Woman Wears Camera To Capture The Harrassment She Endures By Black Men Walking In NYC

"Hello"??? "Have a nice night"??????

Why are these atrocities allowed to continue????

She might have caught some actual harassment, but if someone says "hello," it's not attempted rape.
She's a large breasted woman wearing a skin tight tee shirt and wonders why she is getting attention. Seriously?

Men do the same type of thing in Italy. They even go as far as pinching women on the bus or subway.

I am always surprised when a woman dresses provocatively, then is angry at the attention she has provoked. The video describes her as wearing a tee shirt and jeans, as if she is not dressed to attract attention, but she is quite large breasted and wearing a skin tight shirt: she's going to attract attention and she knows it. To pretend otherwise is disengenuous. I have the same physical characteristic and have always downplayed it so as not to attract attention I didn't want.
Oh please. Dowdy and aging Hilary Clinton types do not get cat calls. It was her fault since you dressed provocatively?

Here, where there are actually far more women attractive women, there is little of that shit. In American city centers where you would need a lasso to stop most women, this one must have been a relative 10. It is almost understandable.
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Most of the addresses weren't harassment. This clip was over a ten hour period so she actually got very little attention. The editing made it look like she couldn't walk a block without someone saying something.

The only disturbing aspect were the two men who actually followed her. They are black and that was uncalled for.
Do you know what sexual harassment is? Its when someone you find ugly compliments you
Exactly. President Obama kissed a woman last week and she didn't complain. Some low class men compliment this woman and she claims harassment.
It is amazing to me how many people here find acceptable the way these males behaved.

Some even blamed the female for the way she was dressed.

Just so they won't look "racist"
She's not even hot, lol. It had less to do with her and everything to do with guys being guys.

It is amazing to me how many people here find acceptable the way these males behaved.

Some even blamed the female for the way she was dressed.

Just so they won't look "racist"
No one is blaming her for the way she is dressed. But it is truly amazing that a woman will dress to attract attention and then get pissed off when she gets attention: like all these women saying men talk to their boobs. They talk to their boobs generally because the woman is wearing a low cut or tight top. I am not in the least small breasted, but I have always taken pains not to be stared at because I don't like it. It happens anyway, but if you are large breasted, as is the woman in the video, and you wear a low cut or skin tight top, as she is doing--skin tight top, you will get attention. If you don't like that attention, wear something else.
Most of the addresses weren't harassment. This clip was over a ten hour period so she actually got very little attention. The editing made it look like she couldn't walk a block without someone saying something.

The only disturbing aspect were the two men who actually followed her. They are black and that was uncalled for.
I actually agree with you, up to the point about the men being black. I've been followed like that, but not for as long as 5 minutes, mainly because, being on a city street with people around, I will stop and tell the man to stop following me. I will make a scene until he goes away. She didn't. She just let it happen because she had an agenda. Also, the men who have followed me were white, not black. In Italy and other places too, but mostly Italy. This is not about race, it's about culture. Within the black culture, this type of thing is more common.

In my 30s, I did a lot of long distance running. The catcall type of thing happened often. It's annoying, that's all. And the men doing it, because I lived in a medium size town in Oregon and the population is predominantly white, the men doing it were mostly white.

It's when they follow you that it can become creepy or even threatening.
...And then theres the other side. When women dont receive attention guess what...THAT TOO isnt fair.


"Injustice" or "not finding them attractive"..."harassment" or "normal courtship behavior"

Hey everyone has a slick definition nowadays
I saw this segment on CNN last night. Unfortunately, it harkens to a independent expose' another woman made about the very same thing. So I can't help but wonder how much of it was the woman wanting some fame and attention moreso than a legitimate attempt to call attention to the problem.
I would think just one inappropriate greeting or address would be enough to temporarily ruin some people's day, because they greatly enjoy privacy.
So I can't help but wonder how much of it was the woman wanting some fame and attention moreso than a legitimate attempt to call attention to the problem.
What problem??

The woman in the video is your typical Obamabot liberal twat who wants to change the dynamics between men and women which has existed for thousands of years.. ... :cool:

So I can't help but wonder how much of it was the woman wanting some fame and attention moreso than a legitimate attempt to call attention to the problem.
What problem??

The woman in the video is your typical Obamabot liberal twat who wants to change the dynamics between men and women which has existed for thousands of years.. ... :cool:


Rudeness in society is the problem. Used to be men would remove their hats passing a woman. Now they just make snide remarks and harass them.
Just listened to a segment on NPR on this. The host had a woman from Hollaback the company that produced the video. Since it was NPR you can guess what the opinions were. The host was appalled by the comments, and the woman from the production company was equally upset.
Apparently they believe even a simple greeting, if not solicited, is an unwelcome response.
I would not call most of the video "harassment". The guy walking beside her was pretty close to harassment. But I would call it highly annoying and just rude. And please, spare me the line that these guys were all just saying "Hi". Some of the men even called her on not acknowledging them as if she owes them something. Also, she was NOT dressed to kill or dressed in any provocative manner in the least. At the end of the day whether you choose to call this harassment or men just being rude, this woman has valid point.
The liberal twat in the video basically stacked the deck by strolling thur a predominately black section of the city.

White women are like cat nip to a black male.

So of course she was going to attract a lot of attention. ..... :cool:

I would not call most of the video "harassment". The guy walking beside her was pretty close to harassment. But I would call it highly annoying and just rude. And please, spare me the line that these guys were all just saying "Hi". Some of the men even called her on not acknowledging them as if she owes them something. Also, she was NOT dressed to kill or dressed in any provocative manner in the least. At the end of the day whether you choose to call this harassment or men just being rude, this woman has valid point.

I'm mixed on it. It wasn't "ten hours" of harassment as they imply, but there were some uncalled for comments, and some of the men do act slighted for not getting a reply out of her. She doesn't owe them anything, but when a person does give a polite greeting, to me it seems rude to not respond.
She doesn't owe them anything, but when a person does give a polite greeting, to me it seems rude to not respond.

I think a woman walking alone in the city is safer not to acknowledge these guys. The slightest bit of friendliness could backfire on her. Now if you're standing in line buying coffee and the guy behind you makes eye contact and says Hi, that's a different scenario. But this video shows her walking with a clear purpose on trying to get somewhere. I found it very annoying and somewhat condescending when the one guy says we're just saying Hi or tells her to smile. She's not stupid and neither are we. She knows there's an endgame here.

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