Woman who spouted racist comments at black women fired from $125,000 job she bragged about

Should these women be charged and/or sued?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Something else?

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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So it's getting to where several incidents a week of this are happening. The fact that others have been video taped and their racist behavior publicized doesn't seem to give these women pause before acting out so is there something else perhaps that we should or could do? I personally don't think until they are charged with one or more crimes or sued will it begin to sink in that what they're doing is harassment and a violations of the other party's rights in most cases.

Woman who spouted racist comments at black women fired from $125,000 job she bragged about

Woman who spouted racist comments at black women fired from $125,000 job she bragged about

6 Hours Ago
A white woman who told two black women "you don't belong" in a Charlotte, North Carolina, neighborhood where one of the women actually lives has been fired from her job following the social media notoriety her drunken rant brought her.

Susan Westwood, who bragged in the tirade about her $125,000 salary, was fired from Charter Communications over the weekend.

“The incident recorded in Charlotte is a blatant violation of Charter’s code of conduct and clearly disregards the company’s commitment to inclusion and respectful behavior,” a statement from Charter's parent company Spectrum Communication read. “As such, Ms. Westwood’s employment with the company has been terminated, effective immediately.”

The women were waiting for AAA to help with a car that wouldn't start when Westwood came over questioning what they were doing in the area and making racist and threatening comments.

"Is your baby daddy here?" Westwood can be heard saying in video one of the women started recording. Westwood also asks, "Do I need to bring out my concealed weapon?"

The incident happened on Oct. 19. Westwood reportedly approached the black women without provocation.

“You’re hanging around a place you don’t belong -- get out of here!” she told them.

On top of the firing, Westwood's rant earned her wide derision on social media and the nickname #SouthParkSusan, joining #BBQBecky and #PermitPatty in the pantheon of white women caught on video harassing black people for performing innocent tasks.

"I’ve been living here for over a year and I’ve never been treated this way. I’m a resident just like her," one of the African-American women told a police dispatcher.
What a shame that woman behaved like such an asshole. I hope she learned her lesson.
Okay, but how come nobody is going after crooked Hillary for joking recently about Blacks "not all of them look the same"? As usual the Left doesn't apply their own rules and outrage to themselves.

But, but, but... Hiiiiiiiilary!

Give it a rest, buddy. You sabotaged your own movement and the country because of your hate of this woman who did nothing to you personally
The hatred and lies emanated from the Left, and have continued. Any truly objective person can attest to that.

Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Don't mind JoeB131, he's wrong 997/1000 times.

He was right about something back in January. :aargh:

Idk about being fired for drunken FB posts, I'm of the opinion that shouldn't

happen. Even if you're a nasty ol' bitter racist. If they aren't on the job, shouldn't

Scum bag blames every possible thing on Trump. These people have been around forever but now suddenly Trump is making them act. Total bullshit by lying pos.
Same one-trick pony assholes that marched during Reagan, then Bush, are now marching because of Trump, complaining about the same exact things.
K I watched this and did a bit of research--she is currently jobless and evicted. So much for her great life now. I hate to take joy in anyone's demise but man.....she of anyone really deserves it. Who is she to roll up on two sisters minding their own business and demand they account for themselves? What the heck is going on? Who cares if she's white--what does that matter? She has absolutely no control over that. So the heck what? She's also nasty and stupid, and she can control those things. Heavy on the nasty.

She's 51 years old and learning a really hard lesson.

Unfortunately there is nothing extraordinary about this woman's behavior nor any of the other ones other than the fact that current technology allows the documentation and publishing of their incidents whereas previously we (black people) were never believed when we attempted to report on these types of incidents. Essentially it came down to "No photos, video or audio recordings? It didn't happen"

There is the possibity that this particular idiot is facing criminal charges.
Anybody watch that video at the link? lol. Crazy bitch. lolol.

Yet these people have been coming out of the woodwork since Trump took over... it's almost like someone is validating their open racism.

Before you guys said people like these were emboldened after Obama won. Now Trump. You’ll say the same thing with our next president. Do you kind of understand why normal people stopped taking you guys seriously?
So it's getting to where several incidents a week of this are happening. The fact that others have been video taped and their racist behavior publicized doesn't seem to give these women pause before acting out so is there something else perhaps that we should or could do? I personally don't think until they are charged with one or more crimes or sued will it begin to sink in that what they're doing is harassment and a violations of the other party's rights in most cases.

Woman who spouted racist comments at black women fired from $125,000 job she bragged about

Woman who spouted racist comments at black women fired from $125,000 job she bragged about

6 Hours Ago
A white woman who told two black women "you don't belong" in a Charlotte, North Carolina, neighborhood where one of the women actually lives has been fired from her job following the social media notoriety her drunken rant brought her.

Susan Westwood, who bragged in the tirade about her $125,000 salary, was fired from Charter Communications over the weekend.

“The incident recorded in Charlotte is a blatant violation of Charter’s code of conduct and clearly disregards the company’s commitment to inclusion and respectful behavior,” a statement from Charter's parent company Spectrum Communication read. “As such, Ms. Westwood’s employment with the company has been terminated, effective immediately.”

The women were waiting for AAA to help with a car that wouldn't start when Westwood came over questioning what they were doing in the area and making racist and threatening comments.

"Is your baby daddy here?" Westwood can be heard saying in video one of the women started recording. Westwood also asks, "Do I need to bring out my concealed weapon?"

The incident happened on Oct. 19. Westwood reportedly approached the black women without provocation.

“You’re hanging around a place you don’t belong -- get out of here!” she told them.

On top of the firing, Westwood's rant earned her wide derision on social media and the nickname #SouthParkSusan, joining #BBQBecky and #PermitPatty in the pantheon of white women caught on video harassing black people for performing innocent tasks.

"I’ve been living here for over a year and I’ve never been treated this way. I’m a resident just like her," one of the African-American women told a police dispatcher.
Let me ask your racist skank hide what they should be charged with? What law did she break? It's not against the law to be an idiot.
1. This is your cease and desist on addressing me personally since you can't keep your foul mouth to yourself. I don't have to tolerate the filthiness that you and others are directing towards me and this is your official legal warning.
2. You're not welcome to comment on my threads therefore continue to do so are your own peril
3. From the updated story
"Garris eventually did call police, and in the video indicated that she had to call twice because the first dispatcher hung up on her.

"Is she white, black, Hispanic or Asian," that dispatcher had asked among a series of other questions. The next responder told Garris that officers were on their way.

It's unclear if police ever responded to the parking lot, but Westwood is facing four criminal summonses for communicating threats and simple assault, NBC affiliate WCNC reported.​
4. Just because you're ignorant doesn't mean the rest of us are but keeping running your mouth and you may find out personally just what charges can be filed against racist trash
K I watched this and did a bit of research--she is currently jobless and evicted. So much for her great life now. I hate to take joy in anyone's demise but man.....she of anyone really deserves it. Who is she to roll up on two sisters minding their own business and demand they account for themselves? What the heck is going on? Who cares if she's white--what does that matter? She has absolutely no control over that. So the heck what? She's also nasty and stupid, and she can control those things. Heavy on the nasty.

She's 51 years old and learning a really hard lesson.


Maybe we should arrest Louis Farakhan for his Anti semitic remarks . Your double standard is showing here, maybe you should take your head out of your cloud of PC and wake up in the real world. I get called names by Black folks and they don't get arrested . Hell rappers make songs about killing cops and nobody does anything. The only reason LF is still alive after all this time is because he wants to be a Martyr, Maybe Bowers was a big LF supporter
So it's getting to where several incidents a week of this are happening. The fact that others have been video taped and their racist behavior publicized doesn't seem to give these women pause before acting out so is there something else perhaps that we should or could do? I personally don't think until they are charged with one or more crimes or sued will it begin to sink in that what they're doing is harassment and a violations of the other party's rights in most cases.

Woman who spouted racist comments at black women fired from $125,000 job she bragged about

Woman who spouted racist comments at black women fired from $125,000 job she bragged about

6 Hours Ago
A white woman who told two black women "you don't belong" in a Charlotte, North Carolina, neighborhood where one of the women actually lives has been fired from her job following the social media notoriety her drunken rant brought her.

Susan Westwood, who bragged in the tirade about her $125,000 salary, was fired from Charter Communications over the weekend.

“The incident recorded in Charlotte is a blatant violation of Charter’s code of conduct and clearly disregards the company’s commitment to inclusion and respectful behavior,” a statement from Charter's parent company Spectrum Communication read. “As such, Ms. Westwood’s employment with the company has been terminated, effective immediately.”

The women were waiting for AAA to help with a car that wouldn't start when Westwood came over questioning what they were doing in the area and making racist and threatening comments.

"Is your baby daddy here?" Westwood can be heard saying in video one of the women started recording. Westwood also asks, "Do I need to bring out my concealed weapon?"

The incident happened on Oct. 19. Westwood reportedly approached the black women without provocation.

“You’re hanging around a place you don’t belong -- get out of here!” she told them.

On top of the firing, Westwood's rant earned her wide derision on social media and the nickname #SouthParkSusan, joining #BBQBecky and #PermitPatty in the pantheon of white women caught on video harassing black people for performing innocent tasks.

"I’ve been living here for over a year and I’ve never been treated this way. I’m a resident just like her," one of the African-American women told a police dispatcher.
Isnt 2018 great? Just saying racist things towards blacks makes national headlines. Real injustices are obviously almost non existent, otherwise we would never even hear about this tame stuff.
K I watched this and did a bit of research--she is currently jobless and evicted. So much for her great life now. I hate to take joy in anyone's demise but man.....she of anyone really deserves it. Who is she to roll up on two sisters minding their own business and demand they account for themselves? What the heck is going on? Who cares if she's white--what does that matter? She has absolutely no control over that. So the heck what? She's also nasty and stupid, and she can control those things. Heavy on the nasty.

She's 51 years old and learning a really hard lesson.


Maybe we should arrest Louis Farakhan for his Anti semitic remarks . Your double standard is showing here, maybe you should take your head out of your cloud of PC and wake up in the real world. I get called names by Black folks and they don't get arrested . Hell rappers make songs about killing cops and nobody does anything. The only reason LF is still alive after all this time is because he wants to be a Martyr, Maybe Bowers was a big LF supporter

Hey genius...you will note I did NOT call for her arrest. Did you note that, or did you just go off on some tangent? Her being jobless is a free market decision; her being evicted is most likely because she caused such a ruckus for her apt complex. Both free market solutions. I'm not so sure about the government being involved here. Which is why I DID NOT CALL FOR HER ARREST.

One more thing: there is a great deal of difference between saying vile things in about big groups of people like LF does, and going up to two people in the dark, while they are minding their own business, and being vile to their faces. Make no mistake, I think racism is vile in all forms, but the latter is more pernicious. Still not worthy of arrest. But the former is general remarks while the latter is pernicious and personal--and the case can be made for harassment.
There's a long list of things that I didn't like about Reagan. I kind of chuckle whenever modern conservatives celebrate him. It really does reflect how badly conservatism has eroded over the years. It's not really that conservatism has been forgotten. It's just not been learned in the modern era. Some of the most rabid statists I know identify as conservative. I see it on here all the time.

Ah well. I have work to do.

There's only one reason why Modern Conservatives celebrate Reagan.

He's the only Republican since Ike who wasn't impeached, voted out of office or left the economy in ruins on the way out.

But your crazy obsession with the "State" is one of the biggest problems the modern GOP has, having let the crazy ass Libertarian sugar daddies have a say. Back in 1980, we laughed at the Libertarians as the loons they were.
Before you guys said people like these were emboldened after Obama won. Now Trump. You’ll say the same thing with our next president. Do you kind of understand why normal people stopped taking you guys seriously?

Except nobody said that these guys were emboldened by Obama.

Nor do I remember any mass bomber or shooter having "Hope" stickers all over the van he was living out of.
Okay, but how come nobody is going after crooked Hillary for joking recently about Blacks "not all of them look the same"? As usual the Left doesn't apply their own rules and outrage to themselves.

But, but, but... Hiiiiiiiilary!

Give it a rest, buddy. You sabotaged your own movement and the country because of your hate of this woman who did nothing to you personally
The hatred and lies emanated from the Left, and have continued. Any truly objective person can attest to that.

Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Don't mind JoeB131, he's wrong 997/1000 times.

He was right about something back in January. :aargh:
I doubt Joehammad ever knows what he's talking about. He just parrots leftist talking points.
True, but when he’s really on a roll he gets very creative with the lies.
Okay, but how come nobody is going after crooked Hillary for joking recently about Blacks "not all of them look the same"? As usual the Left doesn't apply their own rules and outrage to themselves.

But, but, but... Hiiiiiiiilary!

Give it a rest, buddy. You sabotaged your own movement and the country because of your hate of this woman who did nothing to you personally
The hatred and lies emanated from the Left, and have continued. Any truly objective person can attest to that.

Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Don't mind JoeB131, he's wrong 997/1000 times.

He was right about something back in January. :aargh:

Idk about being fired for drunken FB posts, I'm of the opinion that shouldn't

happen. Even if you're a nasty ol' bitter racist. If they aren't on the job, shouldn't

Scum bag blames every possible thing on Trump. These people have been around forever but now suddenly Trump is making them act. Total bullshit by lying pos.
Didn't you know? Trump is responsible for Global Warming!
There's a long list of things that I didn't like about Reagan. I kind of chuckle whenever modern conservatives celebrate him. It really does reflect how badly conservatism has eroded over the years. It's not really that conservatism has been forgotten. It's just not been learned in the modern era. Some of the most rabid statists I know identify as conservative. I see it on here all the time.

Ah well. I have work to do.

There's only one reason why Modern Conservatives celebrate Reagan.

He's the only Republican since Ike who wasn't impeached, voted out of office or left the economy in ruins on the way out.

But your crazy obsession with the "State" is one of the biggest problems the modern GOP has, having let the crazy ass Libertarian sugar daddies have a say. Back in 1980, we laughed at the Libertarians as the loons they were.

JoeB131..Total idiot.
K I watched this and did a bit of research--she is currently jobless and evicted. So much for her great life now. I hate to take joy in anyone's demise but man.....she of anyone really deserves it. Who is she to roll up on two sisters minding their own business and demand they account for themselves? What the heck is going on? Who cares if she's white--what does that matter? She has absolutely no control over that. So the heck what? She's also nasty and stupid, and she can control those things. Heavy on the nasty.

She's 51 years old and learning a really hard lesson.


Linkedin got her fired
I’m not bothered by a racist bitch losing her job.

Maybe her job involves supervision of others in which her racist bitch attitude affects her ability to do her job equitably.

Certain aspects of codes of conduct go beyond work hours.
And......as usual....its all Trumps fault that this woman is a moron. Oy.
I’m not bothered by a racist bitch losing her job.

Maybe her job involves supervision of others in which her racist bitch attitude affects her ability to do her job equitably.

Certain aspects of codes of conduct go beyond work hours.

But now she is jobless and homeless which is wrong

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