. They’re ringing 100% true.

Ms Chivers also sounds as if she’s put up with a fair amount of required attempted indoctrination on the job. Kudos to her for not blowing a gasket all over someone. It seems to me, in the face of such repeated insanity, you’d want the person working for you who was able to remain calm and level headed.

Sounds like an idiot looking for attention. A bit like you.
She is an insurance risk. Its not a complicated issue.

No...she isn't ....she is guilty of wrong think.........one day tommy, the thought police will come for you too......but you are too stupid to understand how that works.......more than happy to give them power, too stupid to understand you will be in the cell next to this woman....
American transgender Sarah Ashton-Cirillo will become the official speaker of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for Western audiences. This is reported by the Ukrainian media.

The former man is already a serviceman of the Ukrainian army. Now Sarah Ashton-Cirillo will tell the residents of the United States and Europe about the course of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

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