Woman stabs other woman on NYC subway for simply staring at her

America's urban youth have gone feral and now live by the rules of the jungle. .. :cool:


We have to many crazy people that are allowed to roam around freely.

Some time ago I was on the subway when a 7 foot muscular crazy man started asking a passenger if he believed in god. The guy said no..so he pulled out a huge knife and said, "We've got 3 minutes to the next stop. You will start believing soon".

Fortunately no one was hurt..but I retold that story to a co-worker and he said that guy stabbed someone in the shoulder in a similar incident.

1st Rule of Subway Club. Do NOT Stare at other people in Subway Club.

New Yorkers know these rules from birth.

3rd Rule of the Subway Club. Walk away from the crazy lady talking to her self with a steak knife.

Good luck trying the whole walking thing on a downtown 6 train at 4 in the afternoon.
America's urban youth have gone feral and now live by the rules of the jungle. .. :cool:

It's not limited to urban youth. A substantial number of individuals have gone feral and live by the rules of the jungle.

New York Subway Death: Man Pushed to Oncoming Train in NYC, Yet Again | Fox News Latino

For the second time this month, a man found an abrupt death in a New York City subway tunnel Thursday night. A mumbling woman, who witnesses have described as "Hispanic," pushed the man in front of an incoming 7 train, in Queens, and fled.
The man was standing on the elevated platform at about 8 p.m. and when the train pulled into the tracks, the woman got up from a nearby bench and shoved him down, according to NYPD spokesman Paul Browne. The man, who has yet to be identified, had been standing with his back to her.

Ki Suk Han: NYC Man Pushed Onto Tracks As Oncoming Train Kills Him | Breaking News for Black America

Ki Suk Han was reportedly trying to protect fellow passengers from a “deranged” man who was allegedly harassing other passengers. At some point, the man pushed Han into the train tracks and the train hit him. A photographer from The Post was waiting on the platform at the time Han was pushed. He saw Han struggling to get back on the platform and even shot his flash repeatedly to get the train to slow.

Three People Stabbed On Parsons & Archer Subway Platform « CBS New York

Three people were stabbed Monday on the Parsons Boulevard and Archer Avenue subway platform in Queens.

The three victims — all males — were taken to Jamaica Hospital. CBS 2′s Derricke Dennis reported that the injuries are not considered life-threatening.

At least two other males fled the scene, officials said.
It's called "mad dogging"........not smart to eye-fuck somebody already in a mood for trouble....my advice? Don't make eye-contact with somebody who's fixin to stab somebody.....of course don't take your eye off em either...it's a judgement call. :D
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It's called "mad dogging"........not smart to eye-fuck somebody already in a mood for trouble....my advice? Don't make eye-contact with somebody who's fixin to stab somebody.....of course don't take your eye off em either...it's a judgement call. :D

its mostly tourists that run into trouble, or people new to the subway system. Most regular commuters get a sense of who is a twitcher, and steer clear of them.

That being said most twitchers are pretty harmless, and you can often get a vibe from the maleferous ones.
No one needs to really stare at someone, the assailant just has to think he or she is being stared at.
I think sometimes we are staring at someone without really realizing we are, or we think they don't notice that we're staring at them. But they do.

How many folks do you know who say they are "people watchers"?

Nothing wrong with being a people-watcher, but the trick is not to watch any one person for too long a time, you have to keep your gaze moving. And, if you notice someone looking back who looks kind of angry, don't even look at them at all anymore.

Duh. And I'm not even from New York, but I know better than to stare at people. I believe my Mom taught me that..."Don't stare...it's not polite!"
Oh, and to say that someone was stabbed "simply because they were staring at someone," is kind of bullshit. You don't "simply" stare at someone.

I'm not saying it's okay to stab someone who stares at you, however, staring is kind of passive aggressive behavior. If you're going to stare at people you need to be prepared for consequences. You might want to develop a wiser approach to survival in the midst of the madding crowd.
I'm so happy to be a recluse and live in a dinky town that has no subways. Or even sidewalks.
Rule number one in this world: NEVER,NEVER stare, never!

Eyes to the ground...particularly in an enclosed place.... if you must stare then no longer than 5 second stare.... people are nervy these times.... sometimes wearing sunshades is a good idea....

I'm serious.
Rule number one in this world: NEVER,NEVER stare, never!

Eyes to the ground...particularly in an enclosed place.... if you must stare then no longer than 5 second stare.... people are nervy these times.... sometimes wearing sunshades is a good idea....

I'm serious.

No no....never eyes to the ground...that denotes being dominated. I'm a GoJu Ryu instructor, well was back in the day. We teach to watch the middle of the opponent's chest....if he moves you'll see it without falling for a head-fake or shoulder-roll. Stare a hole in their chest outta the corner of your eye...but NEVER take your eyes off them completely...that's an invitation to an ambusher. :eusa_angel:

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